
Google Graciously Celebrates the Equally Humble Beet Farmer

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Most Equal Komrads,

The Google Organ and Tool of the Party has openly celebrated the equally humble collective beet field worker! The following artwork was the Doodle on 04/10/2020. Until we change the calendaring system in the GWONT.


My heart swells with pride knowing that our VERY equal Komrads at Google hold meager surfs equal beet field workers in high esteem.

Current Truth™ Current Truth™ Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

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good beet tending, most equal comrade Red Salmon.

But, the mythical horned rodent is stayin' cautious and just goin' about beet tending with head down so's not to make eye contact.

And Comrade ET, Vermontistan sure changed its mind on implementing a historical reenactment of Stalin's War Plan for Ukraine, and reversed previous directive of designating garden seeds as non-essential to survival due to: 'The CoVid Factor'.

Beets CAN and WILL be planted as per Farmer's Almanac in Vermontistan.

over and out,