
Matt Damon: My Sh*t Don’t Stink!

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Comrade Damon loves Mother Earth. He opposes fracking, profit, oil, modern civilization, but most of all he opposes the USSA - the country most guilty of unleashing these evil and destructive forces on the most vulnerable people of Earth.

But Comrade Damon does like one thing - water. David Letterman also likes water. So when the two comrades got to talking the other night the subject of water was sure to come up. And, so it did:

PJ Media: “Letterman turned serious on the topic of fracking, making the ridiculous claim that “water is disappearing from the planet [because of fracking], we've poisoned and drained the great aquifers underneath the great plains.” Damon took the opportunity to tout his non-profit, which seeks “safe water and the dignity of a toilet for all, in our lifetime.” The hand-wringing commenced. Every 21 seconds, a child under the age of 5 dies because they lack access to clean water and sanitation.”

Damon fat.jpg

But a truly stunning revelation was yet to come. The audience gasped in amazement as Comrade Damon described a personal sacrifice, and what he later acknowledged as the crowning achievement of his stellar career:

“Earlier this year, I went on a toilet strike. I stopped going to the bathroom, and I did that for about six months to draw attention to the fact that two and half billion people lack access to adequate sanitation. Actually, more people have cell phones than have access to a toilet.”

I, your humble reporter, am not ashamed to admit it - I was moved by Comrade Damon's demonstration - his humble dedication to a worthy cause. And so, today I call on all loyal friends of Earth to join us in what shall henceforth be known as “The Movement to End Movements” till all people and nations of the world are empowered to flush as one. Hail Obama!

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Now come on comrades, just here among us collective chickens, we already know that Damon's full of shit, right?. He's a useful (if slightly dull) tool in the media toolshed, but let's not make the internal mistake of taking anything he says seriously.

He doesn't use the bathroom; ergo, still in red diapers.

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There is nothing sexier than two marionettes going at it!

You're gonna have to watch this till you find it because I was not allowed to post that part, or any part as a video.

Have fun, Comrades!

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A reporter noticed a "celeb" being a hypocrite. Shocking.