
Nonexistent Congressional District 9

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My pick for best picture.


Nonexistent Congressional District 9 is a dark comedy about an incompetent liberal progressive government that claims to have funneled $6.4 billion in stimulus money to 440 congressional districts, which creates or saves 30,000 jobs. Hi-jinks ensue when it is discovered that the districts don't exist.

Its a great movie although the concept is difficult to believe, America would never elect such idiots.

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Superkommissar Maksim,
The Districts do exist. They're all located in the extra 7 States that Dear Leader spoke about during his campaign.

OMO.................... I just had a revelation! 57 States............ Heinz 57 Ketchup?........... Kerry's wify poo, Teresa Heinz-Kerry?

Naaaaa, couldn't be a connection. Could it?

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Oooo Oooooo Oooooo... I saw this movie, I just know it! But funny I can't place when or where it was? Must have been on my recent visit to the planet BorgOn.

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Comrades, how could you doubt the words of the messiah. He visited all 57 states, Think of all he has done for you...He gave us...Uhhhh he brought resp......Nahh he did not do that.

He' not that....

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality INC
Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
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Since District 9 (nein?) is located in a suburb of Capetown South Afrika (just outside Detroit) I'm certain that newly minted Commissar Obamugbe can account for that portion of the stimulus money.

While he's at it perhaps he can also explain why the collective has failed to receive their share of the skim in a timely manner as is required of all Made Progs.

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"30,000 jobs created or saved"

And to think it only cost $1Trillion!