
Komrade, what was your SPOOT-NICK moment?

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As old as I am, my wife and I still have our SPOOT-NICK moments.

What was/is yours?


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Shopping at Natasha's in Ost Berlin in the early '80's. Glory of Soviet black and white television supremecy on display was amazink!

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This is shocking! Sputnickwas launched in 1957, and Dear Leader just found out about it!

That was as recent as 54 years ago. The number of times that has been referred to by a world leader in a speech in the last 45 years is zero.

Dear Leader must be credited with originality.

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My SPOOT-nik moment came with the arrival of our Dear Leader; The One; the Big 'O' during his 2-year campaign to take over the country in '08. He rode into town on his high horse, with his deep, sonorous voice uttering platitudes and demagoguery giving us all comfort in his substantial words of Hope and Change™ [pbuh] His superior ability to read a teleprompter was nothing short of thaumatergical, that left made the excelsior in my cranial cavity a permanent scar impression on my psyche for the rest of my life.

I'll never forget that fateful evening in Chikago, in Grant Park, the night he beat that stupid old white guy waxed victorious; MOO-chelle standing next to him like royalty in her red and black dress the same colors in the anarchist flag on that stage. That's when I heard the primal screaming of a fat banshee the [d]Oprah screaming bloody libel murder, "WOOO HOOO!!! The rest of the Kool-Aid drinking dullards/lemmings youth of progessive tomorrow, that were in attendance of this glorious event made me pass gas sent a warm, liquid tingle down my left leg.

When the mob crowd crescendoed into one unified voice of praise for The One, I felt an out-of-body experience coming on, thinking to myself, "This must be how SPOOT-nik felt when it was in orbit!"

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Comrades, I just looked up the definition of "spoot" in Urban Dictionary and finally realized why everybody, including the O, are pronouncing the word as "spOtnik" instead of the correct "spOOtnik." (Just like they all say "Pyutin" instead of the correct Pootin.)

I guess for Obama, a spootnik moment would look like this:


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That looks more like a "SPUNK"-nik moment if I ever seen one.

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My Sputnik moment was the day I joined the Collective.

(that's my story and I'm sticking with it)

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Sputnik moment? The characteristics of this animal would be a gigantic government program requiring a huge expenditure of money that the country in question could ill afford, eventually leading to bankruptcy and collapse of same approximately 3 decades later.

I'd say the day ObamaCare passed is my Sputnik Moment. It will not take 3 decades to reach its inevitable conclusion, however.

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There is a motley crowd gathering in my yard, snarling and chanting, "SPOOT-NICK! SPOOT-NICK! SPOOT-NICK!" and brandishing their fists at me.

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I try to make everyday a SPOOT-NIK day.



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Nikolai Dogoda wrote:There is a motley crowd gathering in my yard, snarling and chanting, "SPOOT-NICK! SPOOT-NICK! SPOOT-NICK!" and brandishing their fists at me.
Clarification: The "SPOOT-NICK moment" came when I called out through a broken window pane, "Is "SPOOT" an acronym?"