
Dear Leader is an Intellectual and You Can Be One, Too!

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Are you an Intellectual? Can you scoff, point your finger, and look down on the bourgeoisie middle class masses with a sneer on your face? If the answer is yes, then congratulations, one day, you could become the President of the United States, or a member of his cabinet, or one of his czars.

Are you able to speak out on subjects about which you know absolutely nothing, with an air of conceit and condescension? Then you may have the qualifications necessary to become an Intellectual just like Dear Leader.

Nothing is more satisfying to the ego, that to point your finger, with an air of indignation and look down on an all American family. This is what an Intellectual does. He scoffs at people who drive SUVs. He scoffs at people who live in Ranch style homes, in the suburbs, and commute to work every day, leaving their wives at home to care for her own children. He scoffs at people who dare to question a legislator who demands that everyone be made to pay insurance and face fines, or go to jail for non-compliance. He scoffs at evil oil companies for producing one drop of pollution. He scoffs at people who don't recycle, because he is better than they. He cares more than they, and he is smarter than anyone.

We must all strive to be Intellectuals. Dear Leader needs as many Intellectuals in his camp as possible.

To read more about the history of Intellectuals and how they came to be, you can read this excerpt out of a book called "Hooking Up" by Tom Wolfe.

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Comrade Leninka

How right you are. But please do not let the proles think that they have the right to Think!

Proles are allowed to think only One Sentenced Party Approved Thinks. This is basic party rules.

Examples of one line thinks they are allowed to think:
"Bush is like, Hitler"
"Free Healthcare for All! Free Healthcare Now!"
"Sarah Palin is like, Stupid!"
"Rethuglikkkans want children without healthcare to like, die" (This one actually has more than the allowed quota of syllables)
"Hope and like, Change!"

All these Party Approved thinks have been authored and authorized by dedicated professionals.

Each think comes with a quota of Party Approved Indignation and a quota of Party Approved Condescension and is guaranteed to produce A Righteous Aura of Self Righteousness.



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{prog off}
CS Lewis wrote: The operation of The Green Book and its kind is to produce what may be called Men without Chests. It is an outrage that they should be commonly spoken of as Intellectuals. This gives them the chance to say that he who attacks them attacks Intelligence. It is not so. They are not distinguished from other men by any unusual skill in finding truth nor any virginal ardour to pursue her. Indeed it would be strange if they were: a persevering devotion to truth, a nice sense of intellectual honour, cannot be long maintained without the aid of a sentiment which Gaius and Titius could debunk as easily as any other. It is not excess of thought but defect of fertile and generous emotion that marks them out. Their heads are no bigger than the ordinary: it is the atrophy of the chest beneath that makes them seem so.

And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more 'drive', or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or 'creativity'. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

From "The Abolition of Man"

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Excellent. As a college student and a Komsomolka, I read articles written by overeducated snobs intellectualize all the time. And as Kommissarka of Grammar and Spelling, I am allowed to invent new words for the good of the Party(TM).

Some conservatives like myself are making a dangerous distinction between "true intellectuals" and those that are "overeducated" (how is that possible in our wonderful progressive education system?). This is not allowed! We must make it quite clear that when thoughtcriminals like Rush Limbaugh bash intellectuals, they mean ALL intellectuals. This will PROVE that all conservatives are stupid and backwards, and Party Members would do well to look down their nose at those Class Enemies(TM).

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Good Point esteemed Spell Chick Olga Katrina. We have far too many over educated idiots or as a physician friend of mine used to call them "paper assholes" burdening our society.

When the revolution comes we'll give them real life experiences just as Chairman Mao did. We'll march them off to the rice paddies.

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Spell Chick! Ha ha!

I am constantly amazed at how expendable helpful progressive intellectuals and the media are. Of course, once the revolution is complete, we will have to eliminate or brainwash re-educate them to prevent them from re-thinking their views when they see our true nature.

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"Can you scoff, point your finger, and look down on the bourgeoisie middle class masses with a sneer on your face?"
Yes, dear comrade! (at least that's what the late Mr. Pulloskies would tell me. Of course, he's now deceased... there was a nasty rumor that he passed on from consuming poisoned beets, but I swear, he wouldn't eat them)

"Are you able to speak out on subjects about which you know absolutely nothing, with an air of conceit and condescension?" Dear late husband had that down to perfection. (gag).

I must find my Progressive Approved Intellectual Certificate! Heil, Obama! spit spit

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Komsomolka Olga Katrina wrote:{off}
Spell Chick! Ha ha!

I hereby call upon the Party to create an Extraordinary Commission of Spelling and Grammer, the Spell Cheka and I nominate Komsomolka Olga Katrina as Chairman and First Chekist.


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That's an excellent idea, Comrade Whoopie. We must have more policing of all things, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, and especially dangling participles. I have a thing about dangling participles. No, those, we cannot have.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:
Komsomolka Olga Katrina wrote:{off}
Spell Chick! Ha ha!

I hereby call upon the Party to create an Extraordinary Commission of Spelling and [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]Grammer[/HIGHLIGHT], the Spell Cheka and I nominate Komsomolka Olga Katrina as Chairman and First Chekist.


Why, thank you! ...but... you misspelled 'Grammar' - oh! never mind! You were referring to, uh, the actor Kelsey Grammer! Yes, that's it. My mistake. *scratches head, laughs nervously*

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Obamugabe wrote:Comrade Leninka

How right you are. But please do not let the proles think that they have the right to Think!

Proles are allowed to think only One Sentenced Party Approved Thinks. This is basic party rules.

Examples of one line thinks they are allowed to think:
"Bush is like, Hitler"
"Free Healthcare for All! Free Healthcare Now!"
"Sarah Palin is like, Stupid!"
"Rethuglikkkans want children without healthcare to like, die" (This one actually has more than the allowed quota of syllables)
"Hope and like, Change!"

