
Expanding the People's Armory

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Comrades, I am really enjoying my book by our sworn enemy, Whittaker Chambers. However, this reading is to be limited to Inner Party Members only! If you are not a more equal Inner Party member, you are directed to return to your shovels, your beet patch, or your drunken revelry with the basest creature of whatever sex or model number.... what ever morally degrading thing that the Party approves of. This Whitaker Chambers is so dangerous that despite reports that he ceased consuming oxygen in 1961, I have sent out a special killer squad to hunt him down just in case. (BTW... it was Whittaker Chambers who first translated "Bambi" into English!) However, I must say that he really has a way with language. I love this expression he wrote:: "It's root lay close to what I meant when I spoke about the tragedy of history, It had to do with the spirit of man on the rack of necessity.

The rack of necessity, you could call your job. your wife, your children, etc.that.

But we should expand on this comrades, for instance....

The rack of necessity
The thumb screw of progress
The water board of hopelessness
The iron mask of change

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Again, I shall delve further into some of the things I have garnered from this enemies book. Non Inner Circle Comrades are again warned, DO NOT READ FURTHER!

For further security, I shall now employ....

Image Comrades, this Whitaker Chambers also exposed what we knew was true, but did not wish for the common public to be aware of.

Basically it is this...

The lower class are democrats
The middle class are republicans
The upper class, as we well know, are Communists.

Grant it, this is not earth shattering observation, but still, we must keep up our image as being the common man mustn't we?

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For the eyes of Commissar Theocritus...

I tried to experss this to you earlier, but the enemy Whitaker Chambers said it much better than I.

"The word “intellectual” was the most lethal in the invective vocabulary of Communism. No one could who could read or speak fluently was entirely invulnerable to it. Even a high school education laid a man open to attack. No matter how ably a Communist might argue a point, he could almost always be stopped by any illiterate who chose to fling the annihilating term. “Isn't he an intellectual?” one comrade would ask another in a tone of one teetotaler asking about another: “Isn't he a drunkard?”

Now comrade, do you still wish to be known as an intellectual?

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The axe handle of equality
The iron maiden of opportunity
The mailed fist of bipartisanship

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Now comrades, I must indeed invoke all the Party approved protections.....

This is a long sample of the "letter to his children" which prefaces "Witness" by Whitaker Chambers, a book I can not invoke a higher recommendation for reading. The full reading is found on the link.

....That is why no ex-Communist dare answer for his sad fraternity the question:Why do men break with Communism? He can only answer the question: How did you break with Communism? My answer is: Slowly, reluctantly, in agony.

Yet my break began long before I heard those screams. Perhaps it does for everyone. I do not know how far back it began. Avalanches gather force and crash, unheard, in men as in the mountains But I date my break from a very casual happening. I was sitting in our apartment on St. Paul Street in Baltimore. It was shortly before we moved to Alger Hiss's apartment in Washington. My daughter was in her highchair. I was watching her eat. She was the most miraculous thing that had ever happened in my life. I liked to watch her even when she smeared porridge on her face or dropped it meditatively on the floor.My eye came to rest on the delicate convolutions of her ear--those intricate, perfect ears. The thought passed through my mind: "No,those ears were not created by any chance coming together of atoms in nature (the Communist view). They could have been created only by immense design." The thought was involuntary and unwanted. I crowded it out of my mind. But I never wholly forgot it or the occasion. I had to crowd it out of my mind. If I had completed it, I should have had to say: Design presupposes God. I did not then know that, at that moment, the finger of God was first laid upon my forehead.

One thing most ex-Communists could agree upon: they broke because they wanted to be free. They do not all mean the same thing by"free." Freedom is a need of the soul, and nothing else. It is in striving toward God that the soul strives continually after a condition of freedom. God alone is the inciter and guarantor of freedom. He is the only guarantor. External freedom is only an aspect of interior freedom. Political freedom, as the Western world has known it, is only a political reading of the Bible. Religion and freedom are indivisible. Without freedom the soul dies. Without the soul there isno justification for freedom. Necessity is the only ultimate justification known to the mind. Hence every sincere break with Communism is a religious experience, though the Communist fail to identify its true nature, though he fail to go to the end of the experience. His break is the political expression of the perpetual need of the soul whose first faint stirring he has felt within him years, months or days before he breaks. A Communist breaks because he must choose at last between irreconcilable opposites-- God or Man,
Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism.

