
Nuclear Peace Talks go to North Korea

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When you thought Dear Leader was finished with talks around nuclear weapons, he got North Korea back on the talking head table with more promises of dismantling more nuclear weapons.

The Dear Leader fully agrees with the Great Dear Haircut to dismantle USSA for a Dear Leader selfie. They signed an unconditional surrender of South Korea to put up peace talks. Now that this is over, Dear Leader can continue his war on US oil and Rethuggicans.


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I see they've finally decided on the shape of the table.

Next, our Dear Leader's State Department must determine the true meaning of special diplomatic words. For example; North Korea's offer to suspend nuclear tests was labeled "an implicit threat" and "unacceptable", and therefore "an opening to be considered".

When North Korea said it was willing to suspend nuclear tests if the United States and South Korea canceled annual military drills, the State Department turned down the offer, calling it “an implicit threat.” The immediate response surprised proponents of engagement, who say the offer, although unacceptable, represented an opening from North Korea that should have been considered.
On a positive note, and proving once again that all comrades have been deemed equal, Ri Yong Ho, North Korea's vice foreign minister and lead nuclear negotiator, was confined to his hovel for 21 days after leaving the country.

Another big hurdle: North Korea still has strict quarantine rules in place following last year's Ebola outbreak in West Africa. All people who have traveled outside the country — including, apparently, Ri, after his return from Singapore — are required to stay at home for 21 days.
Progress often takes much time and effort - so buck-up comrades and grab your shovels! There's more work to be done!

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Captain Craptek wrote:I see they've finally decided on the shape of the table.

Oooh, Ping-Pong diplomacy again! What fun! Strange-looking net, though....