All these Party Approved thinks have been authored and authorized by dedicated professionals.

Each think comes with a quota of Party Approved Indignation and a quota of Party Approved Condescension and is guaranteed to produce A Righteous Aura of Self Righteousness.



Thank you Obamugabe. Coming from a dictator clear over in Africa, you are much in tune with these expressions of indignation. This is most certainly a library upon which to build. Of course, all expressions will be confiscated for the collective to share and share alike.

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Obamugabe wrote:{prog off}
CS Lewis wrote: The operation of The Green Book and its kind is to produce what may be called Men without Chests. It is an outrage that they should be commonly spoken of as Intellectuals. This gives them the chance to say that he who attacks them attacks Intelligence. It is not so. They are not distinguished from other men by any unusual skill in finding truth nor any virginal ardour to pursue her. Indeed it would be strange if they were: a persevering devotion to truth, a nice sense of intellectual honour, cannot be long maintained without the aid of a sentiment which Gaius and Titius could debunk as easily as any other. It is not excess of thought but defect of fertile and generous emotion that marks them out. Their heads are no bigger than the ordinary: it is the atrophy of the chest beneath that makes them seem so.

And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more 'drive', or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or 'creativity'. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

From "The Abolition of Man"

"The Chest-Magnanimity-Sentiment—these are theindispensable liaison officers between cerebral man and visceralman. It may even be said that it is by this middle element that man isman: for by his intellect he is mere spirit and by his appetite mereanimal."(From "The Abolition of Man"

Yes, for Comrade Zero and the Democrats, Magnanimity consists of spending other people's money.

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Dear Leninka,

I'm so sorry to bother you with this, but, I need to change my email address on the Cube. My old one was hijacked and I can't seem to figure out where to go on the Cube to change it. Since I can't access my old email address, no communications get to me. Since you're involved with housekeeping, and all, I wondered if you can help. I'll check back here later to see your response. I'd give you my alternate email, but, I'm not sure this is appropriate. If I must, I will.
Thanks in advance for your trouble. I remain your loyal comrade!

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Komsomolka Olga Katrina wrote:you misspelled 'Grammar' - oh! never mind! You were referring to, uh, the actor Kelsey Grammer! Yes, that's it. My mistake. *scratches head, laughs nervously*

Ah you see? This is why we need a secret police force and you've just proven that you are the only Prog for the job.

As far as the misspelling, I blame sabotage, the very thing the Cheka was created to combat. Yes, someone has sabotaged our glorious spell checking function in the text editor. The people responsible must be brought to justice. Komsomolka, leave no stone unturned in your quest.

(Personally I think Fraulein P. needs to be interrogated and a show trial scheduled, I'm already compiling a list of her crimes against the State)

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(prog... off?)

"Moral Indignation is a technique used to endow the Idiot with dignity."

Man, I gotta put that on a t-shirt, coffee mug, bumper sticker, or SOMETHING!!!!

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Pamalinsky wrote:Image
Dear Leninka,

I'm so sorry to bother you with this, but, I need to change my email address on the Cube. My old one was hijacked and I can't seem to figure out where to go on the Cube to change it. Since I can't access my old email address, no communications get to me. Since you're involved with housekeeping, and all, I wondered if you can help. I'll check back here later to see your response. I'd give you my alternate email, but, I'm not sure this is appropriate. If I must, I will.
Thanks in advance for your trouble. I remain your loyal comrade!

Go to your profile page. As long as you are logged in, you should be able to change it there. You can get to it at the top of the GroupThink page.


I just went to the GroupThink page and it's now called "Your Personnel file"

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Can you scoff, point your finger, and look down on the bourgeoisie middle class masses with a sneer on your face? Are you able to speak out on subjects about which you know absolutely nothing, with an air of conceit and condescension?

Why, I'm doing all of these things right this very minute!!!
I find the air of conceit and condescension allows you to do anything...even explain how cutting $500,000,000,000 from Medicare while adding 30,000,000 illegals to the rolls will cut the deficit to Paul Ryan(R-WI)!

Wall Street Journal "Dissecting The Real Cost Of ObamaCare"

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"Whenever someone says, 'I'm not book-smart; I'm street smart,' all I hear is 'I'm not real smart; I'm imaginary smart.'" --Gwen Gisiner on

I think we got a "street smart" president. Chicago is a deep well of that kind of knowledge!

Can I get the Spell Cheka to check out the use of my quotation marks? (Shh...It's better to invite the detective to the party, than to wait for the detective to knock on your post in the middle of the night!)

Quotation marks look good to me!

-Komradka Olga

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Being an intellectual snob, of course is not for everyone. But when it comes to explaining the benefits of health care, it's invaluable. In fact, it may well be that the passage of this health care bill is going to depend on the collective efforts of bribed indignant congressional representatives and how much intellectual superiority they can throw at the masses. Of course the intellectual superiority of Katie Couric, Keith Olbermann, Rachael Maddow and others will also come in handy.

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In fact, it may well be that the passage of this health care bill is going to depend on the collective efforts of bribed indignant congressional representatives and how much intellectual superiority they can throw at the masses.

Joe Stomach-scratcher says, "Ignorance is bliss! Just hand me my free flat screen TV and keep all that high falutin mumbo jumbo to yourself. Hand me the remote, would ya? WWF is about to start."

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My Comrades

Comrade KOK cannot be the spelling police unless she has real power. I therefore suggest we give her the power of Instant End Of Life Counselling for spelling [HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff]offinders[/HIGHLIGHT].


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Obamugabe wrote:My Comrades

Comrade KOK cannot be the spelling police unless she has real power. I therefore suggest we give her the power of Instant End Of Life Counselling for spelling [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]offinders[/HIGHLIGHT].


, Comrade Dictator, Offenders!!

No matter. I will assume it was a joke and let it go because of your support for giving me more power...