Communism is what happens when, in the name of Mind, men free themselves from God. But its view of God, its knowledge of God, its experience of God, is what alone gives character to a society or a nation, and meaning to its destiny. Its culture, the voice of this character, is merely that view, knowledge, experience, of God, fixed by its most intense spirits in terms intelligible to the mass of men.There has never been a society or a nation without God. But history is cluttered with the wreckage of nations that became indifferent to God,and died.

The crisis of Communism exists to the degree in which it has failed to free the peoples that it rules from God. Nobody knows this better than the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The crisis of the Western world exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to God.It exists to the degree in which the Western world actually shares Communism's materialist vision, is so dazzled by the logic of the materialist interpretation of history, politics and economics, that it fails to grasp that, for it, the only possible answer to the Communist challenge: Faith in God or Faith in Man? is the challenge: Faith in God.

Economics is not the central problem of this century. It is a relative problem which can be solved in relative ways. Faith is the central problem of this age. The Western world does not know it, but it already possesses the answer to this problem--but only provided that its faith in God and the freedom He enjoins is as great as Communism's faith in Man.

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Red Jim wrote:The axe handle of equality
The iron maiden of opportunity
The mailed fist of bipartisanship

Those are all wonderful things, comrade.

This is my first post here. Yes, I am really Comrade Stalin. Some of you may have heard a rumor that I died or something. This is a bourgeois lie. I was really just taking a nap. Believe it or be purged.

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For the love of Lenin!

What have we here comrades? Apparently one of my doubles managed to elude my cleaning crew. Not to worry comrades, my nephew Marshal Pupovich can no doubt straighten out just who is who. Marshal???

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Uncle Iosif wrote:For the love of Lenin!

What have we here comrades? Apparently one of my doubles managed to elude my cleaning crew. Not to worry comrades, my nephew Marshal Pupovich can no doubt straighten out just who is who. Marshal???

I have a bourgeois impostor, I see. Obviously an evil capitalist spy. He must be purged.

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Ah, we have a situation here do we not Uncle Iosef? Of course I know the facts here, yet somehow, I smell a potential opportunity to er.... increase my Party contributions if you get my drift....."Comrade Joe?"

Perhaps it is time for you to step up to the....

"Wheel of Fortune" if you will.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:Ah, we have a situation here do we not Uncle Iosef? Of course I know the facts here, yet somehow, I smell a potential opportunity to er.... increase my Party contributions if you get my drift....."Comrade Joe?"

Perhaps it is time for you to step up to the....

"Wheel of Fortune" if you will.

A wheel of fortune seems most un-Communist like, "Comrade". Unless everything on it is the same, it is unequal and thus a tool of capitalist oppression.

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Comrade Pupovich,

Can I have him for a few years before the wheel? I promise, I mean I will make every effort, perhaps you'll get him back...


Obamissar of Gulags and Car Wash Products

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Obamissar Vodkavich wrote:Comrade Pupovich,

Can I have him for a few years before the wheel? I promise, I mean I will make every effort, perhaps you'll get him back...


Obamissar of Gulags and Car Wash Products

Oh sure, I''l go with you. I could use a promotion. I remember when I reported for Party processing. I went and the Comrade there appointed me to a low position, so I "redistributed" some of my bullets into his head in gratitude and "redistributed" his processing job tomyself in return.

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Comrade Marshal,

I'll let you do the honors. Pick a number between 1 and 8. All other platforms are currently under construction.


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Obamissar Vodkavich wrote:Comrade Marshal,

I'll let you do the honors. Pick a number between 1 and 8. All other platforms are currently under construction.


Go ahead and try. Being dead hasn't stopped me yet.

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Perfect!! A shovel that never quits! So how many times did you vote for The One?

