
'No One Should Live Below A Certain Income Level'

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Monday, February 21, 2011
By Susan Jones

( - The United Nations, which marked a "World Day of Social Justice" on Sunday, Feb. 20, is calling for a "new era" in which all the people of the world have access to basic services and "decently" paying jobs.

According to the U.N., 80 percent of the world's people lack “adequate social protection.”

To eliminate the problem, the U.N. is trying to establish what it calls a global "social protection floor." Such a “floor” would guarantee food security, health services for all, and old-age pensions for the 80 percent of the world's people believed to lack such protections.

In his message urging “social justice for all,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “No one should live below a certain income level, and everyone should have access to essential public services such as water and sanitation, health and education.”


No more toiling in the beet fields! Much will be given to all! Social Justice at last! We will all have a Social Protection floor!

(Prog off)

Will this "Social Protection" be some new color of Trojan?

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When will people realize that we need a law guaranteeing our right to have stuff.

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The UN has done so much to perpetuate poverty through fraud, abuse, and waste.

Have a problem, give it to the UN and it will never be solved in the next 100 years, despite the [wasting] spending of Billions on your problem.

"If there is a solution we may never find it, blindfolded as we are."

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"According to the U.N., 80 percent of the world's people lack “adequate social protection."

Is it just me are these 80 percentiles living under dictators, rulers, kings and authoritarians? It might become clear that what these 80 percenters need is a glorious socialist... capitalist like our dear benevolent leader, who is always speaking words of unity and civility, when demanded...called for.

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What ever "floor" is deemed adequate we must demand more! Just enough is never enough.

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Sweet! Could tomorrow be the much bally-hooed "World of Next Tuesday"?! Ban-Ki Moon has proved himself to be a true friend of the People. I look forward to the day when everything I want will be provided for FREE , and everyone will earn the same amount of money: trash collectors, fast food workers, doctors, lawyers...everyone will be equal at last! Except party members...they will be more equal than the toiling masses.

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Comrade Scratchanitch, how could you say NO MORE TOILING IN THE BEET FIELDS!!!!! How can the Party Elite have their Beet Vodka without such glorious toiling? No, EVERYBODY MUST TOIL IN THE FIELDS. Then because they are paid the same, they will be above this level you speak of.

Can we choose how much of these services a prole uses? Can we give all this for, say 30 years? Then guilt them to death for living so long? That would solve the pension problem!

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Rock Tsar wrote:Comrade Scratchanitch, how could you say NO MORE TOILING IN THE BEET FIELDS!!!!! How can the Party Elite have their Beet Vodka without such glorious toiling? No, EVERYBODY MUST TOIL IN THE FIELDS. Then because they are paid the same, they will be above this level you speak of.

Can we choose how much of these services a prole uses? Can we give all this for, say 30 years? Then guilt them to death for living so long? That would solve the pension problem!

Noooo. The UN knows better. NOBODY is going to have to work anymore. The UN Rainbow Farting Unicorn is the source of everything.

(prog off)

Or perhaps U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is just blowing stupid statements out his ass.

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Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:
Noooo. The UN knows better. NOBODY is going to have to work anymore. The UN Rainbow Farting Unicorn is the source of everything.

Comrade, how are we to have a Workers Paradise ™ if we don't have and workers? This "no work" thing is more like an evil rich paradise where the entire world exploits this poor rainbow farting unicorn, much like the evil rich exploit us now, except the rich pay us.

And seriously, what else does a U.N. Secretary General have to do? He can't line his pockets with Oil for Food like Kofi Annan.

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Rock Tsar wrote:Comrade Scratchanitch, how could you say NO MORE TOILING IN THE BEET FIELDS!!!!! How can the Party Elite have their Beet Vodka without such glorious toiling? No, EVERYBODY MUST TOIL IN THE FIELDS. Then because they are paid the same, they will be above this level you speak of.

Can we choose how much of these services a prole uses? Can we give all this for, say 30 years? Then guilt them to death for living so long? That would solve the pension problem!

Comrade Rock Tsar,

I have been watching you for the brief time you've been on conditional release from the re-education camps.

I must say, while you were deemed unworthy of serving the motherland for the good of the people via the army, I'm afraid your time as an intern for the propaganda wing and a shot a Comrade Olbermann's cherry prime time slot on MSNBC is in jeopardy.

You can prance around with your self appointed titles all you want, but by your false accusations about the party elite consuming the peoples vodka is troubling to say the least. I'm expecting you soon to be busting on his O'liness' Queen for eating short ribs in Vail instead of teaching young Sasha about the importance of teamwork as learned through sports by skipping the skiing and sticking to the round ball.

Consider this a friendly warning as I have not even bared my claws, yet. I do hold out hope that you will see the errors of your ways. If not, you'll be seeing renewed callous growth on your newly frost bitten hands.

oooo, I feel the need to shred the new Laz-i-boy in Roosters rec room. Ta!

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Comrades, you know I'm not one to post long screeds, I sympathize with those who suffer from ADD. However this analysis is so brilliant and on topic for this thread I can't resist...

The “New-Baseline” Strategy

With the angry uprising of pampered teachers in Wisconsin, the long-awaited Marxist revolution in the U.S. may finally be underway. It's been clear for decades that a forced ending to America's experiment with soft socialism would almost certainly trigger such a revolution.

Soft socialism was destined to fail from the outset, because it is the nature of life that a little bit of something bad tends to expand into a lot of something bad. That reality, however, has for decades been masked by the progressive's best friend — gradualism.