Honestly, you pranksters are going to make me run out of red ink before I get to the mysterious spell-check saboteur (no doubt a neo-CON operative intent on making us look bad). Then again, I suppose I can always gag him with red tape... we have plenty of that around here, da?

-Komradka Olga

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Dear Marx, it's worse than I thought, now Obamugabe's Afrikaner accent is leaking through the spell check filter.

Seriously, that Pulloski's person is the worst offender. She bears watching comrades.

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I hate to be the "stick in the mud" here, but since we are all Made Progs, and "The Truth starts THIS MORNING", dosen't that mean the common spelling 'rules' are also beneath us? I maen, whi holdd arselvz too succh redickuluss standerdz? Kommradz! Spellling Rulz AR FORR RIPUBBLIKKINZ! Becuz Iy sed SOE.

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I seriously think the Frau is not all she pretends to be.
-- Her German accent is totally faux
-- She looks like a man in drag on her avatar.
-- She calls herself Fraulein the one moment ant the next she tells us of her late husband.
-- She spells like a grade 12 public school student.

I really think Komsomolka Whatshername should investigate!

One Impostor One Bullet!


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Comrade Zarzar

Only Dear Leaders (like me and Obamessiah) have the ability to create truth. You may be a Made Prog, but you still have some way to go.


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Obamugabe wrote:I seriously think the Frau is not all she pretends to be.
-- Her German accent is totally faux
-- She looks like a man in drag on her avatar.
-- She calls herself Fraulein the one moment ant the next she tells us of her late husband.
-- She spells like a grade 12 public school student.

I really think Komsomolka Whatshername should investigate!

One Impostor One Bullet!


Hmm, yes... very suspicious... perhaps I'll have a look at the Secret Police's dossier on Fraulein (WHERE'S THE UMLAUT?!?) Pulloskies!

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She has been on my watch list for quite some time, now. One more infraction, spelling, punctuation, or otherwise, and I may have to recommend her to the proper authorities for a show trial.

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I just went to the GroupThink page and it's now called "Your Personnel file"[/quote]

That WORKED! I, Pamalinsky, am BAAACK! Thank you!

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Hi, Fraulein Pulloskies, it's me, Pamalinsky! The Politbureau is about to do their traditional "give you the business" routine. It's a rite of passage here on the Cube. At least, that's how I see it. They did the same thing to me. I can see it coming for you. I risk a great deal telling you this, but, I want to do the right thing! I will probably be blocked from the Cube now. Good luck! I have always enjoyed your input!

User avatar
Well, I may have that "one more infraction" you're seeking, Leninka. I seem to recall on another thread I asked the good Fraulein to start a Vodka Party and that she could rack up some serious brownie Pinkie points doing so.

But where is it? I might say I can't take credit for something that doesn't even exist, but since I happen to be a high-ranking Party member, it just so happens I can. Will. Am.

But if others ask to see it, then SHE'S the one in trouble!

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Vodka Party? Did you say Vodka Party? What, she didn't start a Vodka Party? And she missed an opportunity to rack up Pinkie points! Well, I never.

Fraulein Pulloskies,

Where is the Vodka Party you are supposed to start! I just confiscated a dress from Czar Czar's closet just for such an occasion. And don't forget the diluted beet punch for lesser proles, so as to leave more full strength shots for the rest of us.

User avatar
Don't worry Fraulein Pulloskes, I, Pamalinsky, gotcha covered!
Just offer the Politbureau this!
Image They'll be drinking out of your hand. I know them! It's raspberry, sparkling FRENCH vodka! (the "raspberry" part has considerable significance) Trust me, and I learned this from Theocritus, who has used this "sparkly" misdirection quite successfully to control his houseboy, Bruno (he used a revolving ball of light-catching plastic jewels). The sparkly part will distract them from any "shortcomings" they may try to lay on you. Don't fall for it. They'll go for anything French. The fact that it looks like a bottle of cheap cologne, or dish-washing liquid or perhaps an air-freshener, will make it even more appealing to them (most equal functions for a most equal bottle, and quite gender-non-specific as well! A home run!).

Have fun, dear Fraulein! Et, bon chance!

User avatar
Now I don't mean to take your mind off of a vodka party, but these Reich Wing Economists like Thomas Sowell really get my goat. And to think that he is of my race, I'm embarrassed to say.

This man has written a book called "Intellectuals and Society." I have confiscated an article from the National Review about it:

January 5, 2010 12:00 A.M. (Author not named) <br>Intellectuals and Society
Ideas have consequences, for good or ill.

"There has probably never been an era in history when intellectuals haveplayed a larger role in society. When intellectuals who generate ideasare surrounded by a wide range of others who disseminate those ideas —whether as journalists, teachers, staffers to legislators or clerks tojudges — the influence of intellectuals on the way a society evolvescan be huge. Trying for years to understand the nature of thatinfluence eventually led me to write the book Intellectuals andSociety, which has just been published.

Intellectuals generate ideas and ideas matter, whether those ideas are right or wrong, and they matter far beyond the small segment of society who are intellectuals. Ideas affect the fate of whole nations and civilizations. Nowhere is that more true than in our own times, when some people make suicidal attacks to kill strangers who have done nothing to them, as on 9/11, because the attackers are consumed with a set of ideas — a vision — and driven by the emotions generated by those ideas and that vision.

Whether in war or peace, and whether in economics or religion, something as intangible as ideas can dominate the most concrete things in our lives. What Karl Marx called “the blaze of ideas” has set whole nations on fire and consumed whole generations.

Those whose careers are built on the creation and dissemination of ideas — the intellectuals — have played a role in many societies out ofall proportion to their numbers. Whether that role has, on balance,made those around them better off or worse off is one of the key questions of our times.

