
Happy New 5 Year Plan Year!

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Comrades! 2014 heralds the start of Dear Leaders New 5 Year Plan for Amerika! The next 5 years will bring Forward Greater Hope & More Change & all loyal Party Members are to work to insure that the goals & objectives of The 5YP are successful! Let no one stand in our way! Here is the yearly breakdown of major objectives to be met & exceeded.

MID-TERM SELECTIONS: As a result of the wildly popular ObamaCare program, The Presidium of the USSA will be under total Progressive control, with both Dachas swept clean of reactionary Re-Thug-Licans! ALL seats are held by Progressive Comrades & Dear Leader hardly has to resort to Executive Orders anymore.
IMMIGRATION: Comprehensive Immigration Reform enacted, allowing the immediate declaration of USSA Collectivism to all of our South & Central Amerikan Comrades, before & after taking the Rio Grande swim or desert crossing.
DIPLOMACY: Dear Leader assigns a Chiropractor to his People's Dacha staff, Dear Leader anticipates excessive bowing before Comrade World Leaders, deep bowing means back pain, Dear Leader must not experience pain.
ECONOMY: Unemployment decreases tremendously, with the new ObamaCare taxes kicking in, more of the Collective experiencing a rise in work opportunities, such as Resume' Coordinators, Panhandling Cadre Commissars & Aluminum Can Recovery Technicians.

CONSTITUTIONAL SUGGESTIONS: Moving Forward with repeal of the 22nd Amendment, The Presidium decides to put it to the 50 Socialist States for ratification, failing that, Dear Leader may void the President Term Limit Amendment by Executive Order, so either way, Dear Leader could be set, for life.
ECONOMY: Now that 25% of rich Amerikans are supporting the other 75% by fair & just "contributions", all is expected to be great! These "nuvo riche" don't need more than 40K a year right? After all, it's the Progressively fair thing isn't it? Limits on "fun-employment" support are eliminated, causing the economy to boom!
DIPLOMACY: Following through on the famous "selfie" incident from the Mandela funeral, Dear Leader plan a "hooks up" with that Danish MILF PM while on a State Visit to Denmark. "There's something rotten in Denmark", Lady Dear Leader was heard to comment when studying the 5YP for 2015.
MILITARY: All armed forces of the USSA will be merged into MANAF (Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force) & will consist of 5 battalions infantry, 5 ships & 5 jet fighters, now that Dear Leader has insured lasting World Order.

ECONOMY: A pivotal year in that the entire Collective will be on The States payroll, employment at 100%. Shovel sales boom.
CONSTITUTIONAL SUGGESTIONS: The 22nd Amendment repeal fails, but Dear Leader decides not to XO it out of existence under seduction from NOW. Hillary Clinton nominated as the First Female Dear Leaderess & wins the general selection in a mudslide. The Re-thug-lican candidate takes zero Selectorial Colligate votes.
DIPLOMACY: All World Leaders meet at The People's Dacha for a World Order Summit. Dear Leader pulls a back muscle after he's advised not to heed his Chiropractor's medical advice because his ObamaCare Bronze Plan doesn't cover it. The advisor is “terminated”.
TRANSITION: Dear Leader meets with Dear Leaderess Clinton Select to work out the transition of power. Dear Leader forces her to accept the "Putin Plan" & he is chosen by Clinton to be her Vice-Dear Leader. Dear Leaderess will have "an accident" later in the year.

DIPLOMACY: Now that Dear Leaderess is "out of the way", Dear Leader assumes supreme power once more & convinces the United Nations to support him as Dear World Leader. XO eliminates the 22nd Amendment! A Great Day!
ECONOMY: With the entire World supporting & loving him, Dear World Leader manages the Worlds economy as efficiently as he has during his first 8 years of Leadership. Everyone's ration is a can of tuna fish, slice of bread & beet water with unlimited Vodka per day so hunger is eliminated & obesity a thing of the past. Bread, tuna, beets & Vodka production booms.
MILITARY: Disgruntled former Generals lead attempted coup against Dear Leader which because of Dear Leader's extraordinary military tactical skill, is put down. Well, that & the fact that MANAF only had 5 battalions, 5 ships & 5 fighter planes while Dear Leaders loyal millions of Collective Comrades armed with automatic shovels, easily defeated those reactionary forces. Surviving MANAF personnel sent to Re-Education Camp.

The 5YP is ahead of schedule so Dear Leader & family unit take the year off in Hawaii, resulting in absolutely no issues to work on. " Spontaneous" Collective wide celebrations break out! Coronation scheduled for the fall.

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An immediate inquisition is in order to establish guilt in prematurely releasing secrets of the State....

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Tovarichi wrote:An immediate inquisition is in order to establish guilt in prematurely releasing secrets of the State....
Save your inquistion for a more deserving criminal Comrade! My authority to release this communique is from the highest level! That's my story & I'm sticking to it!

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Perhaps, we should re-direct the investigation of the establishment of guilt from some of these party poo poo poopers.... who really have nothing but negative things to say about Dear Leader. In fact rest assured that all will be herded like cattle into an enclosed area, shot with tranquilizer darts, their ankles fitted with a GPS tracking system and later released back into the wild, or forced into re-education centers.

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Oooh, this is all sounding so exciting that I can hardly wait for Next Tuesday™ the coming years. Cannot Dear Leader (or EPA or HHS or DHS) issue executive order or regulation to make it all happen immediately? Or make it all have happened already?

Yes he can! Yes he can! (Pardon me; I become so carried away by Dear Leader's gloriousness.)