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Obamissar Vodkavich wrote:Perfect!! A shovel that never quits! So how many times did you vote for The One?


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Image This is one reason why priests were always on Lenin's targets of suspects.

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There's new equpiment coming out all the time, and they say nothing is made in America anymore!!


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Proletarian Robot wrote:There's new equpiment coming out all the time, and they say nothing is made in America anymore!!


That would go great with the T-90 tank I got from Mother Russia.


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Comrade Joe wrote:
A wheel of fortune seems most un-Communist like, "Comrade". Unless everything on it is the same, it is unequal and thus a tool of capitalist oppression.

Ah, now you have exposed yourself as an imposter! Otherwise you would know that as an Inner Circle Comrade, we are more equals. Yet I can appreciate a good imposter now and then, provided they know their station. Welcome to the People's Cube "Comrade Imposter Joe." Welcome to the Cube, you may collect your blunt shovel from the guard and get in the line to the left. You will be washed down in the People's Shower to rid your self of any possible "bugs" and initial capitalist delousement. The bus will take you to the Karl Marx Re-Education Center where for those who survive, will begin to get in touch with their "Inner Comrade."

How To Get In Touch With Your Inner Comrade

Get a firm grip of your proletarian shovel and make several slow,deep and heavy digs, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Dig in peace and love for the common good until you start experiencing the people's pain, suffering, and hatred of the class enemy, its running dogs, and capitalism in general. Keep digging until the need for self-sacrifice overwhelms you. Breathe out selfishness,self-esteem, personal responsibility, and any thoughtcrimes that may have been haunting you. Allow shame, despair, guilt for your very existence, and blind faith in the Party doctrine to spread from the top of your head, all the way down to the tips of your fingers and toes,erasing every curvy line in your brain. This should take about five hours of uninterrupted self-criticism.

Once you feel totally guilty, worthless, and fearful, imagine yourself as a powerful Commissar in charge of purges, disappearances,and composting. Look into the piercing eyes of this Commissar and ask yourself these questions:

If you were a Commissar looking down at this worthless piece of crap with a shovel (you), what would you say to him/her/it?

- Will you be disgusted and feel an urge to squash this human stain for the common good?
- Will you denounce him/her/it as Enemy of the People?
- Will you want to promote him/her/it to the rank of your assistant in charge of composting Enemies of the People?
- Will you reward him/her/it with an extra rationing coupon?
- Or will you see something in those eyes that will turn your feet cold with fear and you will fall on your knees and announce the advent of the New Leader, Friend of People, and Father of Nations?

Once you know a clear answer to those questions, your self-criticism session is complete. You have discovered your Inner Comrade

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Obamissar Vodkavich wrote:Comrade Marshal,

I'll let you do the honors. Pick a number between 1 and 8. All other platforms are currently under construction.


I personally prefer platform 3, it holds sentimental value to me as that is the platform that I "said goodbye" to my parrents, family, neighbors, and a few proles off the street just for kicks. Yes, we appeat to have an over anxious comrade on our hands. One who apparently does not realize that we have his full records, such as his merely coming to the Parry on 2-5-09. But a new comrade with delusions of grandeur can be useful I imagine, to the proper Commissar with a "hole" to fill.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:
Comrade Joe wrote:
A wheel of fortune seems most un-Communist like, "Comrade". Unless everything on it is the same, it is unequal and thus a tool of capitalist oppression.

Ah, now you have exposed yourself as an imposter! Otherwise you would know that as an Inner Circle Comrade, we are more equals.

It is obvious that members of the Inner Circle are more equal,Comrade. However, I'm pretty sure that inanimate objects are not partof it, unless the policy has changed. And even then, the individualwheel parts must each be deeper in the Inner Circle to be more or lessequal. If this is so, tell me.

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Comrades, I knew the fellow who originally created the Photoshop of the portable lynching truck many years ago.

He called it the "PNL" and the N didn't stand for neo-con. Nor was Cheney standing on the trapdoor. As I recall, it was OJ Simpson.

