
I Denounce Nice Neighborhoods!

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To make nice neighborhoods more equal all should be leveled, paved, and made into parking lots for all to use.

Gen C
With the new C.A.F.E. standards dictated by the EPA nobody but Party Apparatchiks will have cars to park. Proletariat will be given vouchers for used roller blades and skateboards. And there enough foreclosed houses for all. Home Sweet Squat.

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Comrade Pistov,

Sounds like another people's paradise!!!

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Thank you for promoting awareness of this vital problem, Comrade Colonel. I must report that this "urban renewal" plague has even infected the area of the People's Republic of Maryland in which I live (not too far from the Kapitol seat of power of Dear Leader).

Case in point: for several years, neighboring homes were most efficiently and greenly used to house multiple families of illegals migrant Democrat voters. No street parking spot went to waste as there was always a pickup truck or utility van ready to make use of it. Now space is wasted to an extravagantly Kapitalist extreme as <gasp> young, two-parent families are moving in (many are not even same-sex couples, but old-school hetero-fascists).

I'm seriously considering moving to San Fran, or perhaps Detroit.

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You didn't build that Czar wrote:
I'm seriously considering moving to ....perhaps Detroit.

AHHH! How pleasant to find someone else who speaks Arabic!


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Ah Comrade Red Square, glorious illustrations. I am humbled by your noble efforts

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Comrade Pistov wrote:Gen C
With the new C.A.F.E. standards dictated by the EPA nobody but Party Apparatchiks will have cars to park. Proletariat will be given vouchers for used roller blades and skateboards. And there enough foreclosed houses for all. Home Sweet Squat.

... AND they will have to skateboard pool.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Fhalkyn wrote:Comrades, I am surprised by your irrational fear of urban renewal and the arrival of rich kulaks! After all, have you forgotten our dear occupiers' chant of "Eat the Rich"? Urban development brings in more rich to be eaten! To rephrase a heartless 1%-er: "Let them eat the rich."

Hmmm... it does not sound as though the 1% are a renewable resource.... Unless of course, we -- say -- eat the rich 1% and then recalculate from the remaining 99% who will then, in actuality become the 100%.

Yes, well I suppose one may then -- in this light -- consider the 1% renewable as we should never run out of them...

...but we may eventually approach a point of diminishing returns.

I just pray the bastards do not apply for status as a protected or endangered species... Then they will breed like %$@# RABBITS!

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
The most wonderful part is that once we reach the World of Next Tuesday, we will be able to harvest the "Occupy" boobs as well... as they will no longer serve a useful purpose (short of their medicinal and nutritional value).

Once they too have been purged, there is not much chance of a repeat of that Tiananmen Square fiasco here in the USSA

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Comrade Raum,

Your logic is [circular] brilliant and irrefutable!!!