
DNC transphobic?

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Comrades, didn't the Current Truth™ say there were at least 50 genders, while gender itself was fluid? Meaning that you could identify as a pansexual non-binary genderqueer zhe-zir one day and the next day a womyn (because mentioning men is sexist and patriarchal)?

Then why is the DNC removing two male Bernie delegates from Vermont and requiring they be replaced with womyn in order to have gender quotas?

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that these two are Bernie delegates elected by The People™ and probably didn't want to vote for glorious Hillary. Shame on those patriarchal typical male delegates who wanted a 74-year-old man over Hillary, of course. I'm sure the DNC is truly trying to achieve korrekt gender quotas, just like they say. Yeah, sure.

The problem is that according to the Current Truth gender is fluid. How do we know if these two non-womyn haven't decided to IDENTIFY as womyn for the duration of the convention?
Furthermore, since there are more than two genders, wouldn't truly progressive quotas require representation of all 50 gender types, even if that increases the total number of delegates (who will naturally vote for Hillary), including more Vermont delegates reassigned from other states?
Then there is the issue of race. Doesn't DIVERSITY also require that every possible race be represented by all the 50+ gender types?

And what about sexual orientation? Those who identify with the lesser known genders may go full LGBTQABCCBSNBC, preferring to date members of the same lesser known gender, while others would rather date persons of the opposite 50+ genders.

Thus, korrekt quotas would require representation of "straight" versions of each gender in every race, as well as LGBTQIA++--&$^#((%)#&$# versions of each gender type (who prefer to date their own gender) in every race.

Then there is age. You might need one of each of the above possibilities in the 18-34 demographic (most attractive to advertisers), the 35-49 demographic, the 50-70 demographic, and the.... actually, the Comparative Effectiveness Panels make 70+ irrelevant, soon to be followed by 55+, so never mind.

But then it would be speciesist to limit its quotas to humans only. Truly, the USSA is the great melting pot and our Party is the universal party, speaking for our entire Universe, as well as any other parallel ones that might exist. That means we need to put a call out to the whole universe and invite everyone to come and participate in our democratic process. Let them fly here at light speed in their advanced ships, so the people of the USSA, who haven't yet sent a human to Mars, can provide them with welfare.

With that in mind, we need quotas from every species in the universe too, including aliens of different age groups, gender types, sexual orientations, and races/ethnicities if any.

Given the circumstances, the Party Convention may need to be relocated to Alaska, which has just enough landmass to accommodate the adequate number delegates required by the korrekt quotas.

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I think that people who identify with multiple personalities should be able to cast multiple votes... Otherwise they have to suppress a part of themselves, and that would be schizophreniphobic.

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Minitrue wrote:I think that people who identify with multiple personalities should be able to cast multiple votes... Otherwise they have to suppress a part of themselves, and that would be schizophreniphobic.
They should also be able to claim them as dependents, and qualify for multiple birth certificates, photo-ids, driver-licenses, etc., for each of them.

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any delegate in this Anglo-centric society, even based on all the obvious choices as Comrade Vlad Linen has stated, any and all will be certainly a threat to that Republican KKKlansmen running for office.

Like the vile bigots Republicans are, most likely all will be concerned with their evil plans to capture millions of votes and in doing so, will provide the DNC with a perfect example that White America isn't as gender/colorblind as they would like you to believe.

Certainly, Hillary and the Bernie delegates will face many obstacles of institutionalized hatred as this campaign trail continues down the long voter road.

However, former President Bill Clinton is far too busy making plans to become the first Black Women Man as the choices of silver and dinner service patterns have become far too important to be any real help with the election at hand. His absence will be noted as it's going to be quite a rocky road ahead, Comrades!

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50 genders x 4 sexual orientations x 3 age groups x 30 racial subgroups x 3 major religions = 54,000 DNC delegates pledged to vote Hillary.

Unless we add space aliens and non-human animal persons, they should all fit in Philadelphia just fine.

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Starting tomorrow I'll be identifying as a microscopic Streptococcus bacteria. I'll be in Philadelphia but you won't be able to see me. And please, no azithromycin jokes!

(I'll be like the one in the middle)

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Red Square wrote:50 genders x 4 sexual orientations x 3 age groups x 30 racial subgroups x 3 major religions = 54,000 DNC delegates pledged to vote Hillary.