In true Socialist style, rather than creating an original work of art, some Leftist stole the work of others.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:Now comrades, I must indeed invoke all the Party approved protections.....


Yet my break began long before I heard those screams. Perhaps it does for everyone. I do not know how far back it began. Avalanches gather force and crash, unheard, in men as in the mountains But I date my break from a very casual happening. I was sitting in our apartment on St. Paul Street in Baltimore. It was shortly before we moved to Alger Hiss's apartment in Washington. My daughter was in her highchair. I was watching her eat. She was the most miraculous thing that had ever happened in my life. I liked to watch her even when she smeared porridge on her face or dropped it meditatively on the floor.My eye came to rest on the delicate convolutions of her ear--those intricate, perfect ears. The thought passed through my mind: "No,those ears were not created by any chance coming together of atoms in nature (the Communist view). They could have been created only by immense design." The thought was involuntary and unwanted. I crowded it out of my mind. But I never wholly forgot it or the occasion. I had to crowd it out of my mind. If I had completed it, I should have had to say: Design presupposes God. I did not then know that, at that moment, the finger of God was first laid upon my forehead.

I have had a similar moment in my life. For me, it was many years ago after the death of a close relative that I sat around pondering my mortality and how useless it all was. God and life after death are fantasies, science told us, they are not possible; and I agreed. How could someone "live" after they had "died"? How the hell would THAT work? The brain creates consciousness and when it stops functioning, that's the end. Thus ultimately, we are all doomed. It was a very depressing time.

Then, a thought came into my head; "What makes you think something can't exist just because YOU don't understand how it could exist? The sun warmed the earth for billions of years before man understood nuclear fusion. Man's understanding was not needed to put it there or to keep it there."

A good point, and one I probably could have ignored if not for the impact it had at the time. Was God laying a finger on my head? Maybe, though I would've thought He would need to hit something so thick much harder in order to have an effect. But, it started an odessy of thought which has brought me to conclude that there is a Creator and the universe is incredibly more complex than we can imagine.

I think Chambers is correct, communism and materialism go hand in hand. If the materialistic view of the world were correct, communism makes sense. If we are only here for the brief period of our physical existence, it is appropriate that we rail against life's unfairness and seek to remediate all inequality (although communism as practiced failed spectacularly to do so, but that's another problem, it's the thought that counts!) However, if this life is part of a larger continuum, life's inequalities are not so important in the big picture. Whether you accept the Eastern concept of karma or the Western religious concept embodied in "we all have our crosses to bear", our problems are part of our work here rather than something for the government redress by force. Marx's dictum that religion is the opiate of the masses expresses his idea that spirituality is a con-game that prevents the masses from getting "their fair share." The more accurate view is Shakespeare's thought that the whole world is a stage and everyone is playing a part; the director has given some better parts to play than others.

This dichotomy of world views is what makes the Jihadists so dangerous to the secularists in the West. The materialist clings to this life because he believes it's all there is; death is the worst fate as it means the end of everything as far as he is concerned, so he may be prone to surrender everything and anything to retain it. The jihadist has a spiritual view, misguided as it is; he is not afraid to end this life because he believes there is something else beyond it. This is a tactical advantage to the jihadist; the secularist can offer to bribe him with money or goods or threaten his life, but ultimately none of these things mean anything to him as his focus is not on this world. People like Obama, who apparently do not understand this, are just pissing in the wind. Or worse.

This is also the difference between the jihadist and the Soviet communists; the latter could be deterred by M.A.D. (mutually assured destruction) as they, as materialists, saw the end of life as the end of everything. The Soviets wanted to dominate the world but they also wanted to be around to enjoy it. Any comparisons attempted between the Cold War and the War on Terror are going to be false analogies that will end in failure.

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Opiate of the People wrote:
Marshal Pupovich wrote:Now comrades, I must indeed invoke all the Party approved protections.....


A good point, and one I probably could have ignored if not for the impact it had at the time. Was God laying a finger on my head? Maybe, though I would've thought He would need to hit something so thick much harder in order to have an effect. But, it started an odessy of thought which has brought me to conclude that there is a Creator and the universe is incredibly more complex than we can imagine.

