
International Wimyn's Day!

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Before the day ends, Comrade, I would like to wish you all a happy International Womyn's or Wimins or Not the Men's Day, with a moistened eye remembering when the "International" in this holiday just meant the USSR, China, Vietnam and Cuba. And probably North Korea, but I don't really know how many women are there, really; they have no sense of fashion there, you know.

Below I share what was once a lovely sentiment an admirer sent to me on one chilly March 8 long ago in the Motherland. Unfortunately, some grimy American capitalist got ahold of it....originally the two strong female comrades looked out the window to a factory and a school.

I can't say that I'm not tempted to run to the department store pictured, but only to get some nice, sensible shoes. Promise.


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Kelly Ivanovna/келя ивановна wrote:Before the day ends, Comrade, I would like to wish you all a happy International Womyn's or Wimins or Not the Men's Day, with a moistened eye...
Not to worry, comrade - it's Womyns History Month all month long!


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Comrade Kelly,

Back in the 1940s men would carry their womyn onto the wing of an airplane and take a quick photo to show how brave they were. Then the cowardly men would get into the plane and party while the womyn spent the flight outside on the wing. Life was harsh for womyn in the old days, but times have changed. Now, the womyns make the men stay out there with them!


Women on Plane.jpg