
Debbie's new career

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As Debbie Hyphenatedname-Schultz winds down her career as head of the Democrat National Committee, she has begun testing the waters in a new career field: playing beasts on sci-fi and fantasy shows. Just the other day, I watched Sleepy Hollow and saw Debbie in there (looking something like the above....the one on the left, I mean) trying to turn the Ichabod Crane to stone. Finally, they had to lure the Headless Horseman into the underground cavern to defeat Debbie's character. Goodness, and I thought she was headed to Siberia after a show trial due to the loss of the Senate...

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There is no Debbie Hyphenatedname-Schultz, comrade. This non-person never existed nor never will exist. Please report to your local commissar for reeducation.

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Comrade Binary wrote:There is no Debbie Hyphenatedname-Schultz, comrade. This non-person never existed nor never will exist. Please report to your local commissar for reeducation.

If I were allowed to think I would say, "My thoughts exactly".

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Then who was it who did Dallas ... or was done by Dallas ... or something? (All this talk about "thinking" has pulled out some stitches from my last Jiffy-Lobo.)

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Comrade Vlad Linen, you certainly make an excellent point about Debbie's metempsychosis. However, one must remember that she shares the same misology of all Democrats, which would certainly make this a law of identity in any case.

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Ha! Why didn't think of that! Brilliant!