
Emperor Obama's New Clothes Set New Cool Trend

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More than lavish vacations and golfing, Emperor Obama valued appearances, which consumed a bigger share of his government's budget than the army, the people, or the economy.

One day Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid informed Obama that they could dress him up in a way that would make him even more appealing to his fan base than he had ever been. At the same time, these new magic clothes would be invisible to the low-brow conservative knuckle-draggers, who didn't support his policies.

Obama couldn't miss a chance to shine - while, at the same time, to find out exactly whom to add to his "enemies list." Therefore, he ordered the two politicians to make the new clothes ready for his next inauguration ceremony.

Pelosi and Reid demanded a pile of taxpayer money, which put the country in an even bigger debt, and started their work in a backroom of the Capitol building. Day and night they were busy making their designs, and from time to time they'd asked for more taxpayer money.

After a time, Emperor Obama sent his trusty media reporters to check on their progress. As Pelosi and Reid went on about the great patterns and originality of the Emperor's new magic clothes, the media reporters soaked up every word and concurred in unison: "They are magnificent!"

To Emperor Obama's delight, the reporters planted the news in all media channels, repeating all of Pelosi's words. The world's best photojournalists published pictures of the glorious magic cloth. While no one could see the actual cloth, everyone pretended they saw splendid textures because they were terrified that others would think of them as low-brow conservative knuckle-draggers.

When the day came, Emperor Obama was presented with the clothes - but, to his horror, he couldn't see anything! Nevertheless, noticing everyone else's adulation, he pretended he saw the invisible clothes and made the motions of putting them on.

Then Obama went out to meet his subjects, as his image was being projected onto a gigantic TV screen. Everyone stood in awe, praising what they could not see, but trusting the words of others, who, in their turn, also relied on someone else's opinion. At the same time, they loudly ridiculed the low-brow conservative knuckle-draggers who were too close-minded and unrefined to appreciate the beauty of Obama's new clothes.

Suddenly, a small child, too young to know how bad it was to be thought of as a low-brow conservative knuckle-dragger, pointed at Obama and shouted, "The Emperor has no clothes!" Upon hearing the child's proclamation, the Obama voters suddenly realized that their Emperor indeed was standing in front of them naked. The next thing they suddenly realized was that it had to be a new, cool trend.

With a loud cheer, they all stripped naked and ran towards the White House, glorifying Obama and marveling at his extraordinary beauty and wisdom.
Concept and image by Maksim, story written by Red Square, The People's Director

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Of course, this scenario plays out very well with the Current Truth of Global Warming...

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Fashion Question:
Q: What's black and brown and would look good on Michelle Obama?
A: A Rottweiler.

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Comrades Maksim and The People's Director,

This is a most notable and, of course, equal submission.


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I don't care, I'm still not going to take off my clothes!

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Come now Comrade Margaret. You risk becoming known as a Proglodyte in His Majesty's New Socialist State.

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It's rather cold and snowy where I live. Can I wait until July?

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Steel yourself ROCK! It is mighty cold here in the People's Republic of MA, yet we all gather each evening and hurl our naked bodies into the ocean to stay in trim for the beet harvest!

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-- GAIA Minister Neytiri Naked Truth Report:

President Obama, now our Naked Emperor, decrees carbon-based-clothing tax and announces:

"Rejoice, My Subjects, now that my tax decrees have brought you into harmony with Nature's GAIA."

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Does this mean the First Wookie is going to be de-furred?

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"The sun glinted off chiseled pectorals sculpted during four weightlifting sessions each week, and a body toned by regular treadmill runs and basketball games."