
Note to Obama: 'Free' means someone else is paying for it

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Today's Prog-Off Lesson: "Free stuff" actually means that someone else has to pay for it.

What other educational aids can we create with short lessons that our President needs to learn?
Based on an earlier People's Cube Tweet by General Secretary

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Hey Admiral, a "boat" goes underwater. A "ship that goes underwater" is called SUNK!

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No one has the right to take away the Rights of someone else.

As in: No one has the right to take away the rights of freedom of association and contract by forcing them to not be able to contract for the health insurance they choose and associate with the health providers they choose. No one has the right to force other people to pay for what they think other people's money should be spent on as in "spreading the wealth."

No one has the right to take away the rights of someone else. There is no such right.

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Comrade Treatment Center, this is exactly why the Left is so important in our democracy.

There IS such Left!