I think Chambers is correct, communism and materialism go hand in hand. If the materialistic view of the world were correct, communism makes sense.

Have you heard of the God Spot? I have always found it interesting in that if the evolutionists are correct, then presumably lower animals also have a similar system, only lower functioning. But then what would be the evolutionary "advantage" would such a system represent? Yet the Bible clearly states that ALL men have an innate knowledge of God, which would seem to have foresaw this God spot thousands of years ago.

Your analysis of communism is right on, and in fact, Whitaker Chambers goes further. HIs speaking about the child was but one of several things that led him away from the Communist Party. There were the "screams" he mentioned, of those who were being purged, the millions being imprisoned and dying under Stalin, the very folks that the Party was supposed to help. Then there was the infamous treaty with the Nazi's after years of Stalin's diatribes against fascism. It outraged and confused many Communists for a time. But as Chambers pointed out, upon thinking about it, the treaty made sense from a communist point of view. Since there is no "right or wrong" in their beliefs, only what works to their advantage, then he eventually realized that Stalin saw this as a way for the two western powers, the capitalists and the nazi's, to fight against each other while Communism would set back and collect it's eventual, ordained, remnant.

Aside from the religious point, it goes to the heart of what we call the humanist view. They do not consider themselves communists, just as the leftists today do, which as Chambers point out, that because they are so tied to the same goals and desires, they fail to recognize the communists amongst them.

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Comrade Joe wrote:It is obvious that members of the Inner Circle are more equal,Comrade. However, I'm pretty sure that inanimate objects are not partof it, unless the policy has changed. And even then, the individualwheel parts must each be deeper in the Inner Circle to be more or lessequal. If this is so, tell me.

Comrade, do not strain yourself too hard to understand the Inner Circle, in time, after much shoveling, groveling, or even perhaps useful backstabbing etc. you may be invited into the Inner Circle and given a more equal rank. However, in the meantime, yes, even my toaster is more equal than your toaster. BTW. stay away from a toaster oven named Helen, she is the Chairman's heart throb.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:
Comrade Joe wrote:It is obvious that members of the Inner Circle are more equal,Comrade. However, I'm pretty sure that inanimate objects are not partof it, unless the policy has changed. And even then, the individualwheel parts must each be deeper in the Inner Circle to be more or lessequal. If this is so, tell me.

Comrade, do not strain yourself too hard to understand the Inner Circle, in time, after much shoveling, groveling, or even perhaps useful backstabbing etc. you may be invited into the Inner Circle and given a more equal rank. However, in the meantime, yes, even my toaster is more equal than your toaster. BTW. stay away from a toaster oven named Helen, she is the Chairman's heart throb.

Your toaster voted for The One more times than I've had hot meals!


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We all had our burdens to bear Comrade, our dues to pay to elect the One. Speaking of this.... I see your Party dues are in arrears.

I really would not wish to see you suffer the.....
Punishing Shoes of Poverty.

There is no need for the Ministry of Charity to be alerted to your situation, provided of course you can begin to make payments immediately, in un-tracable bills sent to me of course. I have friends there where I can take care of this behind the scenes if you will.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:
Comrade Joe wrote:It is obvious that members of the Inner Circle are more equal,Comrade. However, I'm pretty sure that inanimate objects are not partof it, unless the policy has changed. And even then, the individualwheel parts must each be deeper in the Inner Circle to be more or lessequal. If this is so, tell me.

Comrade, do not strain yourself too hard to understand the Inner Circle, in time, after much shoveling, groveling, or even perhaps useful backstabbing etc. you may be invited into the Inner Circle and given a more equal rank. However, in the meantime, yes, even my toaster is more equal than your toaster. BTW. stay away from a toaster oven named Helen, she is the Chairman's heart throb.

I haven't done any shoveling, Comrade, nor will I. You see, I run the local Party processing center after I thanked the last guy for giving a a low rank by redistributing some of my bullets into his head. And to think, after my kind thanks, he had the nerve to go and die! So I redistributed his job to myself. No one had any questions. Maybe it was my huge machine gun?

