
LIFE IMITATES DA CUBE - Dear Leader Crucified College Pic

POLL: Is the Dear Leader Crucifixion Painting College Display good for da masses?

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Is this day and age where we kick out Manger Scenes and Mennorahs from the Public Square, it is a refreshing thing to see our Dear Leader displayed like the Jewish Messiah, crucified with a crown of thorns in a Community College:

LINK to Dэaя Lэadэя Iconography College Report

What do you think, Cubists and Fellow Communists?

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Gawd...the things people have to go through in Community College!

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Is this painting any different than one of Mao, or Kim Ding Dong [mentally]ILL, or Dead Che, or Feedel, or Big Brother? Here he is, in all his glory, for the hoi poloi to kneel down on their prayer rugs and worship in earnest!

The uneducated and ignorant masses need an idol with a purpose — even if that purpose contradicts the very object they despise and hate.

Can we have a poll suggesting reactions and outcomes if this 'painting' was covered in elephant dung? Anyone?

It's nice to see Dear Leader being inspirational in so many different settings. This one is called "Smoke".


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“I always regretted cancelling my exhibit in New York because I feel my First Amendment rights should override someone's hurt feelings,” D'Antuono told Fox News. “We should celebrate the fact that we live in a country where we are given the freedom to express ourselves, unless it offends Islam.”

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Such a glorious and fair depiction of ‘Dear Leader' needs narration. ... the-dead-1

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"The crucifixion of the president was meant metaphorically," he told Fox News. "My intent was not to compare him to Jesus."

Well, THAT'S good to know! And it CERTAINLY should be obvious to anyone, I would think.

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“I always regretted cancelling my exhibit in New York because I feel my First Amendment rights should override someone's hurt feelings,”

I'm sure the moozlims heartily agree with your sentiments regarding your First Amendment rights. Try them on for size, just for cheap grins. We're behind you, comrade!

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Any agitprop that depicts our dear leader in a favorable light is OK by me!

POTUS re-elected by an illiterate society?! ... mistake-0/
Don't tell me that the real Commies progged Dear Leader!

Comrade Princes Nookie,
I am but a humble prole from the Peoples cold blue state of Minnesota, and yes, community college students must endure the most progressive re-education imaginable. This excerpt from a local community college illustrates that no course, however innocent, escapes Progress. This is from a sign language course;

E. Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goal Area(s) and Competencies
Goal 08 - Global Perspective
1. Demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.
2. Analyze specific international problems, illustrating the cultural, economic, and political differences that affect their solution.
3. Understand the role of a world citizen and the responsibility world citizens share for their common global future.

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Comrades, I am very disappointed in this voting apparatus. I was trying to vote multiple times in order to make sure Dear Reader was cast in most favorable light. However it appears capitalist conspiracy has prohibited me from insuring desirable and most equal outcome.

Please add another 15 votes for "One/all the above defines my inner feelings." So that all may see it is okay to publikly express love for Dear Reader and know he is the embodiment of all happy thoughts.

I would so wear that crown of thorns to ease Dear Leader of his suffering for us.

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Dear Leader hasn't refuted this representation of himself.
Why should he ?
After all, he knows it's true.

Next exhibit : " Jay Carney depicted as John the Baptist ".

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...featuring Sandra Fluke as the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Who is responsible for fouling this image with a kapitalist flag pin on Dear Leader's lapel?

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This image is truly glorious. The comparisons are numerous, with the possible exception that Jesus could assemble a functioning CABINET.

"Sandra Fluke as the Virgin Mary?" what about Sister JLo?Image

The rigging of these elections such that the Baby Seal Mo always lose is nothing less than SPECISM!

When we drive the People's Truck until we run out of the People's Gas and have no new victim groups to agitate for change we shall liberate the Animal Kingdom!

Lactating Baby Seal Mom's of the World Unite!

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I.M. Craptek wrote:
Comrade Craptek, I wish to complement you on promoting this work of people's art. Is this Obama in Pee-Pee? We must maintain the people's edginess in excremental art.

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I am both touched and honored, Comrade Comrade, by your most generous praise comment. The art work is, indeed, the remarkable "Obama in Pee-Pee". (PBUH) Even the lowest and most depraved Enemies of the People will someday recognize its shambolic value For The Children and our Glorious Revolution! You, Sir, are ahead of your time!