
Finally - A Theory That Holds Water

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Finally - a theory that holds water

Indeed, I was with Victor Gorshkov and Anastassia Makarieva, both from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in St Petersburg, and with Germán Poveda of the Medellín campus of the National University of Colombia.

We were scrambling our way over the intertwining foot-holding roots of the Chocó rainforest, straddled along Colombia's Pacific coastline, in pursuit of those exquisitely-coloured poison arrow frogs which get their name from the blowpipe darts used by the Embera-Katío Indians of the region.

We weren't there to capture the frogs, just to see them in their glory, intense spots of colour against the drab brownish colouration of the humus bedded on the forest floor or perched conspicuously on the dark bark of a tree.

And, after some four hours of energetic clambering up and sliding down the slithery slopes on which the forest is rooted, we did indeed come across half a dozen or so of the tiny creatures. Seeing the frogs there in full display and with no attempt to hide made us realize that we were in a healthy rainforest.

The frogs get the precursors to their deadly heart-stopping poison from insects which themselves have fed on toxic leaves and, for the frogs to have their chemical protection from predators, the forest has to have its biodiversity intact.

No question, the Colombian Chocó with its plethora of species is one of the most terrestrial biodiverse regions in the world and how beautifully it is situated with the Pacific Ocean just a stone's throw away.

We were there, without electricity, without internet, without a host of tourists; we were in a sanctuary which gave us peaceful hours to reflect, to observe and to feel the omnipresence of the natural world.

After such a spiritual experience, ClimateChangetoligists return to the civilized world grind filled with endless toil sorting the data they collected, to derive statistics, charted with graphs that prove if tourists/settlers packing up their own families in deplorable SUV's to share the same exhilarating experience of the natural world surrounding us, is a threat to their private use of The People's Property Sanctuary where only they are privileged enough to experience such bliss.

John James Audubon self funded by subscriptions, lived the same primitive life of privation, scrambling over rocks, bogs, and dense forest, to capture in his mind, the moment, so that he could share the glory he saw revealed within the natural world.




Self-funding produced a greater enjoyable experience for The People™ in perpetuity than public funding.

Finally - a theory that holds water.

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Such a wonderful experience shouldn't be limited to just a few "peaceful hours." To get a true picture of man's relationship with the natural world their visit should be extended until they beg someone to come and get them.

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Dedhedvedev wrote:Such a wonderful experience shouldn't be limited to just a few "peaceful hours." To get a true picture of man's relationship with the natural world their visit should be extended until they beg someone to come and get them.

That is so deep, Comrade Dedhedvedev.

The mythical horned rodent really digs where you are comin' from, comrade.

forelock tug,
Russian Agent
#BR 549
with love, xxx

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Dedhedvedev,

I have experienced that! The People's Air Force graciously made sure that I experienced nature to excess in a wide variety of climatic extremes. As I recall, the first was woodland. Then open ocean. Then jungle tropical rain forest. Then desert. Then arctic. I probably intentionally forgot some of them. If there had been a Lunar Survival Course I'm pretty sure I would have had to endure it.

I concur that the vast majority of the militant environmental enthusiasts should be afforded the opportunity to experience these stress free holidays.

Consuming beer and Twinkies in the Current Truth ™,

Red Salmon

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Most equal Comrades, Red Salmon and Dedhedvedev, Comrade 'pelipsky has Plan so the vast majority of academic militant ClimateChangetologists and their enthusiastic studentclaimologists can have the opportunity to experience the very training of which you were paid to endure ...or else.

Climate Change Conundrum: Texazistan