
Facebook Announces Name Change

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In a dramatic marketing move, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook is changing its name to Spybook.

"Since people found out that we've been collecting non-Facebook-related data on them and providing it to other people, we figured we might as well officially change the name of Facebook to Spybook," stated Zuckerberg to a mixed crowd of techies and reporters, adding that it's "kinda the In Thing these days."

"Hey, we've been helping the government with data mining on our subscribers for years," he added, "and what with the news coming out about NSACIAFBIetc™ also snooping collecting valuable information on everyone in the United States, we might as well get some of the pie for ourselves, just like our friends at Google have been."

The announcement came on the heels of news that the feral government is attempting to have Edward "The Leak" Snowden extradited back to the United States from wherever he's hiding this week.

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Comrade ROCK, you're on a ROLL!

Exemplary writing, especially in the last paragraph:

The announcement came on the heels of news that the feral government is attempting to have Edward "The Leak" Snowden extradited back to the United States from wherever he's hiding this week.

I think that we should trademark "feral government" and add ™ to it.

PS. I just googled "feral government" and it has already been used by many others before. Marx damn it!

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LOL Comrade People's Director, and thanks ;)

I've been calling it that since the mid-90s...

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Finally, Finally, FINALLY: SOMEONE - SOME REVOLUTIONARY PATRIOT - is tracking the Popular Posts of Those Who Are Revanchist Enemies Of The State!

All Hail The Magnificent Peoples Republic (and all of Its Secret Aides!)