[highlight=#ffff00]Unless we add space aliens and non-human animal persons, they should all fit in Philadelphia just fine.[/highlight]

Aliens: 100,000,000
Attending disguised as people: 100,000
Tailgating in Low-Earth Orbit: 99,900,000

Otherkins: 50,000
Dressed up like their "kintype": 10,000
Dressed up like humans: 35,000
Not wearing any clothes: 2,000
Dressed up in their otherkin "Scales", "Feathers", "Fur", or "Skin" without actually having clothes on: 3,000
I think we can add 150,000 easily. Would surely be Queen Hillary's "secret weapon" this week.

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Comrade Red Square, glorious illustration as always! Much thanks!

But 54,000 only? Surely this is Kommon Kore™ math. First, there are more than just the major religions. To be truly diverse and politically correct, we must have representatives of ALL religions including mother earth worshipers, people who worship the government, people who worship celebrities, the totally separate Cult of Dear Leader, and all sorts of lesser known pagan religions.

But beyond that, all these multiples would only be for one state. So, even at 54,000 per state, Dear Leader says there are 57 states. So, 54,000 X 57 = 3,078,000 before space aliens and otherkin.

Then, as Comrade Minitrue noted, there needs to be representation from people with multiple personalities to avoid being schizophreniphobic.

Comrade Captain Craptek is nothing to worry about when he identifies as a bacteria for the DNC. That doesn't take up much space. Even when he is identifying as a squirrel, not much space there. But kudos, Captain, for identifying as a bacteria among the parasites attending our party's convention.

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“If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?”
― George Carlin

This Carlin's quote perfectly describes the Western civilization. It has developed a second personality, generally known as the Left, and its suicidal tendencies are turning the rest of us into hostages.

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Red Square wrote:“If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?”
― George Carlin

Image [highlight=#ffff00]This Carlin's[/highlight] quote perfectly describes the Western civilization. It has developed a second personality, generally known as the Left, and its suicidal tendencies are turning the rest of us into hostages.


It seems like you don't know who George Carlin is. Look him up. He might be the best comedian ever born, along with Bill Hicks. Both of them died too soon.

More Carlin quotes to pique your interest:

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

“In America, anyone can become president. That's the problem.”

“When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.”

“Some people have no idea what they're doing, and a lot of them are really good at it.”

“It's not in the mainstream media yet, but the biggest jump in skin cancer has occurred since the advent of sunscreens. That kind of thing makes me happy. The fact that people, in pursuit of a superficial look of health, give themselves a fatal disease. I love it when 'reasoning' human beings think they have figured out how to beat something and it comes right back and kicks them in the nuts. God bless the law of unintended consequences. And the irony is impressive: Healthy people, trying to look healthier, make themselves sick. Good!”

“That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.

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Captain Craptek wrote: And they call US animals!

Praise Lenin Crappy, praise Lenin!

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Red Square wrote:50 genders x 4 sexual orientations x 3 age groups x 30 racial subgroups x 3 major religions = 54,000 DNC delegates pledged to vote Hillary.

Unless we add space aliens and non-human animal persons, they should all fit in Philadelphia just fine.

The Director's numbers overlook our beloved roster of necro-voters, who (like the germs spread by squirrels) number in great multiples of many...


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I just saw the opening of the DNC with a funeral choir and then a boy singing off key. My first thought was that the organizers have achieved true diversity - not so much in the skin color (all performers were uniformly black), but mostly in the diversity of talent and musical abilities.

That is, those who couldn't carry a tune if their lives depended on it, were as numerous as those who were able to hit all the right notes. And just as loud.

It reminded me of the French movie Marguerite - about the first affirmative action opera singer in history. I highly recommend watching it with English subtitles, if you can find it. Watch the first 25 seconds of this trailer.

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Red Square wrote:I just saw the opening of the DNC with a funeral choir and then a boy singing off key. My first thought was that the organizers have achieved true diversity - not so much in the skin color (all performers were uniformly black), but mostly in the diversity of talent and musical abilities.

That is, those who couldn't carry a tune if their lives depended on it, were as numerous as those who were able to hit all the right notes. And just as loud.

It reminded me of the French movie Marguerite - about the first affirmative action opera singer in history. I highly recommend watching it with English subtitles, if you can find it. Watch the first 25 seconds of this trailer.


Red - Was this it?

