
Komrad Obama Ends Russia-Georgia Konflikt

Komrad Obama Ends Russia-Georgia Konflikt by Telling Mother Russia to Issue Kondemnation of Herself Before the U.N.

From the Western Kapitalist Media:

Obama thinks the U.N. Security Council should pass a resolution calling for an immediate end to the violence. He also thinks a U.N. mediator should join efforts to try to end the fighting.

Our heroic Russian brethren immediately responded to Komrad Obama's call for universal peace among the proletariat by ceasing their glorious advances against the obstinate upstart Georgia - despite the fact that Russia has a permanent seat on the U.N. Sekurity Kouncil and she hold instant veto power.

For they were in great awe and respekt for the highly eksperienced U.S. Senator, whose 143 days of Senate ekpserience qualifies him not only for the Presidency of Amerika, but also... The worldk!

Komrad Obama's majestik policymaking was rightfully celebrated by his supporters:


TRANSKRIPT: It was a bad crisis for the world, it required uh tough words but also a smart approach to call on the international community to step in… Uh, and I'm very, very happy that the Senator's request for a cease-fire has been complied with by President…

To remembrance this glorious day, I kall upon all faithful supporters of Barakk Husseink Obama to create tribute to this viktory of spaghetti-wristed diplomacy!

- Snarkommunist Burningk Hot

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UPDATE: Observers report waters of the Black Sea are at this very instant receding due to the "Obama Effect" often associated with the presence or even mere concentration of The Lightworker in or about a given area. His Obamaness has spoken. The waters respond.

Not to be worryink, Komrad Obama, he intend rise of oceans to begin to slow and planet heal, yes?

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What I want to know is "What has happened to my beloved Russian army? The giants of the world?"

I do pray that someone can prove this was photoshopped!

Giant Georgian Cows Cower Russian Troopsl

Granted, this does come from Faux News, but the image is given as AP. It is one of a series of images from this source.

Russia-Georgia conflict created a big headache for Israel which armed and trained Georgians for years - and now suddenly Russians threaten retaliation by supplying S-300 SAM batteries to Syria. Here is what a prominent Israeli analyst says: ... israel.htm