
Enemies of The Messiah

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Recently, the traitors in the conservative media have discovered a list of sinners who pose a threat to our salvation by His Divine Majesty Barack Hussein Obama. These traitors and unrepetant pigs are the exact opposites of human beings, and their deadly ideas could bring down our glorious collective of fairness and spread racism and bigotry. They are surely deserving of our saviour's wrath and will go down in history as vanquished demons whose deaths allowed this great era of prosperity to continue uninterrupted.

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Do not fret too much Il Duce, The Party has prepared for this with a night raid by our glorious thoughpolice squad. If we invade your house by accident, we're sorry, it's night, and we have to make it before the sun comes up, or else people will see us in action.

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Comrade Il Duce Chupacabra,

The list of enemies Dear Leader wishes to purge is way too short. I believe more names are coming. But we are safe here at the Cube, as Dear Leader would never consider the Cube his enemy.

Here are some more for the list:

Lola the Prostitute: Lola is angry that under Dear Leader's economy tricks haven't been as good as they were under the Bush administration.

Jose, the physical therapist: Jose just moved here from Mexico ten years ago, started by doing odd jobs, put himself through school, started his own business, bought his first mini-McMansion, and is mad as hell that he may be forced into a union, and may even lose his business, altogether under the new Health Care Bill.

Bubba of Bubba's Barbeque fame: Bubba is anticipating the day when he will be forced to buy carbon credits for all the smoke he produces from cooking his meats.

Eric, Bubba's meat delivery guy: Eric is mad because he's anticipating the day when Cap and Trade laws stick it to the oil companies, and thus cause the price of gasoline to go so high he won't be able to earn a living because the price of gas is going to put him out of business before he can purchase a truck that makes economic sense.

Rancher Bob: Rancher Bob is the guy who grows the cattle that supplies the butcher who sells the beef to Eric, Bubba's meat delivery guy. And he's mad as hell that under Cap and Trade he will be hit with a flatulence tax for his livestock.

There are others, Comrade Il Duce, many others, that ought to be on Dear Leader's list.