
It's Getting Darker - the Dawn Must Be Coming!

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Comrades, just this morning I read the good news, provided by the Associated Press

"In record-setting numbers, young adults struggling to find work are shunning long-distance moves to live with Mom and Dad, delaying marriage and buying fewer homes, often raising kids out of wedlock. They suffer from the highest unemployment since World War II and risk living in poverty more than others - nearly 1 in 5."

The plan is coming together! When nearly everyone is the underclass, and fully dependent upon the government just to survive, we will truly be ready for the glorious world of Next Tuesday! And we now have an entire new generation who have not only been successfully dumbed down in the publik schools and universities and who don't even have a CLUE about how the USSA was designed to work - they don't have jobs or careers or futures, other than to line up for governmental handouts! And with Dear Leader's hands on the printing press levers, there will be MORE than enough new Obama Dollars to take care of everyone!

Comrades, it's a glorious time to be alive - I never expected to see the USSA taken down in my lifetime - and re-fabricated into the People's Paradise it's about to become. I am humbled by the wisdom, foresight, and abilities of our Dear Leader, even more than before.


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So R.O.C.K. .....
I believe you make an excellent case to say that perhaps we may have already taken our first step into The Glorious World of Next Tuesday Eve .... ( a.k.a. "Monday" )

Glorious ! Why, I can smell our future from here.

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This is indeed, glorious news. We are looking more and more like the great depression.... umm, like the Mother Land of Mother Russia, are we not? With this kind of progressive progress, dear Leader will surely reach his goal of hopelesschange!

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Indeed, comrades, Next Tuesday is truly right around the corner! With ObamaCard™ in hand, we shall stand in line faithfully for our beet rations and toilet paper, hoping for an occasional shot of The People's Vodka, but never wavering in our dedication to The One™.

It is a glorious time to be alive, fellow travelers!

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I denounce both R.O.C.K and Krasnodar for embracing the Capitalist, Environment-murdering notion of toilet paper and the implied possession of a toilet, either individually or collectively. Take the blinders off, you fools! Can't you see that the invention of the toilet was one of the greatest blunders of history? Imagine the thousands of gallons of water you destroy each year every time you flush a toilet--for science has proved that water leaving the bowl of a toilet vanishes forever! Can you not hear the weeping of the trees for their bretheren, literally cut down in the prime of life to provide your bourgeoise toilet paper to keep your rosy rumps comfy? Ah, for the idyllic days of the past, with a simple hole in the ground and a handful of organically sustainable leaves! I ask you: are cholera and typhoid really too great a price to pay for clean environemnt and fresh water?

You both disgust me.

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See ? I knew I'd leave a lasting impression on " big brain " up there !
Ironic ...... and to think all of you thought I had no skills....... bahhhhh.

Besides, " Comrade" Betinov, Father Prog Theo's got a whole truckload of the stuff hidden in his cavern. So much so that even Bruno can't find it !

(But he's trying... I'll give him that much .......)

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Shame really, but then the Party Image always finds you out eventually.

Copy of 0000362499-019.jpg

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Theocritus! home? Ah, there you are. Have you seen recently denounced thought criminal...Oh, Hi Red. Didn't know you were back from Texas. Anyhow, have either of you seen recently denounced thought criminal R.O.C.K.?

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Ahh, Comrade Brain! Ummm, Как дела ? No, haven't seen that delightfully progressive R.O.C.K. anywhere - did you look in the Kremlin? I heard he was giving Putin guitar lessons...

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Oh - wait - wait - R.O.C.K. loaned me his avatar before jetting off to the Motherland - so sorry for the confusion, comrade!