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You aren't going to find your way to the Bunker without some groveling Comrade Imposter Stalin. You will never get to know your Inner Comrade in the manner you are going about it, and thus can never know the joys of being Inner Circle.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:You aren't going to find your way to the Bunker without some groveling Comrade Imposter Stalin. You will never get to know your Inner Comrade in the manner you are going about it, and thus can never know the joys of being Inner Circle.

I've seen several impostor Lenins as well. Don't forget, however, that the current truth is subject to change without notice, and that truth is relative, meaning there is no absolute truth. Therefore, while I could be an impostor now, I could become the real Stalin in a minute.

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Comrade Joe wrote:[Therefore, while I could be an impostor now, I could become the real Stalin in a minute.

Over my dead body Comrade!

Ah! I kill me comrade! LOL!

Seriously comrade, while I have not had a great need for a body double lately, who knows what the future may hold in store?

Why, you don't even know how I entertain myself....

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Comrades, I do understand, or rather have sympathy with, the idea that there is some force greater than we are and it is this which militates against communism. And Opiate, it is entirely true that something cold be true even though we don't understand it. But I tend always to go to the least complicated explanations.

Chambers was a brave man, who knew that his testimony would destroy him if he made it. A good and valued friend of Bill Buckley. I deplore only his attack-dog review of Ayn Rand, which only lately has been revised. He said something very silly about reading in her a death-wish totalitarian streak. But that was when Buckley was purging the conservatives of the Birchers and the Randites.

We can I think deplore communism for a very simple reason--it murders great numbers of people.

There is a book, <i>Saving Capitalism from Capitalists</i>, which I've not read but the title pretty much gives it away. "The problem with capitalism is capitalists. The problem with socialism is socialism." This all goest to the theory that it is dehumanizing to unlink actions from consequences; slavery is depriving people of their agency. It's the same thing.

Freedom is not possible under communism unless your mind, soul, desires to surrender its essential responsibility for existence to an outside authority. Muslims do to Allah; some Christians to to God, but since they tend not to kill people I've no quarrel in the slightest with that.

And the hard left finds freedom in the removal of that ultimate responsibility for their own existence. They have sought a secular redemption in the state, which demands all.

There will alway be people who want to submit. Some submit to human masters and willingly become slaves. They are the honest ones. Some submit to a state, which inevitably becomes totalitarian as it does more and more for people, who want it and the state gets the power.

But most of all we can hate community because of the 100,000,000 murders made in its name.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:ImageWe can I think deplore communism for a very simple reason--it murders great numbers of people.

That was the original cause of Chambers turning from the true path, some misunderstanding he had about the necessary house cleansing of my Uncle Iosef.

I do hope you saw the comment he made about "intellectuals" Commissar? Comrades have been talking Commissar..... not that I would name names....for free.

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Pupovich, let us esteem intellectuals. For as Christopher Hitchens, in a throwaway line in his anti-god book said, that at the end of their lives, grew tired and embraced totalitarianism.

I embrace the intellect! Because so often the intellectuals have found ways to make very good, or good-sounding, arguments for totalitarianism. When normal people might just wait for it all to go away.

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That is all fine and good Commissar, just don't come looking for me when some illiterate mob, in other words, our constituency, and start murmuring about you "Isn't he an intellectual?" as one goes for the People's Rope™.

On another front Commissar, just what is going on over in your Texas collective? I just received a complaint today that your collective functionaries denied a progressive couple a safe ride while they were in need!

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It is the fact that the woman passed out drunk that bothered them. They're not used to having a drop-in visit by a Kennedy.

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But isn't the woman usually in the water while unconscious when there is a Kennedy involved?

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Sometimes on the grounds of the compound at 3 AM. And never forget the Kennedy sister who was lobotomized and put in a convent.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Sometimes on the grounds of the compound at 3 AM. And never forget the Kennedy sister who was lobotomized and put in a convent.

Ah, the stories I am sure she could have told, before her "treatment."