
Founding Fathers Never Thought of Modern Communications!

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Those arguing against the second amendment and the Right to Bear Arms make a valid point when they claim our Founding Fathers never envisioned the modern arsenal that is available today. Likewise the same argument can be made that the Founding Fathers never envisioned computers, cell-phones, internet, satellites, and modern communications in general.

Free speech is one of the leading causes of discontent in contemporary society. It is responsible for hate-speech, talk radio, and thought crime in general. Freedom of the press is responsible for such travesties as Faux News. The first amendment has outlived its usefulness and really has no place in a harmonious collective.

If we can trust the glorious government with the regulation of firearms and our healthcare in this country then they certainly be trusted to regulate what we say. Just Sayin'.

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Kommissar Brainiac wrote:Just Sayin'.
Only as long as it's approved, Comrade, only as long as it's approved.

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Kommissar Brainiac, great reminder. Words offend and we should stop using them, plead the fifth.

words offend.jpg

Preserve Innocence, Maintain Silence

preserve innocence 256.jpg

Ask not, the question may offend someone.

ask not.jpg

Copy Veggies, Be Quiet

be quiet.jpg

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I am thinking this is a progress idea that dear leader should implement, at the first implementing point possible. We, at the Peoples Gulag and Reeducation Center have already begun.

Here is example of unruly Tea persons learning not to be speaking offensive words.

end free speech.jpg

Call the IRS! Demand the end of the 1st Amendment . . . and the 2nd! Who needs that! And rid ourselves of the burden of the other 6... or 7 or.. whatever. "Let Obama decide!!" (bumper sticker will be available in the Peoples Laundry & Brake Shop a week from next Tuesday)