
Green is the new RED

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Now I realize I AM paranoid and delusional but...This is just way way to scary. Do you really have to wait for the tanks rolling past your dacha?
In 1930's Germany, the new socialist government of Adolf Hitler (NAZI National Socialist Workers' Party) began indoctrinating children in the quasi-military organization, the Hitler Youth, to inform on their parents should they overhear discussions subversive to the policies of the Leader. As the noose was tightened, local community organizers were appointed to watch their neighbors and were told to report subversive comments to the bureaucrats above them. Neighbors informed on neighbors, some for reasons of patriotism or loyalty, some from fear. A modern inquisition ensued; a terror to free thought and expression.

Citizen Informants

EcoSnoop lets you help solve these problems and more. EcoSnoop is a photo driven "Trouble Ticket" system, letting you identify a problem while leveraging tocommunityto take corrective action. The EcoSnoop website is a tool for environmental awareness and a tool for actively promoting energy conservancy and green awareness. By using the EcoSnoop iPhone application, the user becomes an important link in the chain of helping toreportand mediate green waste (energy, pollution, etc.).

Additionally, by going yourself and encouraging friends to utilize the website to add as much information as possible about the picture (address information, responsible party information, etc.) you are giving the EcoSnoop
communitythe tools to encourage positive change!

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60,000,000 dead now that's how you reduce a carbon footprint!

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It is the "law of stop lights"...the Greens are too yellow to admit they're Reds.

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Who would have thought that the perfect path to installing our glorious Progressive World of Next Tuesday was through my love of trees. Yes, we save the planet, and I don't care how many American Eagles and other birds have already smashed into wind turbines, we must save the planet, and destroy those evil oil companies. Of course, once they are nationalized, they won't be so evil any more.

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Gordon Brown calls for new group to police global environment issues

Boil the FROG we lose our freedom little by little.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:It is the "law of stop lights"...the Greens are too yellow to admit they're Reds.


Most clever.

It makes sense... Green is the new Red. Since green and red are opposite colors, perhaps this illustrates the inherent contradictions of leftist enviro-statism. Or perhaps the Marxist dialectic...?

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Komsomolka Olga Katrina wrote:
Comrade Whoopie wrote:It is the "law of stop lights"...the Greens are too yellow to admit they're Reds.


Most clever.

It makes sense... Green is the new Red. Since green and red are opposite colors, perhaps this illustrates the inherent contradictions of leftist enviro-statism. Or perhaps the Marxist dialectic...?
Comrade Katrina,

There are no contradictions, green and red are the same colors. All truth is relevant.

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That's right. We're supposed to be Colorblind(TM) now. Only progs enlightened Inner Party officials are permitted to discuss color distinctions in order to implement EQUALITY for all... [puts on red-green goggles]... guess I need to get another Jiffi-Lobo.