The quick answer is that intellectualshave done both. [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]But certainly, during the 20th century, it is hard toescape the conclusion that intellectuals have on balance made the worlda worse and more dangerous place. Scarcely a mass-murdering dictator of the 20th century was without his supporters, admirers, or apologists among the leading intellectuals — not only within his own country, butin foreign democracies, where intellectuals were free to say whatever they wanted.[/HIGHLIGHT]

Given the enormous progress made during the 20thcentury, it may seem hard to believe that intellectuals did so littlegood as to have that good outweighed by their wrong-headed notions. Butmost of those who promoted the scientific, economic, and social advances of the 20th century were not really intellectuals in the sense in which that term is most often used.

The Wright brothers, who fulfilled the centuries-old dream of human beings flying, were by nomeans intellectuals. Nor were those who conquered the scourge of polioand other diseases, or who created the electronic marvels that we nowtake for granted.

All these people produced a tangible product or service and they were judged by whether those products and services worked. But intellectuals are people whose end products are intangibleideas, and they are usually judged by whether those ideas sound good toother intellectuals or resonate with the public. Whether their ideasturn out to work — whether they make life better or worse for others —is another question entirely.

The ideas that Karl Marx created in the 19th century dominated the course of events over wide portionsof the world in the 20th century. Whole generations suffered, and millions were killed, as a result of those ideas. This was not Marx's intention, nor the intentions of many supporters of Marxian ideas in countries around the world. But it is what happened.

[HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]Some of the most distinguished intellectuals in the Western world in the 1930s gaveringing praise to the Soviet Union, while millions of people there were literally starved to death and vast numbers of others were beingshipped off to slave-labor camps.[/HIGHLIGHT]

Many of those same distinguished intellectuals of the 1930s were urging their own countries to disarm while Hitler was rapidly arming Germany for wars of conquest that would have, among other things, put many of those intellectuals in concentration camps — slated for extermination — if he had succeeded.

[HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]The 1930s were by no means unique. In too many other eras — including our own — intellectuals of unquestionable brilliance have advocated similarly childish and dangerous notions. Howand why such patterns have existed among intellectuals is a challengingquestion, whose answer can determine the fate of millions."[/HIGHLIGHT]

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[quote="Leninka"]Now I don't mean to take your mind off of a vodka party, but these Reich Wing Economists like Thomas Sowell really get my goat. And to think that he is of [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]my race[/HIGHLIGHT], I'm embarrassed to say.[quote]

Scuse ME?

<off>Thomas Sowell is the man I read when I wanna get calm. He is the epitome of what the best of[HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00][HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff] [/HIGHLIGHT]the whole human race[/HIGHLIGHT] has to offer. I love him! Just sayin'. There's a reason his last name rhymes with SOUL. And, it ain't just because he's black.

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Comrade Pamalinsky,

Nothing makes black people like me more angry that a black person who does not stay with the Democratic party. That's all. And since I'm black, I can play the race card any time I please. It's a privilege that comes with my skin color. And, by the way, no one knows how to play the race card better than Dear Leader. He wields it like a portable nuclear bomb in a suitcase, with his hand on the clasp at all times.

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And, by the way, no one knows how to play the race card better than Dear Leader. He wields it like a portable nuclear bomb in a suitcase, with his hand on the clasp at all times.

You mean, in his tighty whiteys...and his hand on the--oh, never mind! Maybe they have moved on to suitcases's about tiime! Tick, tock.

Race cards ARE fun. I added them into my UNO deck. They are black and match the rest of the deck, but without the white border around the edge. That way we can pick out racists more easily from the deck. UNO really is a fairly universal, yellow, black and white. And wild cards are precious in our sight! They have an array of diverse colors! I always feel good when I draw one from the pile. When we play, and we pick up a race card, we shout, "Racist!" And it's fun.

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Leninka wrote:
Comrade Pamalinsky,

Nothing makes black people like me more angry that a black person who does not stay with the Democratic party. That's all. And since I'm black, I can play the race card any time I please. It's a privilege that comes with my skin color. And, by the way, no one knows how to play the race card better than Dear Leader. He wields it like a portable nuclear bomb in a suitcase, with his hand on the clasp at all times.

Damn, Leninka! I never knew this about you, until you mentioned it. Now that you have, I'm just friggin' lovin' it! Didn't care then. Don't care now. Don't make no difference to me, dear Leninka!
Never has. If I use "jargon" of any kind, it's for fun! I hope I have proven myself to you in this regard. Even though I felt I never had to. Still don't. You Da Babe, honey! Keep kickin' it! I'll be right behind ya!

Pammie (AKA Pamalinsky)

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Just so you know, I'm of Asian descent, so just for future reference... Thanks!

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Casserole Czar wrote:Pamalinsky,
Just so you know, I'm of Asian descent, so just for future reference... Thanks!

Cool! (You just be ridin' the praise I was givin' Leninka, right?)

BTW, Casserole Czar, I know you've been around here for quite some time (I checked you out), and I am new here, as you probably know. I heard in the news today, in LA, that a sushi restaurant served...are you ready...raw whale meat! Now, you didn't exactly say of what Asian descent you are, (Asian descent folks are quite sensitive about this, and I understand that) Howsomever, I was just wondering if you knew anything about this. Just askin'. Whales are an endangered species! What's up with this!!!!

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As you know, we progs thrive on identity politics. And this is our year. This is the year that we will receive the Census forms in the mail, and we will be checking different boxes that inquire into our ethnicity, beverage and sexual preferences. So make sure you check the correct box depending on what your ethnicity is (take note of my dangling participle). Uncle Sam wants to know. Its very important that we be divided into groups. However, I do see a problem arising. All of these people who intermarry are muddying up the waters, especially these white girls who are marrying black men and taking all the good ones away. If we can't have clearly defined minority and victim groups, how are we going to be able to play the race card, I ask? It's a conundrum.

