
Loyal Party Mayors' New Urban Renewal Campaign

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Comrades, I photographed this thing today, a mural from University of Central Florida, Orlando. That's right, question the capitalist system. Only the Secretary General is infallible.

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Pfft...we Khmer Rouge had the ultimate urban renewal program: We emptied urban centers and turned their former inhabitants into workers in our fields. They were so happy there. At least the ones we didn't shoot in the back of the head.

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I will pass that suggestion on to our benevolent rulers. That should put a dent in the 8 - 15% unemployment figures..

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Most interesting, John Frum. Would that the same Orlando that is home to one of the world's most profitable capitalistic enterprises employing over 55,000 people per year. Here is a photo of the capitalistic oppressors who run this most disturbing capitalist enterprise.


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I thought now again about Affirmative Action. Historic perspective.

In Yugoslavia, the Republic of Serbia was divided in three entities. The more strict Serbia (most of Republic of Serbia) and two autonomous regions. Apart that Yugoslavia had a constitution that still is the longest in Guinness World Records. It reminds me Obamacare.

Laws valid in small Serbia were approved by the whole Republic of Serbia parliamentarians. Laws valid for each of the autonomous regions were approved by only the parliament of the region. This created resentment in small Serbia, then the hyperbolic rise of the nationalism, that was the force that ultimately broke the nation and caused so many dead and refugees.

Now England is in the same position. Laws valid for England are voted by the English, Scottish and Welsh parliamentarians. Those valid in Scotland are approved only by Scottish parliament, same in Wales. Guess what. The English nationalism is marching full steam. Maybe this is what our betters want...

Now back in the USA. Through Affirmative Action (semantically a racist law) Democrats keep the racism issue forever in the forefront. People disfavored by Affirmative Action have legitimate reasons for resentment, and we all know who those people are. I for one have been discarded a couple of times because I fit no bill. This will cause the raise of some type of nationalism. Which is what the Democratic Party wants, in order to keep its gears moving, and to have what to chew. They will have whom to beat, and this generates more frustration, therefore more beatings.

I only hope that it won't go that way.