If so, then the planners dropped the ball on this one. Boys to Men have been has-beens for at least 15 years. If they were a movie, they wouldn't even have the luxury of B-movie status. More like Z-movie. And the entire act sounded robotic. The drums and brass had no soul (I doubt that it was brass, sounded like an electronic emulation) and I thought they could've done more with the harmony. And they were even trying out some groupthink with the "say yeah" BS. This act is just like the convention: depressing, drab, and utterly boring.


I found this, I suppose this is what you mean -

If so, then I agree. They're the antithesis of the Robert Shaw Chorale. Flatter than a frying pan and just as boring. And to see the cameras and who I'm thinking are the sound mixers or light controllers (who should be out in the crowd and not on top of and behind the stage anyways) right on top of the facade is one of the most unprofessional things I've ever seen in television. It trumps all those news bloopers you see on Youtube and other sites. And the arrangement of the piece just seemed to be a smattering of various songs of Americana without any form or direction, a horrible attempt at maintaining the illusion that they are patriotic and American.

I'd like them to see that this, THIS is how you do the Battle Hymn:

Heck, even the Red Army Choir puts on a good performance, even though they pronounce the "th" like "z".

And Johnny has more "America" in him that the entire convention 100 times over:

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Personally, I think the democratic convention of 1935 was better organised, but then again... everything changes doesn't it?


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Comrade Vlad Linen wrote:... the Party Convention may need to be relocated to Alaska ...
Yes, most progressively constructive idea, Great Vlad. But remember - the Umiat Area is tabu !!!

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For any Political Consultant here on Cube !

I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Are you listening? Gerrymandering.

Yeah, you got it : gerrymandering by gender ! _(uh - gendrymandering ?)

Anyway, can you imagine how this, with all its daily, even hourly fluidity would revolutionize the stale ideas of Amerikkka's so-called Founding Fathers ???

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Those of you, Kubic Political Consultants, with deeper knowledge of Plastics, sorry, I meant Mathematics — use Cartesian Product ! By Marx, use Cartesian Product !!!

oh, here I see Comrade Director was already on this research path :
Red Square wrote:50 genders x 4 sex orientations x 3 age groups x 30 racial subgroups x 3 religions = ...
Now, Cartesian Product :
No need to browse Web Wikipedia MathWorld & Co ! Everybody knows it, intuitively :

Race1 ✕ Class1 ✕ Color1 ✕ Sex1 ✕ Gender2 ✕ Demographic Brackets (as pointed out by Vlad) ✕ Species (Vlad too, brilliant!!3) ✕ ETs (Vlad again - doubleplusbrilliant!!!) ✕ SOPs (Minitrue - schizophrenophilic, razor-sharp!!!), SOPs = Single Object's Multiple Personas3.

1 say, a score.

2 thousands, yes - thousands! last time I checked there were ca. 4.000 of them postulated (guess : ditto using the Cartesian shtick?), and further - strictly scientific - research humming!

Thusly, the glorious Cartesian Product Thinking of the Polit-Consultant caste yields 20 * 20 * 20 * 20 * 4000 = 640.000.000 groups (potential voting blocks!) to be polled and pandered to ! Consultant hiring and hefty fees guaranteed till the end of our Universe (like those Allah-sponsored 72 houris for any single Musulman shredded to bits in service of PBUH) !

3 and Craptek already on board, as Streptococcus ! (indeed, Streptosquirellus)

(Vlad, further : and Species ✕ Race ✕ Class ✕ ... and ETs ✕ Race ✕ Class ✕ ... , this borders on genius, verily!)

And the simpleton calculation in [2] was already refined by Comrade Stierlitz , Comrade Vlad himself , and Comrade Ivan 350% Productivity : necrovoting !

Anyway, dear Comrades - the basic underlying concept is Just one word : Cartesian Product !

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Image .
If Minitrue's link to the democratic convention of 1935 (huh, just yet another of those sharp-minded "Barely Socratic" observations/questions) doesn't work (as in my case), just search YouTube for Triumph des Willens or Triumph of the Will.

On the cinematic — purely cinematic — side : each cinema-buff knows that Leni Riefenstahl was a highly creative being (even deep into her nonagenarian years). Her films — and especially the III. Reich time films — were, taken as cinematic work, highly innovative and pioneering. That Triumph.. is to a big part a Pflichtübung, a matter of duty (yet still : groundbreaking, in documentarian expressiveness). The top masterpiece of that time is her artistic documentation of the Olympiad 1936 (search YouTube for Riefenstahl Olympia).