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Leninka wrote:Comrades,

As you know, we progs thrive on identity politics. And this is our year. This is the year that we will receive the Census forms in the mail, and we will be checking different boxes that inquire into our ethnicity, beverage and sexual preferences. So make sure you check the correct box depending on what your ethnicity is (take note of my dangling participle). Uncle Sam wants to know. Its very important that we be divided into groups. However, I do see a problem arising. All of these people who intermarry are muddying up the waters, especially these white girls who are marrying black men and taking all the good ones away. If we can't have clearly defined minority and victim groups, how are we going to be able to play the race card, I ask? It's a conundrum.

Your dangling participle is duly noted, dear Leninka. It took great courage to admit this. (Oh, if you only KNEW about my past regarding a "brother", and, a famous one, too!) I'll never tell, because I know you will hate me! I really hate that!

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There isn't anything I haven't heard before, Comrade Pamalinsky.

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Leninka wrote:There isn't anything I haven't heard before, Comrade Pamalinsky.

I know, dear Leninka. Me, too. Do trust me when I tell guess is that you would not want to have this person. Even though I have known him for decades, and love this person, he has so many wonderful things going for him, there is a reason I couldn't stay way back then. He's a radical left wing dude. Big time! I was quite clueless about these things when I was with him, but knew I didn't fit in. I'm sure you can see this. Hope so. So, I never married him. The resentment of sisters toward me was profound. I understand why. Do you? Well, hell, of course you do!

User avatar
Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Pamalinsky, was it one of the Jacksons?

No, dear Commissarka Pinkie, it wasn't.

<off>I am most concerned about my friend Leninka, right now. I'm afraid she thinks I have betrayed her. I haven't.>

User avatar
Was it Obamugabe? He is quite famous and as far left wing as one can get.

No! It was Obama, himself???????? Oh MY GOODNESS! That's who you are talking about, isn't it???!!!! We have often wondered where all the missing link women are in his life--from his college days, etc. That was YOU???!!!!!! NO WAY. Do you deny it?!

As far as the whale meat in the sushi place goes, well, I don't know if ALL whales are endangered. But someone should turn them in to the authorities, just in case. Being a member of PETA, I don't condone the torture and death of any animal. Especially in the name of dollars and cents. Kkkapitalists will do anything to make a buck, even if it means slaughtering the courageous knights of the ocean.

Being Korean (half), I naturally enjoy eating a lot of rice and raw vegetables. (My Mom was Korean, Dad an American.) My mom cooks a lot of traditional foods for us still. Politically, it gives me an advantage, because, like Leninka, progs can't accuse me of being racist. I live in an urban area where people are used to seeing Asian Americans, but I am often the butt of jokes--especially driving ones.

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Comrade Casserole Czar,

I just happen to have known many half breeds like yourself. Mostly products of military personnel who brought home war brides.

What are you going to put on your Census form?

Comrade Pamalinski,

I am not angry. I know how the brothers can be.

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Casserole Czar,
I was right there with ya, up until you mentioned the driving thing. No way around this one, pal. You guys are a menace!

I am so relieved that you are not angry with me! XXXXX OOOOO!

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Pamalinsky, was it Jimmie "J.J." Walker? Dy-no-mite!

And excuse me, but I do believe we established on another thread that it was I who was Obama's secret lover many years ago.

User avatar
I know who it was!
Tyrone Biggums!

Since Casserole Czar is half Korean, I nominate her as Kim Chee Kommissar.
Kim Chee is VERY Progressive sounding. On one hand, you have "Kim" just like Deer Reeder, then on the other hand you have "Chee"'s like "Che" with an extra "E".

Leninka is pulling your leg Pamalinsky. She's only one/eighth making her an Octoroon. She goes to the Ball every year in New Orleans. She can't claim full "African-American" like our typical half white President, but she always checks the box on all the forms she fills out for extra Party™ Perks.

User avatar
Kim Chee? I love it, the spicier the better, I eat it cold right out of the jar. I had a climbing buddy who was Korean, his last name was Soo (yeah, a boy named Soo). That gook was as hard as the ROK army. He'd climb up a wall 30 feet without a rope and hang there by one arm smoking a cigarette. What a guy.

Had another buddy who was Spanish (European) but he always put "hispanic" on government forms because they gave him extra benefits like preferential hiring to meet minority quotas. He was a Prog after my own heart.

I hate myself for being white (as all good Progs should). Maybe if I'm real good I'll be reincarnated as an Injun, like Ward Churchill.

User avatar
Laika the Space Dog wrote:I know who it was!
Tyrone Biggums!

Since Casserole Czar is half Korean, I nominate her as Kim Chee Kommissar.
Kim Chee is VERY Progressive sounding. On one hand, you have "Kim" just like Deer Reeder, then on the other hand you have "Chee"'s like "Che" with an extra "E".

Leninka is pulling your leg Pamalinsky. She's only one/eighth making her an Octoroon. She goes to the Ball every year in New Orleans. She can't claim full "African-American" like our typical half white President, but she always checks the box on all the forms she fills out for extra Party™ Perks.

Hey, don't I get extra points for the time I spend in a tanning booth. When I come out of there, it least ups to being a quatroon, doesn't it? See just how hard one has to work to be beautiful in this video (about 1/2 way through)

User avatar
Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Pamalinsky, was it Jimmie "J.J." Walker? Dy-no-mite!

And excuse me, but I do believe we established on another thread that it was I who was Obama's secret lover many years ago.

Well, that's just fine, Commissarka Pinkie, thanks for taking the heat for me!

Meanwhile, I always have this response to your avatar...Your shovel always looks, upon first glance, like a Fudge Sickle! I don't know why, it just does! Which begs the question...We're you involved in the sudden upturn in the "hockey stick" graph provided by Algore? There was no "fudge factor" figured in before the "upturn". I wonder if you, dear Pinkie, are responsible for this. If so, you deserve the "Beet of the Week" award! Of course, as you know, I have no say in this.

