
First Sinterklaas, and now Long Nose!

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(for the glorious denouncement of Euro-RRRAAAAAcism by Sinterklaas, see this)

Gotcha, Chinman!
Comrades, our old-age pensions are safe! We will monetize on Chinman's RRRAAAAAcism!

And we will do it via UNHCR, accompanied by our street gang instigated violence, uh, I mean grassroots polite persuasion to put the boot on the neck, ah, to get an agreement that the yellow slit-eyed wall-erecting Untermensch, um, the masses of Chinese ancestry who conducted the glorious Cultural Revolution under steady leadership of Great Chairman Mao, that they will bleed bloody money into our pockets, uh, that is, will graciously agree to reparations in the name of Global Justice.

Here the artefacts, the evidence, the proof of China's prolonged, deliberate and rabid RRRAAAAAcism against us, Comrades, the revolutionarily leading Kollektivist Übermensch, uh, that is Caucasian fighters for Further Progress™.

Look at this, look at this!
All found in Chinman territory, accompanied by linguistic evidence! :

Caucasians ‒ admittedly, rarely seen in the Far East (until mid 19th century) ‒ were called "Long Noses", considered utterly alien, and of course depicted as such. Complete with a Jewish hat (see pic below), thereby adding insult to injury (because, Comrades Progressivists, who of us wishes to be a Joo????? well, of course except those Comrades who already are).

Evidence of slit-eyed RRRAAAAAcism (the Nose! the Nose!) :

CHI_Europoid_Mask_Lop_Nur_Nor_2000_1000_BCE .jpg
Found in the Lop Nur (also known as Lop Nor) area. Dated 2000 - 1000 BCE.
Lop Nor, heh-heh, on the verge of Tarim Basin (in the magic Taklamakan of Xinjiang), that's an extra chapter.

CHI_Silk_Road_Foreign_Merchant_at_the_Silk_Road_7th_century (2).jpg
Europid merchant, found in the north branch of the Silk Road (magic, too). Dated 7th century Anno Domini.

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Caucasians ‒ admittedly, rarely seen in the Far East (until mid 19th century) ‒ were called "Long Noses", considered utterly alien, and of course depicted as such. Complete with a Jewish hat (see pic below), thereby adding insult to injury (because, Comrades Progressivists, who of us wishes to be a Joo????? well, of course except those Comrades who already are).


I didn't know Joos played harmonicas... I learn something new every day around here... or is that one of those mouth organs - like HarMonica Lewinsky played for Clinton in the White House?

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Comrade Craptek, I consulted on this some art historians/critics.

You know, those guys who (while exceptions apply) have the ability to read into a piece of ‒ agreed ‒ art (agreed by them, of course) practically anything they, or some contractees, wish. "oh, that Warhol, just look how he organizes space, the diacricity of his lazerunek, and that scaena pumperniculus of his... (etc.)".

And they said, contemplating your courageous hypothesizing "oh, well, the harmonics of Lévi-Strauss, his Tristes Tropiques, and..." ‒ here I started to push them towards more, like, epistemological hermeneutics of thanatos in the Europide vel Caucasian versus Whitey Morbiditis acuta blah-blah-blah, and they smoothly switched.

"Yes," they said, looking at the Long-Noser, "clenched teeth, an antipastic harbinger of clenched fists, both anticipating a clenched Musculus sphincter ‒ ", and continued, "yes, the White Man, in his full harmony qum disharmony," then concluded: "yep ‒ White Man, White House, Harmonium. A capella, trompe l'oeil, and artifactuality of Aeternitas."

So, I gather that you appear to be seemingly right. Korrekt?

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But... they are mocking white people? Isn't that allowed according to the Leftist Bible? I'm so confused... or is it offended? I don't know anymore!

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Minitrue wrote:But... they are mocking white people? Isn't that allowed according to the Leftist Bible? I'm so confused... or is it offended? I don't know anymore!
Mockery of white people is by definition not mockery; it is truthiness.

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[color=#C0392B]A[/color] [color=#999999]( Minitrue )[/color] wrote:... they are mocking white people? Isn't that allowed according to the Leftist Bible? ...
[color=#C0392B]B[/color] [color=#999999]( RedDiaperette )[/color] wrote:Mockery of white people is by definition not mockery; it is truthiness.
Most Korrekt, Comrades.
The formula is settled, and the dispute is over :

A + B = Minitrue + ReD = Maxitrue
(... and now just wait, consensus coming soon - you know, our old-age pensions!)

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It is true, Maxitrue, that mocking ‒ ach was, downright humiliating and screwing whitey-long-nose-kafir, by any means necessary! ‒ is a progressively protected Human Right.

        Mystery item No. 1

Now having said all this, what about our old-age pensions, you might ask.
Well, the choice for our working methods has never been clearer. Vee haff vays.

Vee vill grab any slit-eye behind zhe Great Wall, and vee vill say Ach so, you make zhe Long Nose fun? vee giff yu fun!, and zhen vee make, like, Long Nose justice, vee vill make zhem kowtow, and vee vill shout : Giff mony!

There is near 1.400.000.000 of them, last time they fell in for Kollektive Kounting roll-call.

Zhat vay, Komrades, renminbi by renminbi, vee vill haff good pension time, and vee vill sip caipirinha, and vee vill haff zhe beauty-eyed cuties make slap-dance to zhe Kollektive, jawohl!

Look here how vee make zhem kowtow :

Image Zhe big pic here.

All Kubists are represented in the Grand Pension Kowtow Kourt!
It's just the pic has limits ‒ a frame, as dictated by Newton's Laws of Optics.

So, out of frame ‒ yet not out of the Pension Kowtow Perspective ‒ any Kubist, as diverse as they come, is included! Diversity never beats Inclusivity! (well, except you are a Long Nose, of course. Or a super-Long-Nose i. e. a Joo.)

(for instance : the far left guy in the pic, that's Comrade Vlad Linen.)

P.S. @ Comrade Vlad Linen : hello, yu haff mail!