
Hardly a Deep Thought, but Then Again...

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..but then again, I'm referring to Keith Olbermann. Does his criticism of Allen West prove he's a racist, or is he simply jealous of the fact that Allen West is a real man?

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I can not image such a loyal Obamaite, such as Olblubberman, being a racist. He simply exposes the flaws found in black conservatives .. spit spit.

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Komissar Blogunov,

Be careful lest you slight a comrade. Teeth has been an unending source of correct information to the peoples that watches him. A small but growing progressive band of brothers.

>This Allun must be a girly man trying to stand up to a progressive hero Teeth for publicity.

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How right both of you are, comrades. I nearly forgot that Allen West simply can't be black. Well, that solves everything.

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Comrade Keith still chafes under the long standing football rivalry between his Alma Mater, Cornell Cow College and West Point.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Comrade Keith still chafes under the long standing football rivalry between his Alma Mater, Cornell Cow College and West Point.
Which reminds me, I think NOW should call themselves the Coalition of Women from now on.

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Komissar Blogunov wrote:
Comrade Whoopie wrote:Comrade Keith still chafes under the long standing football rivalry between his Alma Mater, Cornell Cow College and West Point.
Which reminds me, I think NOW should call themselves the Coalition of Women from now on.
Comrades,This acronym is not collective enough! Buy adding the word "Striving", this is much more group oriented.Coalition of Women Striving = COWS No disrespect is intended for the exhalted sisters inside the collective. This is aimed towards those filthy capitalist femms who make a leeving from sexism, rather than harvesting Beets and Potatoes.

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Why not the Struggle of Women Striving? (Sows for those in Rio Linda).

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as long as your SOWS and COWS join, I am not concerned.

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COW could join with SOW and to form Sisters of the People's Struggle, or SOPS.

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With the help of the collective, the possibilities have no behinding.[end]

Thanking you all with great thankfulness.

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Obviously this Allen West has forgotten his place in society. He has left the plantation gulug. Kieth is merely pointing this out for his betterment. Kieth knows what is best for this man because he is more intelligent and enlightened. He requires reeducation regarding all that the progressives have done for blacks and how they must protect them from the evil rethugglicans and their quest to make Amerikkka in an image they approve.
Kieth is not racist. He is merely sensitive to the needs of blacks everywhere.

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What's more, Allen West suffers from substantial character defects. For example, he aggressively interrogated an Iraqi prisoner who was only trying to prevent the Bush oil grab in Iraq and prevent Bush from filling mass graves with Iraqi civilians (this was very unlike Saddam who provided universal health care for all Iraqis). In so doing, he actually showed more concern for the lives of the soldiers under his command than for the comfort and feelings of the Iraqi prisoner!
Worse yet, he insists that America is a land of opportunity, and that minorities can get ahead and make something of themselves without assistance from the government. Blasphemy. All true progressives know minorities are inferior and need to be reminded of that daily through the lower expectations and standards we hold them to.
Comrades, it gets worse still. He has actually promised to investigate the New Black Panther Party merely for using their right to free expression by carrying clubs to a polling station and verbally abusing whites who had it coming.
This man is the very incarnation of evil.

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We cannot allow this travesty!! The NEW black panthers simply had "Voters Helpers" on duty outside the precinct office to help any disabled or less than cognizant voters who showed up the correct path to the ballot box. Helping is deeply American. Some evil person had added a sound tract from some movie so it would sound like they issued violent threats.

Definately not! After all, these are the NEW black panthers.

And that is the truth!