
Kim Jong-un's Earth shattering H-bomb secrets revealed

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Craptek Real News Exclusive

Nations in a panic! Speculation of an imminent global inferno mounts! But even as Kim Jong-un inspects his new doomsday H-bomb the crack Craptek Real News Global Truth & Justice Team has broken the story wide open. We've uncovered exclusive photos and detailed drawings of the North Korean dictator's newest weapon - the truth is now revealed for the first time!


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We, on our part, have discovered the same secret design drawing in Russian. Do I have to repeat it? RUSSIAN! As in "Russian hackers" or "Russian collusion" or "Russian hand puppet."

The link is clear; only the blind or the brainwashed cannot connect the dots here. Can we talk about Trump-North Korea collusion now? How long can the people be silent?


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Proof of Trump-Korea collusion. Need I say more?


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"I will insinkerate America!" -- Kim Jong-un