
Hi! My name is Snowball and I enjoy...

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The banality of evil Dept.

Now that the Left has total control it's safe to crawl out from under the rocks. Meet some of the people that would like to set the rules of your life.

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I wet myself laughing!

"I'm a historian and a retail clerk."
See my big intimidating wall of books so you'll think I'm a Harvard professor, something to aspire to? I read something by Howard Zinn once, and anything by Marx, Engels, and all those guys is historical. See, I'm qualified!

We filmed this in the used book store where I work part-time. Comrade, you won't believe how many copies of The Audacity of Dope, Wet Dreams of my Father, Quotations from Chairman Mao, The Communist Manifesto, and Das Kapital, not to mention all the Chomsky stuff, we have to keep rejecting. Frankly, I'm getting kind of sick of it, but the local college keeps requiring students buy them. My capitalist pig employer, who runs this progressive bookstore, almost fired me because I kept buying them anyway. Now that I'm exploited, I just offer to take them for free, and you'd be surprised how many take me up on my offer. Thanks to Elmer's glue (I can't afford organic FairTrade substitutes), I've built a desk, a doghouse (weatherized with Elmer's glue bought bulk from those fascists at Wal*Mart, which is now acceptable to shop at since they endorse 0bamaCare), and a bird feeder. Gluing copies to my walls help insulate my housing but I've not yet begun recycling them as toilet paper. Who says Communism isn't practical, that it doesn't work?

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Communism is so multilevel in a societal sort of way. I see it spans society's spectrum. Good video Comrade Margaret ... so telling. Out of the closet a last.

My only worry is that there will be a backlash from those unenlightened "uncommitted" voters when we experience the inevitable economic pain that must come on our journey to Utopian collectivism. At least we will always have Comrade Pelosi supported by our Left Coast Comunista majority.Our economic pain on the collective road is nothing compared to our pain of seeing someone else having more than me. Inequality is the greatest evil.

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Hi, my name is Barry O. I enjoy $100 a pound imported beef, playing baseball (I'm practicing hard and someday soon I hope to reach home plate with a pitch) and jetting around the world apologizing for my country. And I'm a communist!

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Hi. My name is M. I was crowned Miss Resentment of 2008, and I just love sparkly-toed sneakers. I am a communist because I just love my dacha on Pennsylvania avenue.

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Hi, we are Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and we are communists.


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Hi, my name is Christine and I took Washington State from having a budget surplus to gutting government because we ran out of monies. I can haz cheezeburger?

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Hi, my name is TOTUS #1 and damn you CPUSA commies sure do need me more than the Obamamessiah!

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Useless Idiots one and all. They should be purged for exposing themselves.

Remember comrades, when anyone accuses you of being a Party member (whether they call you a communist, socialist, progressive or liberal) you must immediately take offense and denounce the accuser for being divisive and using hate speech.

If they ask about your political affiliation, tell them you are a Republican moderate or independent. Then rattle off a litany of Democrat talking points.

Under no circumstance must you let anyone outside of the Party know of your Party affiliation. The penalty is to be socially purged. You will die a lonely alcoholic in your dingy apartment. None of your old comrades will call or write. You will not be invited to Party functions. The Party will even deny that you were ever a member.

Only through agitation, subversion and secrecy can the Party attain it goals.

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Yes. Or say at the least that you are an independent voter. Then rattle off Democratic talking points.

I rip trolls who do this a new one which would take a college of proctologists a year to fix. This is what fisking is made for.

Seminar Troll
Commissar Theocritus wrote:Or say at the least that you are an independent voter. Then rattle off Democratic talking points.

Or, say you use to be a Democrat but now you've seen the light and become a Republican - and then rattle off Communist talking points.

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Red Square wrote:Hi, we are Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and we are communists.

Hahahah. . . and look what happened to them.

On that same note, all those people in this video are useful idiots only in the sense of appearing on this video, aftarwards, let's grab the special execution rifles for the firing squad.