
It's War! War! War! on Women

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$$ letterhead.png

Dear fellow capitalist warmongers of male-dominated class hegemony and imperialism,

Republicans have a clear agenda for women: deny women the health care they've fought and died for on the streets and on the barricades of revolution, deny them all access to birth control, make them grovel and beg on the streets in rags, and even prohibit the women-class free State guaranteed french fries, chicken nuggets and other munchies that they're always munching every time I see them driving by.

Grassroots hate filled Republican misogynists around the country have united in the Republican War on Women to launch a Class War on Women's Health Class-Warfare Fund. Our goal is to exploit, use and abuse, and put in their place the entire gender-class known as women with an aggressive rapid response operation including ads, on-the-ground organizing, ugly gender-class warfare and more.

It's important that capitalist warmongering national Republicans everywhere join ranks and help in any way possible for our campaign of vile, outrageous, and unceasing attacks on women. We are only $19,433,021,666 away from our Class War on Women's Health Class-Warfare Fund goal before tonight's midnight deadline.

Please chip in a billion or two by midnight tonight so Republican gender-class warfare-mongers can launch an urgent rapid response campaign against the entire Woman class.

Heroic freedom fighting communist Democrats in Congress thought they could silence us with people's hero Sandra Fluke.

They were wrong.

There are only hours to go before we launch our Class War on Women's Health Class War, an urgent grassroots campaign to deny women their rights and make them grovel like dogs in rags on the streets of our towns and cities.

Can you pitch in right now?


$.$. Halliburton
Chair of the 3rd Capitalist Cabal Internationale

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Consider yourself denounced, Comrade $.$.

And besides, it's "WOMYN"!!!

* second faceplant of the day *

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Our Propaganda Department is all fired up! Class War on Womyn Now! (And I added this graphic to the original post).


Rep. Weiner, JFK, Clinton, Edwards and Spitz all agree, the Democrat Party is the best choice for womyn!

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Komrad Phobianov wrote:Rep. Weiner, JFK, Clinton, Edwards and Spitz all agree, the Democrat Party is the best choice for womyn!
I am amazed you've managed to leave D-list sociopaths progs like Michael Skakel, William Kennedy Smith and John Mack off your list.

You've been warned, Komrade P! Do not let it happen again.

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Beware, evil Halliburton! The womyn are coming! AND THEY TAKE NO PRISONERS!!!


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But in fact, it's the Women™ are in the offense mode. Observe:

And my compilation of their several War posters.


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The only way to end this war on women is to abandon Western kkkulture and join the enlightened, multi-cultural progressives who know how to treat women. The evidence is here.

A Moroccan teenager committed suicide after her family forced her to marry her rapist in a tragedy that has sparked outrage among Moroccan activists and demands for changes to the nation's laws.

The Left knows that free birth control for all is the only thing that will release women from under the boot of the patriarchy.

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Komrad Phobianov wrote:Rep. Weiner, JFK, Clinton, Edwards and Spitz all agree, the Democrat Party is the best choice for womyn!

comrade crash&burn wrote:
Komrad Phobianov wrote:Rep. Weiner, JFK, Clinton, Edwards and Spitz all agree, the Democrat Party is the best choice for womyn!
I am amazed you've managed to leave D-list sociopaths progs like Michael Skakel, William Kennedy Smith and John Mack off your list.

You've been warned, Komrade P! Do not let it happen again.

I can't believe either of you Komrades left out the "Lion of the misogynists".

Shameful! Both of you have been warned, do not let it happen again!


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Halliburton, you bastard - let our womyn's go.


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A Report from the Front against the Republican War On Women:

All Progressives, and especially those in Hollywood, have ALWAYS fought against the sexploitation of womyn by Neanderthal Republican desires to keep womyn in the palms of their hands:



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Dear Leaders courageous self sacrifice in preparing the troops in this horrible War on Womyns rights to OPM against the GOP bible thumping neanderthals will go down in the annuls of history!
