
Obama as Reagan: The Trashing of an American President

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Our media is simply sending the wrong message with this kind of carefully manufactured yet entirely silly and misleading narrative -- this absurd narrative that President Obama, in all his might and majesty, is a mirror of Ronald Reagan during the beginning of what would become the most disastrous presidency in American history. Some unheard of idiot named Z. Byron Wolf for ABC News erroneously notes:

Unheard of corporate media hack Z. Byron Wolf of ABC News

"President Obama's steep decline in popularity since taking office should be distressing for Democrats, but at least from a historical standpoint -- and if past is precedent -- he can be compared to one looming American political figure: Ronald Reagan.

It is a comparison sure to send conservatives, many of whom idolize Reagan and abhor Obama's policies, running for the hills. It will likewise unsettle a good number of Democrats still frustrated by Reagan's policies. But placed together on a graph the two men's approval ratings snake and jut downwards like a helix, from almost identical starting points, with approval in the high 60s, down to about 50 percent in the first year and a half. (Spoiler Alert: Reagan's popularity continued down to a low of 42 percent and Republicans lost 26 seats in the House of Representatives after two years of the Reagan presidency." ... 137473.ece

This idiot needs to go back to his job in the mailroom. First and foremost I want to make it perfectly clear that comparing Obama to Ronald Reagan stinks of desperation on the part of Republicans in particular and the corporate-controlled news media in general. Personally I count myself as being one of the experts here at the People's Cube on all things Ronald Reagan given that I was born in '86. I guess you could call me a resident scholar of sorts who saw and lived through the raw carnage that was unleashed with Reagan's ruinous policy prescriptions.

With that said, let me remind you all that the Reagan presidency gave way to American children having to survive on dead squirrel meat; single-mothers having to fight to the death for meager scraps to subsist on; and, most shockingly, Nancy Reagan caught manning a bulldozer that plowed the homeless into mass graves sites just outside the White House gates.

Yes, I know my 80s history -- I saw it, lived it, and read about it in school. To suggest that there are some parallels between these two presidencies is absolutely absurd and disparaging to the man who would become the first African-American president. If anything this article hints of blatant racism and I am surprised this hatchet job wasn't concocted by Fox News, Limbaugh, or some other racist outfit. Let us get the facts straight, Mr. Wolf.

First and foremost, Ronald Reagan inherited a booming economy from the Carter administration that was quickly squandered away the moment it was announced to the world the Reagan stole the 1980 election. A stolen election, mind you, that was paid for in full by Contra blood-money and orchestrated by Diebold, Haliburton, and Colonel Oliver North via the Department of Defense. Secondly, Ronald Reagan sky-rocketed deficits. Yes, I said Ronald Reagan and I said deficits. Enough said.

Friends, the economy was so bad in the 1980s that the military -- under the control of Colonel Oliver North -- sought to rig the 1984 election out of fear that Americans would choose Mikhail Gorbachev to lead them into a prosperous tomorrow. How could we forget that bit of history, the military coup, that gave Reagan a second term? Are we really going to sit here and compare the Obama presidency to that of a tin-horn dictator that given a second term by way of military interference? I should hope not.

If it isn't the corporate-controlled media straying off the reservation, it most certainly is ultra-conservative blogger and hater extraordinaire, Andrew Sullivan, dissing the president by comparing him to Reagan:Andrew Sullivan, of no party or clique (except a racist one)

"The analogy that worries Republicans the most is a more recent one. Could Obama be a potential liberal version of Ronald Reagan? Could he do for the Democrats what Reagan did for the Republicans a quarter century ago?

It's increasingly possible. Reagan was the cutting edge of the last realignment in American politics. With a good-natured, civil appeal to Democrats who felt abandoned by their own party under Jimmy Carter, Reagan revolutionised the reach of his own party." ... 137473.ece

My JournoLister friends and I agree that Andrew Sullivan is a poor man's Charles Blow -- you know, a non-important political hack only good at spouting the party-line for the few morons unfortunate enough to read such drivel (I count myself as not being a moron, but instead a hapless victim to Sullivan's dirty snares.) If anything, Andrew should stick to exporting racist British imperialism and greedy corporate oil spills instead of his cheap hooker of an opinion on these high-brow and intellectual matters. Sullivan simply is not fit to stroke the keys on my keyboard -- not with such proclamations like the one above. Racism all around.

Friends, this kind of talk is dangerous and just continually sets up President Obama for failure -- and I am sure Sullivan, who I think is a closet racist now, wants Obama's administration to fail more than anything. Remember: Sullivan is a committed conservative, likes and has read Michael Oakeshott, and is therefore an ideological subversive committed to tearing down this noble and progressive presidency.

For the record then, let me allow myself to tell you who Obama does emulate. President Obama is like former President James E. Carter. Obama is the suave intellectual like Carter who would cozy up to the fire in a nice pale yellow cardigan and study complex policy prescriptions that would help save America from capitalist ruin.

President Obama to me is the noble soul who, like Carter, leads through example. Who could forget former President Carter installing solar panels on the West Wing or President Carter urging Americans to sacrifice more to help alleviate our social ills? Obama, just like Carter, calls for us to sacrifice and shows us that a Five Guys double cheeseburger is good for him while a plate of tofu and a wheat grass shake is good for us. Example as leadership. Sacrifice as national duty.