User avatar
Don't tell me it looks like a giant fudgesicle. Tell that to the many comrades--Whoopie chief among them--who've been whacked with it.

Oh, they wish it was ice cream. But only after they've been whacked with it are they eager to kiss it and call it ice cream.

And while I've been involved in the sudden upturns of many comrades' tools, I can assure you the Goracle's hockey stick is not one of them.

User avatar
Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Don't tell me it looks like a giant fudgesicle. Tell that to the many comrades--Whoopie chief among them--who've been whacked with it.

Oh, they wish it was ice cream. But only after they've been whacked with it are they eager to kiss it and call it ice cream.

And while I've been involved in the sudden upturns of many comrades' tools, I can assure you the Goracle's hockey stick is not one of them.

I stand corrected, dear Pinkie. Wow! I sure could use a Fudgesicle about now! Ice and chocolate combined! What a combo!!!

User avatar
I think not, Pamalinsky. I look at YOUR avatar, all innocent demure sweetness like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth, let alone a fudgesicle, and I think this would be better for you:

The Obama Sucker. Often confused with Suckers for Obama, as they're the ones to whom it's targeted.

User avatar
Sorry for the dupe post, Comrades
Sometimes I get the "delete this post" button, and sometimes I don't.
Administrator, feel free to delete at your discretion!

Delete? No way. We intend to keep this post up and place a copy in your file so as to record a continuing trend you show of becoming confused anytime Commissarka Pinkie deigns to speak to you.

And you should be grateful that's all she's doing to you at this time.

--People's Commissariate of Personnel Records, Resources, and Reconnaissance

User avatar
Ha! Nice try, Pinkie! My avatar gives the "appearance" of being pure and innocent, all the while giving that "you-gotta-be-kidding-me" look. Some male progs here are, in fact, quite excited by it. One male prog told me that I really have that 18th century Hot Babe thing DOWN! Have another look, Pinkie, and, while you're at it, take a look at this!!!

This is the direction I'm going. It's way above my head at this point but definitely in my view!
Aw, Jeesh! First the title font was too big, NOW it's the bloody avatar itself! Details, details, details! Revisions, revisions, revisions! It will most likely be changed at least a hundred times before I'm done. I haven't even been nominated for this! Who cares, I'll push it through, by any means necessary!

Do keep in "mind" that I am quite "familiar" with Theocritus, and Obamugabe, who have sworn to protect me! Just so you know.

BTW, just because I am a sucker, doesn't mean I want to EAT one! After all, I'm not a cannibal! Despite "irrefutable" evidence to the contrary. (We have "ways" of refuting ANYTHING!)

User avatar
Leninka wrote:Comrade Casserole Czar,

I just happen to have known many half breeds like yourself. Mostly products of military personnel who brought home war brides.

What are you going to put on your Census form?

Comrade Pamalinski,

I am not angry. I know how the brothers can be.

While we were all posting together this morning, I, Pamalinsky, was simultaneously listening to the AM radio. Can be heard here in L.A. between 9 and 12 A.M. 640. You figure it out. I, after stealing this opinion from the "host", have the solution to what all of you multi-breeds on The Cube must select. Although, I admit, for you multi-breeds, this is a real "tuffy". The census gives more race choices available than exist on the planet! I am advised from the experts on this sort of thing, that you are obligated to select, if you don't feel you fit into any category: "Other." Fill in the blank with the word, all in CAPS...AMERICAN! That will take care of all the confusion engendered by this stupid question! SIMPLE!

Love you guys and hope this helps!

User avatar

As far as the census goes, I think we should check all the race boxes.
There is a DNA project out there that can prove it.

https://genographic.nationalgeographic. ... index.html

Imagine the confused looks on all the census wonks if everybody did this. Why, how could government redistribute wealth if everybody turns out to be related to everybody else?

Gasp! We're all hominids out of Africa!

User avatar
Pamalinsky wrote:Some male progs here are, in fact, quite excited by it. One male prog told me that I really have that 18th century Hot Babe thing DOWN!

"Some" are, "some" say. Names, please. We require names.

Do keep in "mind" that I am quite "familiar" with Theocritus, and Obamugabe, who have sworn to protect me! Just so you know.

Protect you from what or whom? From me? I don't know what phony security system those two got together (and not for the first time) to con you into buying, but Theocritus can barely protect himself from Bruno, let alone get rid of him, and as for Obamugabe, when he says he'll protect you, he means that the same way Hitler meant he was protecting the Jews. Of course they're not going to tell you they wear Depends so THEY'LL be protected anytime I enter the room.

Which brings up something else of which you may not be aware: I have been here longer than Leninka or any other female comrade you've met, and I am one of the few who became a Made Prog without "benefit" of show trial. The Party simply promoted me because they feared me too much not to. For the same reason, no one has ever denounced me and made it stick.

Do keep THAT in "mind."

Captain Underpants
Image America never fear, Captain Underpants is here!

Pamalinsky wrote:Do keep in "mind" that I am quite "familiar" with Theocritus, and Obamugabe, who have sworn to protect me! Just so you know.

I too must confess my part
I've sworn my heart
to young sweet People's Pamalinsky,
she's a scrumptious tart.
I'll rescue her from the mustachioed capitalists
tying her to those darn railroad tracks
I'll clobber creepazoid slobbering hoods
that try to get their way
with sweet Pamalinsky's goods
I'll never waver in defense
of sweet People's Pamalinsky
she's the best.

Vice Captain Underpants
And she's cute!

Woo Woo!!!

User avatar
[quote] Commissarka Pinkie. Do keep THAT in "mind." And while I've been involved in the sudden upturns of many comrades' tools, I can assure you the Goracle's hockey stick is not one of them.[quote]

Mwahahahahaha! You, Pinkie, are friggin' hilarious!(I, Pamalinsky, somehow let this one slide by without comment!) How could I have done this!

