
Garofalo Nails it on Herman Cain's So Called Support

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As many are aware Janet Garofalo nailed it on Keith's Olberman's show. She said,

“Herman Cain is probably well-liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican Party, conservative movement and tea party movement,” Garofalo said.

She is 100000000 percent korrect! I mean just listen to the man give a speech and you can tell that the audience was hating everything he said but kept it a secret because it was being filmed.

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The Repug's best kept secret: Herman Cain is actually Carl Rove in blackface makeup. I mean, have you ever seen them in the same picture?

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Jar full of smarts has a valid point. A Teabaggers version of Clark Kent / Superman. Photos do not lie until properly altered for the good of the Party.

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Janeane needs a new writer and an adjustment on her meds.
Apparently, now she only has the ability to say two things:

1. He's a racist.
2. He's a bigot.

This rather limited response to anything not perfectly in alignment with her own view of the Universe can get rather tedious......

Say, like at a Denny's :

"So, Janeane, I see you ordered the Grand Slam. Those are good. I just ordered the Denver omelette , myself......"

" Your a bigoted racist ! You know that, don't you ?! "

Like I was say'n.....

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I think Janet Garo-fa-la-falafel hit the nail right on the hammer. She is the most intelligent idiot out there on the scene. I'm glad she is doing her job informing us smart people how to really analyze and see things as they really are. Her idiocy embarasses me. I feel too smart listening to her wonderful ramblings. I must, and you too Dot.Comrades, listen to her diligently and strive to become as dumb as you can possibly become. The results would be that thinking will be last thing that you will have to do. It takes up too much time and energy. That's what the governemnt is for.

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Janet Garofalo wrote:Herman Cain is probably well-liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican Party, conservative movement and tea party movement.
In other words, "Republicans like Herman Cain so much because they hate black people so much."
[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] : WTF?

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Comrade Pony - who can really (and who would want to) truly understand the Rethuglikkkans' thought processes? After all, can we consider people who don't believe in Global Warming to even be fully human, in the most progressive sense?

I thought not.

Best to just move along toward the glorious world of Next Tuesday and leave them to their bigotry and hate. Soon they'll be barely a memory to us...

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There.. I feel better comrades...(She's so hot...)

Who is this Herman Cain?

(Oh crap I dropped birth control glasses... a little help please!)


There.. I feel better comrades...(She's so hot...)"
For shame, comrade! How do you think that statement makes comrade Helen Thomas feel? And, should we not all be having comradely hots for our MTE? And having those thoughts about Janeane Waterbuffalo means that you are not properly contemplating the wondrous messianic statements of Ear Leader.
I hope Commisarka Pinkie does not read your comment, else a certain rooster may become acquainted with dumplings in the near future after a severe shovel induced headache.

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Comrade Ogrrre,

Ready for the beet fields eh? Lookin for somethin Finger Lickin Good? Been hangin out with our communist factions in China?

Have a bite comrade, it's better than beets - but you'll wish you never had.


Recommendation: BANG! KUNG POW!

Don't eat Chinese chicken with Tourette Syndrome....