
How Dare They!

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Who in the hell do these broads think they are throwing tough questions at ME?

I was led to believe that "The View" was a progressive-friendly venue for liberals like me who enjoy softball questions from some of the leading and most successful undersexed quasi-lesbians in the country. But no, instead I have that little blonde bimbo Elisabeth heckling me on something she clearly doesn't understand – not to mention Bobwa Waltas big tramp whore mouth spouting big tramp whore mouth things at me!

And to think I was actually thinking about sleeping with Barbara for some good headlines! To think!

A little refresher for some of my Comrades here at The Cube:

1. I am always right.
2. Congress is unpopular because of Bush.
3. Barbara is a whore.
4. Elisabeth is a whore.
5. The war is lost.
6. Both Barbara and Elisabeth are racist.
7. Whoopi smells like soured milk and dandruff.

I will never go back on "The View" again. They can kiss my vagina goodbye!

P.S – Welcome back, Commissar Theocritus. Have the guestroom ready for me. I need some "down" time and an anal scrubbing.

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This is a good example why I chose a military career rather than politics...

Ms. Speaker, any truth to the rumors you had your staff procure a genital cuff to deal with any Rethuglicans who try to force a vote on drilling? Just for the record, I was for it before I was agaisnt it...but the end justifies the Ways and Means, if you know what I mean...

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Nansky, you always have a room at Rancho del Rio Grande. While at the World's Biggest Joke Shop in Vegas I found something which I got just for you. I promise it will shiver your timbers. And those infected anal glands? A thing of the past, I promise you. Never have to have them popped again by the vet.

(Who, by the way, had to be bribed with some of Meow's Hummels to keep him from going to either <i>The National Enquirer</i> or ICE. It was the indecision on which Hummel or which venue which cost him, well, his life.)

And of course they're all whores on <i>The View</i>. Nancy, the sun shines out your ass, you know it. And will do so 24/7 after your anal scrubbing and the application of the little trinket that I bought for you in the joke shop.

I so wish that Sister were here with us; I would like to consult with her on the copyright law for the Hildo Hydra 7.1. I think that we have been ripped off by the joke shop.

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Nancy wrote:

Who in the hell do these broads think they are throwing tough questions at ME?

Agree Nancy, these upstarts must think they are JOURNALISTS or something; not proper advanced-thinking MSM journalists but slimy Enquirer journalists. Everyone knows only dirty filthy tabloid hacks are only people rude enough to ask tiresome trivial questions of vaunted Party elite! How sad for society that it did not to hear the REALLY IMPORTANT things you have to tell us, like why Bush is idiot or what great job you are doing for us in Polituburo! [/size][/font]

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Comrade Nancy, I agree that was a horrible ambush. Those witches jumped you. While I realize Whoopie Goldberg has the I.Q. of a handball but that is no excuse, she could have jump in for your defense with a screed of incoherent babble, and some of those demonic facial expressions she is famous for. We all know that Babawawa has had more plastic surgery and botox injections than you have, she was down right mean to you, and how dare she want you to give factual information. We will not even talk about the Hasselbeck.

But you can thank God Obama the “Beano” held up, one of your loud uncontrolled fluctuating episodes that you are famous for would have been very embarrassing, and unlike when you are in Washington you could not have blamed it on Murtha. Who by the way have you taken him to the vet lately? He is looking kind of mangy.

One last thing Nancy, speaking of anal cleansing, could you ask Dingy Harry Reid to do something about his teeth? He was on T.V. the other day and those can opener teeth scared the hell out of my side kick, Hell I had to run his brown furry ass down and nearly killed him. Had I killed him, when Marshal Pupovich stopped by he would have been really pissed that he had nothing to laugh at.

Speaker Nancy,

They abused you in front of millions of sheeple and had the gall to ask you about things that you don't have to talk about. How dare they!! They are insolent and disrespectful of the Speaker of the House and the person who'll step in as POTUS if Bu$Hitler and Cheney/Lord Vader, are impeached or brought to justice in front of the International Criminal Court.

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Nancy for VP! You deserve it after the persecution they put you through! Please messiah Obama, smile on the 2nd to the 2nd of the great USRA and move her up a notch!

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Nansky, when you took over as speaker oil was $50 a barrel and corn was $2 a bushel. Now, $125 and $6, and the congressional cafeteria menu has been greatly improved. Keep up the excellent progress! Keep saving the planet!

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Comrade Nancy, that is simply unforgivable what these VRWC terrorists did to you! But you certainly showed them with your command of the real political and military situation in Iraq as well as your focusing on the most important issues facing us here. Your appearance is stunning as well, you have the Power Bitch look down pat!

It is truly breathtaking to see such heard headed ignorance on display like that video. This freaking idiot has the audacity to criticize the political work that has been and is being done in Iraq while overseeing the most pathetic congress in our history, She is a complete moron if she thinks the only reason things seem to be going better in Iraq is because of the military success as well. In fact, there could not be such success were it not for the fact that there is real progress being made in bring the Iraqi society together both locally and nationwide. She thinks the only reason the House is down the tubes in the polls is because they have failed to pass their white flag legislation past an obstinate Senate? Gas prices thought the roof and she thinks everyone is focused on getting the troops home before the true extent of the success in Iraq becomes known and unstoppable.