Meanwhile, all I have to say is this: "Waaaaaaaaah! (whine) I simply cannot find the source of those appreciative remarks re my Avatar. The Cube is way too big for me! (whine) I do suspect that you, Pinkie, once you found out exactly who it was, would tell me it was actually a girl! One never knows on the Cube. Well, at least someone liked me! What more could a virgin prog want!

I would, with your permission, like to direct you to my new "Mysterious Obama Body Talk! Update!" It's in the "somewhat new" posts. And, right on topic! You may find it interesting. Then again, you may not.">

This link is not working because I, Pamalinsky, screwed it up! All I wanna do is the right thing! I went there, copied the link in the browser, and placed it here! When I click on it now, it takes me to a Bedcheck thing from the Politbureau! What's up with this! ANOTHER MISDIRECTION!

So, because of my insatiable need for attention, I am forced to double post it here, just for your perusal. I do this without guilt because the Politbureau denied my humble request to delete another dupe post. I suspect, dear Commissarka Pinkie, that you had something to do with this! I mean, they posted this denial in RED!<br> %3Ca
By Pamalinsky
3/11/2010, 8:20 pm
Image Mysterious Obama Body Talk! UPDATE! UPDATE!

Let me be CLEAR, Comrades, ahem! I don't want to be accused of beating a dead Johnson, here, but PROOF is PROOF! After digging deep into the horrifically "fowl-smelling organic garden" in my back yard, I found this:
Image Just whom Reid is "flippin' the bird" to is not clear. (as a journalist, this is quite irrelevant) Methinks it is to everyone! And that includes our Dear Leader! What an atrocity!

Digging even deeper, I found THIS!
Image See! Here it is! I told you about this when he was doing it during the Hell Health Care Summitization! This time, though, the space between his thumb and index looks more like, well, a good inch and three quarters! (I know I said about an inch before, but, this is a SIGNIFICANT improvement!)

Digging even deeper, (I had to wear a HazMat uniform this time) I found THIS:
Image Yeah. We're talkin' about a "whopper" here Comrades! Is our Dear Leader a True Master of Hyperbole or what!

Or, is this just another fish story? I don't think so! Very impressive!

I, Pamalinsky, am, am...well, er, just DUMBSTRUCK! Sigh!

User avatar
Captain Underpants! Thank you for coming to my aid! Your sweet and thoughtful poem really won me over! Really! I will include you in my "Plan B."

Vice Captain Underpants!
Ewe! As IF! Pedophile Alert! Pedophile Alert! Pedophile Alert!

User avatar
Pedophile Alert? Where, who? Is Roman Polanski or R. Kelly in the house? Is Michael Jackson back from the dead to vote this Nov? Perhaps our comrades at NAMBLA are holding a convention in the People's auditorium mandatorium.

Everyone, out of my way, I must get their autographs!

Capt. Underpants and Pammie sittin' in a tree...Hey why don't you two get a room (and maybe a video camera) Never mind, I forgot, all the guest rooms here at the collective are already wired for audio and video.

User avatar
Laika the Space Dog wrote:{off}

As far as the census goes, I think we should check all the race boxes.
There is a DNA project out there that can prove it.

https://genographic.nationalgeographic. ... index.html

Imagine the confused looks on all the census wonks if everybody did this. Why, how could government redistribute wealth if everybody turns out to be related to everybody else?

Gasp! We're all hominids out of Africa!

[off] Once again, Laika you are a virtual treasure trove of amazing info! I have forwarded this link to all my friends! [On]

I, Pamalinsky, agree! And have done a 180! (I know, it's always a 360) Everyone MUST check ALL the race boxes. BRILLIANT!!!!!!!

I know I will be destroyed denounced by the Party for this, but, DAMN! It feels GOOD! Come to think of it, maybe Commissarka Pinkie was right...I AM a masochist! ONWARD AND DOWNWARD, I SAY!!!!

User avatar
Comrade Casserole Czar,

I just happen to have known many half breeds like yourself. Mostly products of military personnel who brought home war brides.

What are you going to put on your Census form?

I'm probably going to put "African American" just to mess with them. When they look at me and say, "You don't LOOK African American" I can call them hateful and insensitive. I'm pretty sure that will shut them up. Or I could say, "You're right, I'm just an American." I havn't decided yet.

I do love Laika's idea of marking all the boxes. It would be true if we are all descended from Adam and Eve...that would mean that racists have the blood of their enemies flowing through their veins! That's a bit O' Irony!

User avatar
Comrade Casserole Czar,
I do love Laika's idea of marking all the boxes. It would be true if we are all descended from Adam and Eve...that would mean that racists have the blood of their enemies flowing through their veins! That's a bit O' Irony!

Hmmm... Very interesting food for thought casserole.....
(It's a well-known fact that irony is an essential element in everyone's diet!)

User avatar
I'm curious about what all the possible options are going to be on the census forms. To avoid confusion will it:

Disect confusing homonyms such as "Indian"-- with clarifications like:
American Indian
Indian Indian
Indonesian Indian
Pakistani Indian

Or use continents for reference:
Asian American
African American
Antarctic American
North American American
South American American

Or will it go by region:
Chinese American
Korean American
Half Korean American
Vietnamese American
Half Vietnamese American
Sri Lankan American

Maybe, ultimately, what they should do is LAYER it:

Pick your continent, check
Next, pick your country, check
Finally your region, check
Now your skin color, check (and list several shades and degrees of each "color")
Then your season of life,
For example, "Old Southwest Russian Asian Pasty White Caucasian with dentures"

And just for extra points, you could list your hobbies or temperament:
"Like," Young, bratty European, Swedish, Creamy with a touch of pink, lucious Swim Suit model near the fjords."

There's a billboard near my city that has a picture of a minority on it that says, "If I don't say it, who will say it for me? Census 2010. " Why does the Census need a billboard??? Billboards make money for people. Who is paying the bill for this billboard, b/c they think they will be making money off of it? Dumb questions will get dumb answers, I am afraid.