Yes, Obama is like Carter and not like Reagan. Thank goodness we have The People's Cube to cut through the corporate media lies, distortions, and blatant racism. Sullivan and ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf have a lot to learn yet before they can compare President Obama to the tyrant that was Ronald Wilson Reagan.

In closing, the comparison of President Obama to that jingoistic mouth-breather Reagan only damages us nationally, internationally, and before the eyes of the much more nobler peoples of the world. Be kind in your assessments, guys, and you just might get an invitation to the next Georgetown soiree. Actually, Sullivan creeps me out too much for an invite -- we'll just ask you to park the cars instead. Oh, and stop knocking JournoList, Andrew.

Meow S. Punchenko is a contributor for The People's Cube and author of Conscience of a Scheming Progressive Money Whore: How I Take Shit from Other People and am Celebrated for It (now in its fifth edition and in paperback).

Mr. Punchenko also sits on the boards of The Parade of Victims Foundation and the Androgynous-Americans Alliance for Allied Agitation and Awareness (AAAAA). It was also disclosed this week that he is an obnoxiously self-important member of JournoList.

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Comrade Most Equal Meow, there is no FAIL in our progressive world! You have distributed and formatted a glorious essay for The Collective! We cherish your words and thoughts with our vodka rations.

Hail Obama!

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You do realize that Jimmy Carter is by far the greatest president in U.S. history? Obama would do well to follow in Jimmy's footsteps and renew America's sense of shared sacrifice. I'm personally installing a low-flow crapper in one of my guest houses as apart of my shared sacrifice. Actually that is the only shared sacrifice I'm willing to partake in... Yeah, good for my shared sacrifice. I'm really doing my part for America. Yeah. I feel good about myself. Hmm.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko said;
"[highlight=#ffff99]I'm personally installing a low-flow crapper in one of my guest houses as apart of my shared sacrifice.[/highlight]"

I wish I had a crapper to install a low-flow device in. Thanks to 8 years of the monster Reagan and then 8 years of the Capitalist Cowboy Bush, yours truly lives under the harshest conditions possible. I know I'm preaching to the Choir here, but it's so true. We the Party elite have and still suffer for our dedication to the Party, Social Justice and of course the Children. Praise be to the Obama that conditions have been slightly improving and.............

Hold on, I'm receiving an image from Laika Space Dog. I asked him to take a satellite image of my humble abode.


What the!!!!!!!! Wait till I get my hands on him!

Well, er, ah, there seems to be a problem with communication here........Yes, that's it, Laika sent me the image of some evil Capitalist's Mansion. Disgusting is it not?

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Low flow crapper?! WHERE DO YOU GET SUCH EXPENSIVE TRINKETS? We have an outdoor house and dirt and are grateful, but I digress.....

What could dear Leader ever have in common with this cutting taxation Reagan? Reagan was not part of the smart intellectuals who raised taxes on the rich. He made unfunded tax cuts, which Obamoa would not do. This is all washing hogs!

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Comrades I'm shocked. Some of us like Reiuxcat don't even have dirt let alone an outside house. He has to crap in a box full of fake dirt. I myself live in an outhouse and have to go outside behind a bush and consider myself lucky for that. I'm so damn poor I can't even afford shoes. I just lace up my toes and paint my feet brown.

(I'm starting to think we need to do some redistributing right here in the Collective)

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The Politburo is beginning suspect that Chairman Meow has been getting visits by Pupovich's Nano-Rabbits, being unfaithful to the Obamamessiah in favor of our most humble and beloved peanut farmer just smells of nano-rabbits. This could explain numerous People's Communiques as of late. Hmmm... this Mystery of The Low Flow Crapper is getting interesting indeed... has General Mousey Tounge stayed in The Chairmans guest house as of late? Is The Low Flow Crapper really code for The Marshal's conspired disappearance? What did The General and The Chairman do recently on their state visit to China? Why are our friends in N. Korea suddenly getting all nuclear?

Comrades, the rabbits, no... No.... NOOOO... NOT THE RABBITS!


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This is the worse case of inbreeding of rabbits have seen. Someone needs to dump that gene pool.

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I am shocked you left out the fact that Reagun was White, Republican, and White, and therefore was undoubtedly RAAAAACIIIIIST.

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(oops, there went breakfast. next time, a wanting please, dear Comarde Obamugabe )

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Revisionist history!!! All of it. Chairman M. S. Punchenko, I am this close to almost denouncing you. You said nothing of Ronald Reagan's CIA introducing crack cocaine to the highly susceptible African American populations to decrease their livespan and to provide reasons to incarcerate them. You said nothing of his CIA inventing the horrible HIV infections to decimate the homosexual. He denied ordering its creation and refused to fund its research causing an unabating pandemic on the homosexual that is well documented to be despised by Ronald Reagan. Furthermore I see no mention of his efforts to overthrow the valiant Sandinistas of Nicaragua and Daniel Ortega the hero of the revolution. And lastly, I see no mention of the capitalist pigs efforts to redistribute wealth. To give money back to the richest Americans and take from the poor hungry struggling proles. I could write more but I am angry. You should report for continued re-education classes immediately.

Repectfully submitted in Lenin's glorious name.