
Now Hiring: Ministry of Love (Miniluv)

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No, not THAT kind of love, Comrades. Yes, Her Equalness is in charge of comforting, but I have another duty based on years oftorturing psychiatric experience.

And I now hereby declare the opening of our own Ministry of Love, where the thoughtcriminal and political deviant will be treated in a manner conducive to their re-edukation rehabilitation and return as f...'d up functional members of the Kollektive ™. The new building assigned to Miniluv, in the Soviet District of Detroit in the Republik of Michigan, is, as you can see, of highly efficient design made with all recycled materials.

Each deluxe room will come complete with a picture of Dear Leader Obama, a comfortable slab bed, and a camera to record all actions of the patient to ensure proper behavior and treatment. Oh, and bars. The place has a comfortable recreation room, a salt mine garden to encourage robust exercise and activity, and to give the patients a sense that they are still contributing to the good of the Kollektive, even though they are locked up in a nuthouse temporarily protected from the cares of the world in a therapeutic environment.

The jewel of the Ministry, however, is located on the first level.

Room 101 is a state-of-the-art psychiatric interview setting, with a one way mirror, adjustable lighting (glaring or none), climate control, restraints, a pharmaceutical chest with all the latest anti-psychotic medication. Our intention is for Room 101 to house our new exposure therapy department.

GREAT, YOUR EQUALNESS!!! HOW DO I REFER A PATIENT TO THE MINISTRY OF LOVE? So glad you asked, Comrade. Any citizen can make a referral, and is encouraged to do so. The most telltale signs of psychiatric illness are 1) disagreeing with the principals of enlightened leftism and Marx and 2) believing one is perfectly sane while professing such beliefs. If you know someone who fits the above discription, you should, of course, denounce them. But in addition to this, keep in mind that these individuals are sick. They must be treated with disrespect and accusations patience and therapeutic kindness, which is what the Ministry represents. In general, a person can sign themselves in voluntarily for treatment. But we usually will trick themmake a decision to hospitalize them involuntary anyway, because it's easier for us, and because we're afraid they'll change their mind.

SOUNDS EXCITING YOUR EQUALNESS!!! CAN I JOIN YOU IN YOUR WORK AT THE MINISTRY OF LOVE? As a matter of fact, we are hiring new staff at this very minute. Due to the wisdom of Obama's economic policies, which include these new federal jobs, however, there is a lot of competition from people in Michigan. But go ahead and send submit your resume here, and fill out the attached application. I promise to immediately throw it awayperuse it carefully and file it for any future time that we need to replace burned out retired staff.

Application for Ministry of LoveCONTACT INFORMATION Name Street Address City ST ZIP Code phone Party Membership Number E-Mail Address AVAILABILITY During which hours are you available for work assignments? Weekday morningsWeekend mornings Weekday afternoonsWeekend afternoons Weekday eveningsWeekend evenings INTERESTS Tell us in which areas you are interested in working InterrogationDiagnosis of political deviantsRecreational activities (must have good marksmanship in order to ensure discipline among patients)Organization of Demonstrations of Appreciation for Party ActionsPatient management (once again, marksmanship is important here)Art therapyPropagandaMine management SPECIAL SKILLS OR QUALIFICATIONSSummarize special skills and qualifications you have acquired from employment, previous volunteer work, or through other activities, including hobbies or sports. Be sure to include any experience you have in mental health, mining, interrogation, mainstream media work (especially under Keith Olbermann or Michael Moore), lobbying for Fairness Doctrine and other enhancements of the Bill of Wrongs, and Exposure Therapy.
Last edited by Red Square on 7/26/2021, 10:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason for editing this post: Public school education in spelling

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So... who's paying for all this "socialist bliss"? And how does this affect the Children™? BTW, that used to be a lovely house at one time.

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Image Yanno, that reminds me of when I was being crucified by CPS for the behaviors of a criminally insane step-son in 1999.

He had been removed from our home in 1999 due to his strangling of his younger brothers and sisters (and he had been caught shoplifting and destroying public property about the 5th time).

The county put him in Juvie and he ended up in a Multi-Treatment Center. They had a kiddie jail to lock kids up in when they decided to go out of control. The door had the glass with the chicken wire embedded in it.

The day before a "home visit" they had put him on some dope that made him go absolutely NUTZ (Zoloft). He had been in the Kiddie Jail and decided to kick the glass out. He ended up with 35 stitches in his ankle.

SO, the day of the scheduled home visit, the CPS witches gave me all kinds of ass chewing for about 2 hours that I had BETTER NOT "abuse" him. We didn't even know about the stitches yet. So after their nasty formalities, they brought him in on crutches and quickly explained what had happened.

I just sat there, dumbstruck. I said "You mean you are sending this thug home with our babies after he was acting like this JUST YESTERDAY? (and his attitude was still terrible too).

They just shoved the threats against me all the harder, and refused to answer any questions.

I said "He was NEVER abused in my house but you are sending him home for a weekend all cut up like this?

IS MY NAME WINSTON? Am I living in 1984?"

The CPS people said they had no idea what I was babbling about.

I said "You mean to tell me you never read Orwell's 1984?"

They said they had never heard of it.

I said "That figures. It really does".

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Corporeal Whinny wrote:So... who's paying for all this "socialist bliss"? And how does this affect the Children™? BTW, that used to be a lovely house at one time.
Why, the rich Rethuglikkans, of course! It affects the children very positively, because those whose parents are in the Ministry of Love will be cared for at the Ministry of Rainbows and Butterflies. And the government does a much better job of raising kids than politically incorrect parents!

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Excellent work Princess Nookie. So many Comrades under-estimate the importance of psychiatric social work in furthering the Party's Goals. I refer to items 38 and 39 of our Goals as listed in the work by Cleon Skousen: "The Naked Communist" and entered in the Congressional Record in 1963 :

#38 Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
#39 Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

As for the Children, we have items 40 and 41:

#40 Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
#41 Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

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To aid in family breakdown children will be called units, removing them from any emotional attachments that may have been considered the building blocks of society. Parents are called big units, there are also sub units.
Power to the state, except where Jerry "flush" Brown is "governor". The state his mind is in is never known.

The Major says "Careful, Sir"!

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Excellent work Princess Nookie. So many Comrades under-estimate the importance of psychiatric social work in furthering the Party's Goals. I refer to items 38 and 39 of our Goals as listed in the work by Cleon Skousen: "The Naked Communist" and entered in the Congressional Record in 1963 :

#38 Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
#39 Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

As for the Children, we have items 40 and 41:

#40 Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
#41 Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
Image Not all this is satire of the things the left would like to do. Some of it, I see at work. Certainly cps has the ability to do search and seizure, if not arresting the parents.
And I think we take involuntary commitment too lightly (she said, right after completing a petition....this one was needed though! Honest!)

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I think one of the greatest therapies is dance. Here at the NC Kollective I make all the workers take a dance break at least twice a day. It works very well and makes the Kollective a very powerful Flash Mob. Dancing makes them happy and happy workers are productive.

Here's a great example:

See how happy they all are?

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Grigori E.R. wrote:I think one of the greatest therapies is dance. Here at the NC Kollective I make all the workers take a dance break at least twice a day. It works very well and makes the Kollective a very powerful Flash Mob. Dancing makes them happy and happy workers are productive.

See how happy they all are?

You are now hired as our occupational therapist, Grigori.
Last edited by Kelly Ivanovna/келя ивановна on 5/24/2011, 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: Just to be sure....