User avatar
Casserole Czar wrote:I'm curious about what all the possible options are going to be on the census forms. To avoid confusion will it:

Disect confusing homonyms such as "Indian"-- with clarifications like:
American Indian
Indian Indian
Indonesian Indian
Pakistani Indian

Or use continents for reference:
Asian American
African American
Antarctic American
North American American
South American American

Or will it go by region:
Chinese American
Korean American
Half Korean American
Vietnamese American
Half Vietnamese American
Sri Lankan American

Maybe, ultimately, what they should do is LAYER it:

Pick your continent, check
Next, pick your country, check
Finally your region, check
Now your skin color, check (and list several shades and degrees of each "color")
Then your season of life,
For example, "Old Southwest Russian Asian Pasty White Caucasian with dentures"

And just for extra points, you could list your hobbies or temperament:
"Like," Young, bratty European, Swedish, Creamy with a touch of pink, lucious Swim Suit model near the fjords."

There's a billboard near my city that has a picture of a minority on it that says, "If I don't say it, who will say it for me? Census 2010. " Why does the Census need a billboard??? Billboards make money for people. Who is paying the bill for this billboard, b/c they think they will be making money off of it? Dumb questions will get dumb answers, I am afraid.

[Off![ I know, my most darling friend! I feel the same way. I just read this: Would like to share. It gave me hope, not the kind you've been fed, but, the hope based on real common sense shit!!! Not the first time I have seen "motivational" crap! This is not crap!

It's called, "Who Moved My Cheese", maybe you've read it. (It's not a phony "get motivated" kind of thing. I hate that sort of thing. It's sweet and honest, and profound.) Here it is. You can download it free from Google. The Cube will not allow me post the link here. It's FREE! Both of us have most likely experienced what life actually brings us! Happens to us all!

It is quite different from what you might expect. Even though you might think you have "seen it all."

I share this with you from the bottom of my unknown heart! Take about about 45 minutes to read it. It will make you happy! And, make you STRONG!


User avatar
Oh, and don't forget:

Caucasian Hispanic

Watered down Moor or Jew Hispanic

Mestizo Hispanic with epacanthic fold still intact
Mestizo Hispanic without epacanthic fold

Chinese Cuban Hispanic

Black Cuban Hispanic
Black Colombian Hispanic

Pre-Alamo Tex Mex

And don't forget the Black Irish Hispanics who haves Spanish blood, but don't speak Spanish

Or Hispanic, but only knows and speaks English.

User avatar
Did you all get a letter from the Gubbermint last week to tell you that the 2010 Census forms are coming out THIS week?

Such waste efficiency!

I was stupified and shocked happy that millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on an idiotic letter so I will be vigilant in watching my mailbox for the form.

User avatar
Must be the paper lobbyists.
They were pitted against the green lobbyists and won.
Then a deal was made in a dark alley.

User avatar
Laika wrote:Did you all get a letter from the Gubbermint last week to tell you that the 2010 Census forms are coming out THIS week?

It isn't to let you know the Census forms are coming out, its to remind you that the Federal government is the queen that creates the beehive we call civilization and you, you little worker bee, need to do your duty or else your part of the hive gets no honey:

Robert M. Groves Director, U.S. Census Bureau wrote:Your response is important. Results from the 2010 Census will be used to help each community get its fair share of government funds for highways, schools, health facilities, and many other programs you and your neighbors need. Without a complete, accurate census, your community may not receive its fair share.

[Please, forgive the beehive analogy. I watched The Spirit of the Beehive last night.]

User avatar
I like the beehive analogy. Whoever penned that letter is so smart. They know how to spell "fair share" very well. They practiced it over, and over, and over... He was just reminding us that the American dream is receiving our fair share; not life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


How many idiots does it take to get a fair share?


User avatar
Casserole Czar wrote:the American dream is receiving our fair share; not life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Comrade CCCP,

You have hit on something very important. I think the above statement ought to be the title of a new post by you, with only one word inserted:

"The American Dream Is About Receiving Our Fair Share"

And then you could write a few words on what it means to get one's fair share in order to achieve the American Dream.

I just realized you never start new posts. Well, if you have the time, and the inclination, it would be a great thread.

You do know how to start a new post, don't you? You just (1) go to the index, (2) go down the list, click on "People's Blog," and once you reach the list of all the posts, go to the top of the page and in the left hand corner you will see a fist and the words "New Post." Click on that, enter your title, and write your description.

However, if you don't have the time, and are too long occupied making beet casseroles for the rest of the collective, then let one of us know, and we can confiscate your idea. Of course, we will give you credit (wink, wink).

User avatar
I'll give it a whirl! Thanks, Leninka. Here goes...

User avatar
Comrade Otis wrote: [Please, forgive the beehive analogy. I watched The Spirit of the Beehive last night.]

Actually, Comrade Otis, I thought that was quite good. Perfect, in fact.

Casserole Czar, I look forward to your first post. I'll be doin' some serious replyin'! I've noticed in your recipes, you are a real stickler for detail. I refer to your most recent post (and others) about how many possibilities there are to screw/confuse answers to the census. Quite an impressive extrapolation!

Leninka is an expert in this sort of thing. She does a little extrapolatin' herself, and just can't wait to do so. She puts her "oar" in, every chance she gets. She does this not only to encourage others, but, to provide an example! She knows a winner when she sees one! And, of course, Leninka, as the Cube's Director of Housekeeping (another word for "nosy") "Shit! We ain't nosy, we're Neighborhood Watch!" She is actually quite nice about it, even though she wields her authority with a strong hand fist! (All the while being "nosy," nonetheless!) She is, as you can see, very supportive of everyone, especially new progs. She's on the case and does her job well.
Even though I, Pamalinsky, have no say in this, I think, this time she deserves TWO! Beets of the Week!!!!