
Forward to continued Party dominance

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As many of you probably know, most excellently equal Party leader Wasserman Schultz plans to campaign on Dear Lear's glorious health care plan in 2014! Dominance of the Peoples' Party is assured.


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Ummm, your post is entitled "Forward to continued Party dominance" but in your photo, DWS is facing and travelling backwards. On second thought, this is Debbie we're talking about, so never mind....

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[highlight=#NaNffff]"If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars; they would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes," - Comrade the detail to accuracy is intact as DWS is riding a foreign model nuclear with options, Harry Reid just bought his. We long for the next DNC sales pitch, snappy slogan truth to match "GM is alive, Osama Bin Laden is dead™".[/highlight][highlight=#NaNffff]

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Opiate of the People wrote:Ummm, your post is entitled "Forward to continued Party dominance" but in your photo, DWS is facing and travelling backwards. On second thought, this is Debbie we're talking about, so never mind....
Of course, we do not know in which direction missile is traveling, so we cannot tell whether she is riding forward or backward. Come to think of it, this may be true of current state of events at that. So, as you say, never mind....

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DWS is simply turned back urging The People™ to "follow me!", as all good leaders who lead from the warhead front do. She certainly looks like she is enjoying the ride!

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Reagan had "Peace through strength." The Obama administration has "Peace through stupid." Debbie's going to ride "Peace through stupid" all the way down.

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One step Forward™and two steps back. Debbie does the Democrat Two Step.

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Anyer Marx wrote:DWS is simply turned back urging The People™ to "follow me!", as all good leaders who lead from the warhead front do. She certainly looks like she is enjoying the ride!

Silly Anyer, good leaders (like his O'liness) lead from behind.

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I just had to post this video:

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