
Komrades! A wondrous victory over critical thinking skills!

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Americans Are Void of Critical Thinking Skills

Komrades, this is pleasing news. To see that all of our komrades, washed and unwashed, are completely devoid of the ability to think critically is an inspiring thing. I mean, this opens up completely new areas for us to revolutionize. We could show complete bullshit on TV, present it as news, and get laws passed to stop the bullshit from happening! We can completely override the electoral system and the legislative process!

And not only this, we can dumb down the evil kapitalists even more! Why, we can show things on TV and the radio that nobody would want to see or hear, such as music with lyrics about nothing but sex and television serials about getting drunk and going out on the streets of New Jersey!

We must flood the airwaves with propaganda and trash! We must dumb them down and build them up in the image of Lenin! We must bring revolution to this, the most powerful platform ever devised in the history of man! Get writing those scripts, and get to making those appointments with network executives; we must do what our glorious Soviet brethren would do and destroy any trace of kapitalistic oppression from this oft-neglected media.

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Comrade Stierlitz,
This is a wonderful extension to the uprising that was brought under control during my tenure.

Those pesky Rebels began to think for themselves and even contemplated separating from the glorious utopia Union that my administration was developing.

My media helped re-write history books and even today when the St. Andrews Cross is flown below the Mason-Dixie line "terrorist" charges are levied against White Trash Rednecks and White Trash Hillbillies including their Fat wives and inbred children.

Lets not put in reverse these actions that have proven so fruitful.

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Common Core will bring up good kids into obedient adults.

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Nonsense! Our youth think more critically of the USSA now than at any time in history! They hate it so much they can barely choke down their Doritos while listening on their high performance earbuds and stabbing their thumbs up and down sexting on their iphones to some "person" in the Twittersphere and playing Grand Theft Auto.™ Yes, it's a tough life -- but somebody has to live it!

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It's wonderful to be a part of the void! It's somewhat like nirvana or utopia, I believe. And there's no criticism. Everyone gets the prize!

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We have indeed achieved victory, most voters are unable to identify any differences between the political potties. The most identifiable trait is one has a lot more candidates than the other.

Comrade Abrakham Linkol'n wrote:.... charges are levied against White Trash Rednecks and White Trash Hillbillies ....

... possibly more acceptable terms would be "623 nanometer vertebrae" and "mountain Williams."

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Glorious end of the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
The failed war on conservative beliefs and religious superstition is over.
The swollen amygdala of Republicans is genetically wired to reject critical thinking and now they move unimpeded en-masse slack jawed, drooling, and shuffling along clutching Bible and gun, in stupor towards the polls to vote against their very self interest.
