
Lovers Unite-U Have Nothing to Lose but Your Clothes!

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Recently, brave* men and women have stood, lain down and embraced their sexual idiosincracies and those of others.

First basketball legend (he played 6 games out of this season's 82!!) Jason Collins announced he is gay, and our Dear Leader wisely made calling him to congratulate him a high priority FOR his bravery in this regard. Because of course no one else in America acknowledges being gay in public.

Then, sex literature pioneer, Larry Flynt, announced his support for Mark Sanford, citing the bravery of Sanford's "embracing his mistress" and putting a public face on the very normal and healthy action of sexual infidelity (or perhaps "sexual adventure-seeking" might be a better term for this.

And our own R.O.C.K. recently reminded us of the bravery of Anthony Weiner last year, when he, without shame, twittered a picture of his greatest gift to womankind.

The Ministry of Love salutes these pioneers, and reminds all of the People of the Cube to avoid prudism and selfishness, and share your sexual gifts with someone or something today!


* What constitutes bravery? Being in the paper or on TV, telling the most intimate details of your sexual life.

Conservatives will tell you that spending 36 hours in a foxhole defending your fellow soldiers against some well-meaning terrorists that really just want to live in peace (and bomb others far away) is bravery, but it's not. It's just silly.

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Comrade Kelly you have inspired me to break the chains of shame and be brave! Therefore I am going to announce to you and my fellow Cubist, right here, on the world wide web, that I, Captain Commie, a lesbian trapped in a mans body. I feel so brave for finally "coming out". It's like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.

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if... if... Capt. Commie is willing to admit it, then I, too - R.O.C.K. in the USSA - will join in the admissions! FOR THE PEOPLE! And the PARTY!!


Comrades - comrades -

Wait. Where was I?

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Capt. Commie wrote:It's like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.

Dear Comrade Captain;

I'm afraid I must ask you the following obtrusive necessary questions in re: your so-called "coming out":

  1. Did you have your local Kommissar's permission to remove this weight from your shoulders?
  2. Did you check with the Bureau of Gender Reassignment to see if the current Five-Year Plan's©®™ quota of male lesbians hadn't already been filled?
  3. Did you receive any finding from the Central Committee on Token Minority Affairs as to the desirability of creating a new category of officially oppressed minority?
  4. Did you submit form 926/RSB—in triplicate—to Gossnab to requisition a soapbox for your brave announcement?
  5. Did you submit form 89-K/BSH—again, in triplicate—to Gossnab to allow the local shovel factory, labor camp re-education center and beet-farm collectives to shut down for the day in order that their slave-laborers workers could be properly inspired by listening to your speech live in the town square, instead of in a later propaganda radio broadcast?

Fellow People of the Cube, I demand this man be arrested unless and until he can provide sufficient documentary evidence to prove that he has filed all the proper paperwork necessary for one of The People©®™ to make such a corageous declaration. And for possibly impersonating a Red Army Officer.

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Comrade Captain, your bravery is worthy of The Collective.™ Of course, Lesbians-Trapped-In-Male-Bodies (of the LBGTLTIMB) will require unique symbology to show their equal membership in the oppressed and misunderstood masses so as to be included in all laws prohibiting unequal treatment (i.e., requiring special treatment) and/or inkorrect speech.


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Bravery: (noun)

1. Telling the most intimate details of your sexual life in the paper or on TV.
2. Being part of a large crowd attacking outnumbered political opponents.
3. ...

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Red Square wrote:Bravery: (noun)

1. Telling the most intimate details of your sexual life in the paper or on TV.
2. Being part of a large crowd attacking outnumbered political opponents.
3. ...

3. Living in your parents basement until they're old enough to force into a nursing home.
4. Fathering many, many children out of wedlock and refusing to support them.
5. Leaving the safety and comfort of your parents basement to attend an occupy rally.

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6. Shouting down a speaker with whom you disagree, especially on a college/university campus
7. Having a partial-birth abortion
8. Defecating on a police car whilst surrounded by other Occupiers
9. Telling a conservative that they're a big fat meanie face (with several of your friends next to you, preferably surrounding the big fat meanie face)

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Bravery is confronting your greatest fear...and surviving.

1984 rat cage.jpg

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This news story does not exactly describe the bravery of sharing sexual gifts with the world while driving... Wait, it does!

Woman caused crash while driving and shaving her bikini area for the boyfriend, as her ex-husband in the passenger seat was holding the wheel

KEY WEST: A woman shaving her bikini area while driving caused a car accident on Cudjoe Key, near Key West, according to a report in

Troopers told the reporter that 37-year-old Megan Mariah Barnes was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be properly groomed for the visit.

So during the drive, she decided to shave.

Her ex-husband, who was in the passenger's seat, took the wheel while she focused on other areas, according to the report.

The site also noted that Barnes was convicted of DUI and driving without a license the day before the crash.

The vehicle she was driving struck another car from behind, causing minor injuries to the occupants.

The report says she and her ex-husband drove another half-mile after the crash and switched seats, so it looked like he was driving.

But burns on his chest from the passenger-side airbag sank their story – since the site reports the driver's airbag wasn't deployed by the impact.

Let's hope she wasn't trying to shave it in the shape of a cross, that would disqualify her.

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How gross they are showing her bikini area in that picture!!!! Oh, that's ...her face?? Never mind.

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Kelly Ivanovna/келя ивановна wrote:How gross they are showing her bikini area in that picture!!!! Oh, that's ...her face?? Never mind.
Thanks for pointing that out. I was going to say she did a lousy job of shaving!

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Red Square wrote:Bravery: (noun)

1. Telling the most intimate details of your sexual life in the paper or on TV.
2. Being part of a large crowd attacking outnumbered political opponents.
3. ...


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BTW I was too much in awe to say so yesterday, but thanks Red Square for using my initial post for this thread on a truly magnificent poster! Mom will be so proud.

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Another piece of news about unwitting bravery from Australia:

And if you can't see the picture, here's the transcript:

Always wear underwear

Always wear your underwear in public - especially when working under a vehicle. From a local paper comes the story of a Brisbane couple who drove to their local Aldi, only to have the car break down in the car park. The man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while he fixed the car.

The wife returned later to see a small group of people near the car, and on closer inspection, saw a pair of hairy legs protruding from under the chassis.

Although the shorts worn were obvious, the lack of underpants turned his private parts into glaringly public ones. Unable to cope with the embarrassment, she dutifully stepped forward and quickly put her hand up the shorts to tuck everything away from view.
On regaining her feet, she looked across the bonnet and found herself staring at her husband who was idly watching.

The R.A.C.Q. mechanic, however, had to have three stitches in his forehead.