The average American had no idea that he was slowly being boiled alive, because soft socialism made it possible for him to buy a house he couldn't afford, go on vacations he couldn't afford, and fill his life with hi-tech toys he couldn't afford. This comfy lifestyle made him oblivious to the realities of life.

While there was no official beginning to the era of soft socialism in the U.S., there's no question that FDR's ascent to the presidency and the implementation of his New Deal was a major step in that direction. The centerpiece of FDR's New Deal was the 1935 Social Security Act, which defied the Constitution by implying it was the government's duty to fulfill the needs and desires of individual citizens.

It was billed as a modest program that would help a relatively small number of elderly people who were truly in need. Through the magic of gradualism, however, once the initial funding for Social Security was established as a baseline, a new baseline emerged each year to grow it into the monster redistribution-of-wealth program it has become.

Then, in the sixties, along came Lyndon Johnson with his vote-buying Great Society that destroyed the black community and, with it, the black family. Once baselines were established for hundreds of Great Society programs, Democrats and Republicans rarely spoke about cutting the budget, and anyone who suggested such a far-out idea was viewed as an extremist.

Instead, the debate has always been about restraining the growth of the budget beyond each year's new baseline. This clever “new-baseline” strategy is the key to progressivism: Get a bill passed (e.g., healthcare), establish a baseline, then, in the future, debate is restricted to what the percentage of increase should be each year for that particular bill. And an integral part of the new-baseline strategy is to vilify opponents of increased spending as cruel and calloused, a psychological ploy progressives have been using since our experiment in soft socialism began.

Long term, however, soft socialism doesn't work. That's because socialism, as both Marx and Lenin made clear, is merely a transitional stage on the way to communism. A little bit of socialism, because it appeals to the avaricious instincts in people, only whets their appetites for more. It is the nature of wealth redistribution to slowly bring down capitalism, which is why soft socialism eventually evolves into hard socialism — and, from there, communism.

Socialism destroys capital resources. And when the money runs out, a nation ends up with angry, spoiled adults — such as those protesting in Wisconsin — who have been happy recipients of years of artificial prosperity. Panicked and enraged, they boldly demand that their neighbors continue to support them in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. They have no interest whatsoever in hearing about economic reality.

To the progressive, of course, the solution is simple: Tax the rich! But, as every idiot knows, taxing the rich is a dead end. Even if you imposed a 100 percent tax on everyone making over $1 million a year, it wouldn't make a dent in the problem — and, in fact, it would make things worse because it would eliminate the motivation of producers to work.

Borrowing? That eventually becomes impossible once prospective lenders realize their loans can never be repaid — or will be repaid in worthless paper currency. Nor can the government indefinitely rely on its printing presses, as that ultimately leads to runaway inflation.

Which brings us to Barack Obama, to whom every liberty-loving American should be eternally grateful. He is such a committed Marxist that once he made it to the White House, he shed his stealth mask and started bombarding Americans with so many wealth-redistribution programs that it awakened millions of voters.

As a result, in the historic 2010 elections, the House was overwhelmingly taken over by Republicans — led by non-political types who came out of the tea-party movement. Finally, after decades of one-party rule (Demopublicans), conservatives and libertarians started attacking the new-baseline strategy.

This attack has caused Obama to increasingly resemble a beast trapped in a tangled net. He is thrashing about wildly in an attempt to free himself, while giving words of encouragement to radical union members throughout the U.S. — as well as to “democracy” protestors in Egypt and other Arab countries.

Hoping to lure Republicans into a trap, BHO went to the well again and tried to employ the always reliable new-baseline strategy by proudly announcing his plan to freeze spending at the current level for five years — which would guarantee America's bankruptcy! It worked better than he ever could have imagined. With a $1.7 trillion deficit as the baseline, Republicans finally proposed a timid $61 billion in spending cuts.

As a result, the Democrats got a twofer: They (1) can yell and scream about “uncompassionate” Republicans wanting to cut essential programs, while (2) having the satisfaction of knowing that only a token dent would be made in the new deficit baseline if they went along with the Republicans' proposal.

With springtime on the horizon, methinks it's time for the tea-party folks to take it to the next level and let Republicans know — much louder and more aggressively this time around — that they weren't kidding when they said wanted out-of-control government spending to come to an end.

If the deficit is $1.7 trillion, wouldn't a good starting point be to cut government spending by $1.7 trillion? Or is the idea of balancing the budget still just too extreme? ... -strategy/

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Comrade Reiuxcat,

I must apologize for not knowing the Current Truth ™ about the Party's alcohol consumption (being in front of the amplifiers while wearing the People's Green Biodegradable Earplugs can really destroy the hearing, but hey, it gets me the handicap spots). I shall pay much closer attention in the future. Am I still in the running for Olbermann's time? Am I? <cough, cough> I really must be getting back to my propagandizing duties.

Oh, and for your troubles Comrade,


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Rock Tsar wrote:Comrade Reiuxcat,

I must apologize for not knowing the Current Truth ™ about the Party's alcohol consumption (being in front of the amplifiers while wearing the People's Green Biodegradable Earplugs can really destroy the hearing, but hey, it gets me the handicap spots). I shall pay much closer attention in the future. Am I still in the running for Olbermann's time? Am I? <cough, cough> I really must be getting back to my propagandizing duties.

Oh, and for your troubles Comrade,


Nice likeness of his O'liness. We should discuss this further... offline of course. and find a nice potato vodka. The bubbly is so...bourgeois.