
Mean Media Girls Attack Palin

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BREITBART: New York Times Barbie strikes again

They are what my wife calls "pad throwers," an allusion to the shower room scene in the Stephen King film "Carrie," in which the popular girls throw sanitary napkins and tampons at the film's namesake.

Simply put, they are bullies. And female bullies - "Mean Girls" as Miss Fey's film calls them - are the cruelest kind.


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So many "mean" and 'hate" and "bully" and "coward" people in the childish world of this Tuesday today. These words sound so familiar, as if I read them in a post-modern text many moons ago, but no, that was a dream...

And so to the world of this Tuesday, let us rejoice; in "mean", "hate", "bullies" and "cowards"....

Like we're 16 again.

Now that's progressive.

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This prole urgently suggests that you get your eyes examined immediately, preferably by someone outside the Obamacare System!!

You have inadvertantly made the above skanky split-tails: Dowd, Couric and Fey far too attractive! Dowd alone has the face that would make a train take a dirt road.....

The picture also lacks accuracy as Couric does not have her knee pads on that she has to use daily while she is working over Sean McManus' middle member just to keep her day job.

Most everyone is suffering from "Tina Feytigue." This boring low rent actress' face is not quite right as Alec Baldwin's balls are not resting on her chin....

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I hate Sarah Palin, too.

I want to get Sarah Palin, too. I want to strike her down like a bowling pin. She is a freakazoid. What is it about these conservative women? Sarah Palin has this blank pretty look. What a dip. She's a dipazoid. Maureen Dowd is much smarter than Sarah Palin. And Katie Couric is my hero. She brought Sarah down. She asked Sarah what magazines Sarah read to keep herself informed, and Sarah had such a dippy answer.

Mr. Ed says:

Hey, Leninka, you dufus, Sarah Palin doesn't have to read magazines to keep herself well informed. Have you ever heard of the internet? You can get more information off of Twitter than any newscast.

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We were once at dire peril over being a heart attack away from a Palin Presidency. That was a bad thing.

Now we're just one cancer stick away from a Biden Presidency. Is that a good thing?

And he's just one hair plug infection (or backstabbing) away from a Pelosi Presidency. Now that's a good thing. Why, even Devo and gentleperson David Letterman knew it back in 1982! The lyric "Everyone is just like you, it's true; everybody wants a good thing, too" sounds like an ancestor of "We're the ones we're wanking waiting for."

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I also love this quote from the thread header article:

Misses Dowd, Couric and Fey - Obama's Angels (featuring Joy Behar in the role of "Bosley")

but would amend to:

Misses Dowd, Couric and Fey - Obama's Angels Succubi