
Dear Leader annoints his son as successor

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Our immortal Dear Leader has made plans for his return to the celestial paradise from which he sprang and appointed his glorious son to run things on Earth during his temporary absence. Please join with me in giving praise and swearing total obedience to our future Dear Leader. May mystical humming birds rejoice and Spring flowers flower in the Spring.

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Dear Leader Kim..........what's not to love. I knew he had a lovely singing voice (his Ronry song is one of my favs), but I had no idea he was a great dancer too:

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There is nothing that man can't do. Our half rate Halfrican leader could learn a thing or two from comrade Kim, and I predict he will.

Ahhh, I love the smell of radioactive iodine clouds in the morning.

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This Dear Leader's son is born under one lucky star. Just think of the good fortune, to be born the son of such a great one.