
Do you need therapy?

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Comrades, I have been enlightened. While wandering around facebook, I found such groups as "supporting President 0bama and not second guessing him", "Obama haters are mostly racist morons" and "One million strong against the republican party".

One foolish prole commented that these groups show a crazed worship of Obama, and a noble progressive replied that the foolish prole must require therapy for his bitter views and racist distrust of Obama.

So now I must ask; when a person shows signs of insanity by not blindly worshiping Dear Leader Obama, by questioning His actions or policies, or simply by not being a Made Progressive(TM) should we waste time on reeducationtherapy, or simply move to a Jiffi-Lobo(TM) and a quick trip to the gulag for such dissenters? In this Glorious World of Next Tuesday(TM) how much dissent can we allow? How many dangerously free thinking people should be allowed to roam the streets, possibly infecting others with ideas and thoughts not approved by The Party(TM)? Is it time to finally round up the dissenters and do away with them, or do we still have uses?

And most importantly, will Obamacare(TM) cover this reeducationtherapy?

Seriously, the first group I quoted spelled Obama with a "0" instead of an "O". I finally had to LMAO and tell the progs I knew who rushed to join it that they had been pwnd. Most entertaining.

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As I recall, in the Glorious Days of Old (back when there still a USSR), really special dissidents got sent to mental hospitals instead of just the Gulag. Any so-called "free thinking" that does not lead one to conclude that the one true path is World Socialism (although we can't currently call it that except in a derisive, mocking tone) and The Bel0ved 0ne is always right and never to be questioned is clearly a sign of mental illness that must be purged corrected immediately.

Remarkably, The Party has actually managed to be consistent in this case.

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Why a comrade would have to be absolutely insane to not believe 0bama is correct.
I suppose when a person is so tied up in believing they know the only true path, anyone who isn't a fellow traveler is evil. The same mentality that cause The Religion of Peace(TM) to kill anyone who isn't a Muslim. Or causes crazed Baptists to wave angry signs outside of funerals for GI's...

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Everyone suffers from some functional neurosis. The key word here is functional. For example I'm into cleanliness and order. Blame it on my Austrian cultural roots or call it OCD, regardless, it's a benign, even beneficial vice.

But when does a harmless obsession turn into psychopathy? Obviously when it questions authority...our authority.

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I could use therapy, and all of it because I don't praise the Obamasiah blindly. You know comrades, I come here, to the Cube, because I was seeking an alternative to thinking, an alternative to any thought what-so-ever because as we all know, thinking is responsible for the wheel, America, Ayn Rand's books, and freedom. Maybe I need to spend some more time with Gollum, he'll teach me how to do a better job of not thinking.

As I've observed, if you don't know what you are following, you don't know what kind of a trap you are walking into.

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Comrades, for years the publik skool system directed its efforts to trying to teach students how to think. This was a mistake, for the students grew up and abused this priviledge and many ended up doing it incorrectly. The problem is similar to the one reflected in the old saying "Teach a man to fish and he can then feed himself but you've gained nothing for the Party, but give a man a fish and he'll be back each day for more and you can make a dependent out of him."

Finally, the Party realized its error and ordered the skool system to simply teach WHAT to think instead of HOW. The results are so much better now.

But still, there is the problem of the older comrades who did not benefit from the new improved education. Sadly, as you note Colonel, they are still prone to making errors and becoming loose cannons. ObamaCareTM cannot pay for therapy for these individuals as it is in deep shit already, requiring 10 years of taxes to pay for 7 years of service they will not provide service to the state commensurate with what it will cost to fix them. As Obama has decreed, most will just have to take the .45 caliber pain pill.