Riefenstahl was (in the 30s..40s) on the "right side of History", and staunchly (not fanatically) so. We know what "History" ogled "herself" - in the mid 30s (widespread praise from West and East), a decade later, seven decades later. Back to cinematography : Riefenstahl of the 30s certainly deserves the label "German Eisenstein" (strip the bitter irony of this Arian-Semite (even "worse" : Ostjude!) clash).

And "Barely Socratic" again : Eisenstein (who praised the Bolshevik cataclysm) is an artist, Riefenstahl is a Nazi whore. Mayakovsky wrote (not least) feverish poetry literally dripping with blood of squashed bourgeois vermin, in its devastation zeal somewhere between mad Jacobinism and psychotic Jihadism. Yet Mayakovsky is the "Poet of Revolution". Riefenstahl, who never channeled such - or even remotely comparable - "artistic violence", she is "with the murderers". And so on...

Note on aesthetics (and "vibrations") :
The (intended and pervasive) monumentality in Triumph.. evokes — in a viewer today, and certainly also in a Führer-sceptic back then, in 1935 — a sense of monstrosity. Also true for - say - Socrealistic Architecture, particularly as embodied by the monumental highrises in Moscow of the post-WW2 decade+. Those buildings, intended as exhibits of "Communist Glory", were monstrous from the get-go, already in blueprint. (and the "Barely Socratic" question is ....... ?)

(hey, Comrade Chief Designer, most recently exposed to the Palace of the Soviets - you here ?)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:.
Those of you, Kubic Political Consultants, with deeper knowledge of Plastics, sorry, I meant Mathematics

Comrade Dummkopf, this is pretty much how I spent math class.......................

so I'm afraid I am of no help.

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Minitrue wrote:I think that people who identify with multiple personalities should be able to cast multiple votes... Otherwise they have to suppress a part of themselves, and that would be schizophreniphobic.
Dedhedvedev wrote:... They should also be able to claim them as dependents, and qualify for multiple birth certificates, photo-ids, driver-licenses, etc., for each of them.
That schizophrenembracing attitude alone is, I guess, force enough to spark a full bore Revolution!

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:< vid : Clara transits into higher levels of consciousness during Math >
I can feel your pain...
and, was your ball-busting syndrome possibly macro-triggered by those mathaggressions ?

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Then again, me worried :
- does DNC even recognize People of Mathphobia ? (never heard that they do)
- is there a Mathphobiac victim status ? (as I understand, a pretty numerous victim group)
- as you hear nuthin along these lines, is DNC possibly mathphobiaphobic ?

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:.
Then again, me worried :
[highlight=#ffff00]- does DNC even recognize People of Mathphobia ? (never heard that they do) [/highlight]
- is there a Mathphobiac victim status ? (as I understand, a pretty numerous victim group)
- as you hear nuthin along these lines, is DNC possibly mathphobiaphob ?

Yes they do, as evidenced by creation of Glorious Kommon Kore Mathematics curriculum.

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:< vid : Clara transits into higher levels of consciousness during Math >
I can feel your pain...
and, was your ball-busting syndrome possibly macro-triggered by those mathaggressions ?

Oh yeah, I learned a LOT about ball-busting and mathaggressions from the 'old school' teachers from back in my day! There was no such thing as passing because you slept participated in class. Kids today don't appreciate how great they have it! I also learned the mathematics of 'whacking'!


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Captain Craptek wrote:Comrades,

Starting tomorrow I'll be identifying as a microscopic Streptococcus bacteria. I'll be in Philadelphia but you won't be able to see me. And please, no azithromycin jokes!

(I'll be like the one in the middle)

I hope your mission to sabotage as many of those traitorous Bernie supporters as possible was successful Captain Craptek.

I hope you were able to infect them like so................

Then finish them off with..................................

IT'S ALL RIGHT........


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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:
Oh yeah, I learned a LOT about ball-busting and mathaggressions from the 'old school' teachers from back in my day! There was no such thing as passing because you slept participated in class. Kids today don't appreciate how great they have it! [highlight=#ffff00]I also learned the mathematics of 'whacking'!

Us guys are lucky, we get to learn the mathematics of whacking regardless of how crappy the curriculum is. And, unlike all curriculums, it's 100% free!