
Never To Be Fearing: Comrade Dennis Rodman Is Forging Peace!

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I am here to assure you that dear Leader has all under control, as he pursues his 'leading from behind'.

He has sent Comrade Rodman to our North Korean alley, Kim Juno Illy... Juno Uno... Jong Do... Jong Uno??... *&^%$!!!.... whoever.

So, as North Korean leader takes to the sea fairing vessels to mount attack on deserving Amerika, Comrade Rod "the man", will be making sure, correct other deserving enemy in the South of North Korea is attacked first. Thus and so, dear Leader Obama will remain Grand Poobah Leader of USSA!

Let us have a support of "hippy hippy horray's" for leader in 2nd command, Gen. Rodman!

rodman korea1 pp.jpg

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Comrade Fraulein, I am confusilated. Once our glorious peace is forged, what if our North Korean allies won't turn in their guns like the American sheep citizens subjects are going to?

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I am afraid you are over thinking your thinking, comrade R.O.C.K. and suggest to take the Low Info Voter approach of not thinking at all. Wait until any named media Democrat tells you of what to be thinking, then, think on that. Waalaaaa -- problem solved.