
Delingpole must be stopped

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I call upon all right korrekt-thinking comrades to denounce this dangerous hooligan.

He is spreading uncertainty among the masses about our important scientific work. If he is allowed to continue, the People might actually turn against us.

We must hammer home the message that polar bears really are endangered, even though they are overpopulated in most places. For one example, I have it on the highest authority that they are completely gone from the Antarctic polar zone.

Delingpole: Michael Mann Crowdfunds Worst Children's Book Ever


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Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:I have it on the highest Authority that they are completely gone from the Antarctic polar zone.

I am that self-appointed Authority™.

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And there are no more penguins at the North Pole.

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And it's all Bush' Trump's fault.

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Imperatorskiy Pingvin wrote:Nor camels in Saskatchewan.

But there WERE hippos in England (look it up).

- SK

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Chief Designer wrote:
Imperatorskiy Pingvin wrote:Nor camels in Saskatchewan.

But there WERE hippos in England (look it up).

- SK
It's not nice to fat shame British ladies, komrade...

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Chief Designer wrote:... But there WERE hippos in England ...
Chermany too. Documented! Here, bitte schön, Albrecht Dürer (no less!):


Himmelherrgott, I can't believe zis...
Who was it, Comrades, whispering remarks here? "but, but, it's a rhino!", who?
Who was it, subversively denying settled science? A hippo is a hippo is a hippo!
It's written in Gotische Schrift, so it must be true.

And sceptics go to Gulag (in company with Mark Steyn), jawohl!

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Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:... this [Delingpole] dangerous hooligan ...
That Delingpole fella, he's a Kube-known thought criminal! "venomous dwarf", haha!

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The name Delingpole makes me think of the starving penguins because of too much ice.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:... starving penguins because of too much ice.
That's korrekt, Comrade. Starving. Yet not b/c too much ice, but b/c that ice is too hot!


And see the Next Tuesday™ evolutionary pattern
of penguin motorics and sustenance (start @1:54) :


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I'm not a professional scientist, but I was a network engineer before my promotion to middle management so I am just as qualified, though not as hungry, as the great Al Gore.

I know from first hand experience that Sunday was 86 degrees and sunny, Sunday night it rained and yesterday and today is much cooler (my Jeep tells me mid-60's). If I extrapolate that data out over the next year, it will get much colder here until around March or April where it will gradually warm until June. When June hits the temperatures here will skyrocket into the upper 90's for the next 4 months until the Earth cools again around September. The science on this pattern is settled. Deny THAT!!!! Climate change is real at it happens every year.....or so I'm told.