
Doctor Utopia: NSA Just Your Friends, Neighbors, Coworkers

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"My advice to you is: Don't listen to the voices
warning against tyranny."
IN THE NEWS The Current Truth Network -- Washington D.C.

In a rare public appearance the Extraordinary Doctor Utopia head of the National Security Agency (NSA), dispelled growing concerns about the size and scope of the NSA.

"Many people seem genuinely troubled by the NSA and its broad mandate. They genuinely, however quite naively, imagine that the NSA has become some ubiquitous invisible presence monitoring everything going on in their lives. They've come to believe that the NSA is composed of spooks, to use the vernacular of spy novels; something akin to the KGB... an apparatus of a totalitarian police state.

"The personnel working for NSA are nothing of the sort. They are well trained professionals and are fellow Americans just as you and I. They are not shadowy spooks of a political elite spying on you. There are millions of NSA personnel that are your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. I can assure you, each and every American citizen comes in personal contact in some way with NSA agents every single day. They aren't scary 'spooks' out of some spy novel. They are ordinary people just like you and me. The voices warning against tyranny are not only foolish they are destructive of our entire system of government.

"My advice to you: Don't listen to those voices warning against tyranny. Don't join the chorus of those voices. Those voices sing a siren song that will lure you to your doom. And, thanks to the NSA, we know who they are."

Learn more at The Current Truth Network.

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Mrs Dr Utopia.jpg
Comrades, Mrs. Dr. Utopia is in total agreement with her husband, as always.

She also points out that Obamacare is based upon superior technology that, with NSA and IRS assistance, will eventually become the infrastructure for the complete restructuring of the American way of life for a fundamental transformation of America for all kinds of free things.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Why such a long face? You are in power.


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Comrade ThePeoplesComrade,

We have long faced this question, and will be facing it a while longer. So-long for now.

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Geez, kkkonservatives are like SOOOOO paranoid.

white house 2013.gif

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Excuse me, can someone give me the phone number to the N.S.A.? I lost several of my Gmail messages and need copies.

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Just dial ANY number and you'll be in touch with them.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
I have alway wonder why I have such elongated facial features. Apparently, there are more than one reason!

Kontrary to popular opinion -- it is FACE size rather than HAND size which regulates the elongated characteristics of other male...ahem... 'characteristcs'

Not only am I capable of satisfying various members of the opposite gender, it appears that I was DESTINED to save AmeriKKKa from itself!

Why, I am almost... dare I say? "PRESIDENTIAL!?"