
Goooood Morning People's Cube

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good morning.jpg

The Committee on Humor and Levity has convened and demand that prior to posting any further images, each image be submitted in triplicate for review by committee members. Each committee member has been carefully screened and vetted by Comrades John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, well known for their uproarious appreciation for whatever is funny. All possible attention will be given to the return your images with appropriate documentation as to whether or not they have been deemed funny. Any attempt to post unapproved or unauthorized images will result in severe penalties and gulagizement.

Trash_Wife_transporter 2.jpg
Particular attention must be paid to the political sensitivities and sexual moralities of the culture to assure that items are sufficiently humorous. For example: satirizing religious customs is never humorous. No one ever sees any humor in ridicule or sarcasm directed at religious or cultural proclivities. Please view the attached violation.

Perhaps this was not the best example.

the-end-is-near 2.jpg

No skin or body part should ever be revealed, discussed or referenced. All skin is strictly forbidden. Showing or referring to a woman's anatomy never adds to the impact or humor of any subject. This base and adolescent attempt to be funny is never effective with sophisticated and intelligent adults. Such offensive material will never be approved and is strictly forbidden by the Committee on Humor and Levity. Notice how offensive and "not funny" this "end is near" graphic is.

Possibly this is another poor example.

not funny.jpg

It is altogether possible that all future images may be suspended until the committee meets with Comrades Kerry and Hagel for further instructions.


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To: The Committee on Humor and Levity
Subject: Image Approval

Dear sir, madam or The Peoples Comrade,

I submit the following two (2) images for your consideration:



Please do not show these images to other posters - especially R.O.C.K. - even though we are all equal... well let's face it some of us are not.

I try to maintain a cache of potential Cube images (I hope cache means 'a big bunch'). I discovered to my horror that I have drifted below the two-hundred (200) image mark! I will be submitting potential images as I have time to steal create them.

Respectfully submitted,
May Putout

P.S. I am this girl in case you don't know me...


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Hello again,

I hate to bother you again so soon but...


So I want to be ready.

Can you check out this image and let me know as soon as possible?

Also, do you know how I can fix my face? Thanks!


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Oops! I forgot the dumb ass flowers!

So I am resubmitting my image.


Is that the proper protocol for resubmitting? I would have just edited the last post but I wasn't sure if you were inspecting that image already - or not. I don't want to mess up! How's my face coming along?


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Dear Comrade Putout:

Please be to returning the photocopier at your earliest possible inconvenience. The mayor has determined that photocopiers are not to be used for your nefarious purposes.


R.O.C.K. Imaging & Crystalware
Hard Rock Division
New York NY

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Hi! May again.
I hate to be a pill but... I kind of need this in a hurry... please!


BTW - if I have 2 identical images but they are different sizes do I need to submit them both for approval?

In other words - 'Does size matter?'


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We are a tad swamped at the moment with all the extra hiring of additional IRS and Homeland Security agents to handle the volume of images coming in.

We appreciate your patience.

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Anyer... remember that night in the 'beet' field 7 years ago?


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We may be on our way to full employment if these images keep coming. New levels of screening have been established. Are green initiatives adequately represented? Is minority equality stressed? Does Michelle Obama's butt look too big?

image approval centre.jpg

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Hey... Goooood Morning!

I was thinking of starting a new thread so... I need a few approvals.

What would be a good name for this thread?

Perhaps 'Jay... why are you so sad?'


