
Hubble Discovers Planetary Drift to the Left

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People's News Alert:

Recent measurements of earth's orbit have detected a distinct planetary drift to the left. Many understand this to be a forwardly direction. Previously believed global warming trends now thought to be the burning down of societies. G8 believes answer lies in curbing tax avoidance schemes. Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota makes bold move to increase taxes on grocery warehousing and cigarettes.


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Something as fat heavy Moo-like as the Earth would naturally require the immense gravitational pull of a black hole, or The One Himself, to drift. The event horizon/point of no return was reached last/next Tuesday, so it would technically be more accurate to say steerage and not drift, steerage also being our location on the Good Ship Earth™


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:JumpToTheLeft.jpg
Comrade, this instructive graphic may also be useful in the Gay pride thread for positioning suggestions, a kind of Rainbow Kamasutra. We must use the people's resources frugally and recycle when possible.


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Now I know why squirrels can't dance. Too complicated.