

User avatar
Comrades! How did this happen!? Our Publik Skools have failed! This video shows teenagers, some of them non-white and other-than-male, NOT demanding free Obamaphones! In fact, they go so far as to invoke the unmentionable name of the anti-Obama. I denounce these students, their teachers, and their parental units. Only because of their age and the possibility of them being reeducated into useful idiots do I show leniency and merely recommend 20 years of reeducation through labor. ...

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Disturbing, Comrade Blogunov... extremely disturbing... are you sure 20 years will be enough?

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Judging from their intellect, I'm quite sure these young human units have a "mom" and a "dad." That is the root of the problem, comrades. Being raised by their "mom" and "dad" has given them a very unfair advantage. As we learn when playing the People's Cube, unfair advantages must be eliminated. Since not all young human units can be raised by their "mom" and "dad, we must ensure that none are. When we are finally able to remove "mother" and "father" from birth certificates and passport applications, it will be a great victory for equality.

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Clearly, these young incorrect thinkers have not been raised by their respective villages.Image

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Let them have their fantasy ... for the moment. It has been proclaimed by The-Party-Of-The-One that "WE ALL BELONG TO THE GOVERNMENT." They will soon learn the reality and assimilate as good teats for the moochers workers ... or else.

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By Darwin! I am getting soft in my old age. However, I'm deeply moved that my dear comrades would point out to me my unstalinlike failings. Let's do this: how about we choose one or two at random for impaling and then send the rest to an institution of higher reeducation in a really cold place? Wow, just saying that makes me feel young again.