
Obama Re-Fires Up a Wavering Supporter

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Lance Swisher, professional college student and an avid 2008 Obama campaign supporter, admitted recently that he had started to lose his enthusiasm over the last year for the 2012 campaign. Lance stated, " Three years after Obama was elected I still hadn't received my free house, car or had my student loan tossed out by the Government, it was starting to be a little less than I was expecting " Lance went so far as to start thinking that he might actually have to go out and get a job, putting on hold his on going quest to complete his valuable and highly marketable Masters Degree in Transgendered Eskimo Lesbian Studies.

But for Lance, that all changed recently with President Obama's evolution and announcement of his support of same sex marriage. "The president, by taking an unequivocal stand on same sex marriage re-motivated me and also re-energizes many people who once again want to hear the passionate leader we all came to know in 2008," Lance said.

In the short time after President Obama changed his position on same sex marriage, scores of supporters just like Lance have pledged through social media that they will work for his re-election. People who, until they heard those words of his evolution, were "sitting it out" have declared that this is a game-changer for them.

President Obama has once again electrified Lance and his past supporters and has now even brought new supporters to the campaign. They are fired up and ready to go FORWARD in 2012.

Lance Swisher is Fired Up / Ready To Campaign Again For Obama

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Which is more disturbing? The fact that Lance posed for this photo, or the fact that you have this photo?

As stated at Joplin, or was it somewhere else, Dear Leader has our back (pocket).
Paying it forward should also re-fire up wavering support.............
Leading from behind by example, Dear Leader extolls graduates to Pay It Forward. And we know what he means when we see double agent President Flexibility carrying Soviet water by askng Israel to surrender back to pre-war boundaries that the USSR has wanted since 1956.
p 148 Skousen's "Fantastic Victory"

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I had expected more of the old line fire up; take out one hundred supporters.
Ask who would like to leave raise your hand. Everyone with a raised hand is brought to the front and executed on the spot. The shooter looks to the crowd and says: any who are not loyal gets the same punishment.
The whole group is now properly motivated and fired up!

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I had expected more of the old line fire up; take out one hundred supporters.
Ask who would like to leave raise your hand. Everyone with a raised hand is brought to the front and executed on the spot. The shooter looks to the crowd and says: any who are not loyal gets the same reward.
The whole group is now properly motivated and fired up/fired at!

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It appears Lance Swisher is also a unicorn, judging by the single horn on his head. I didn't realize they reproduced asexually. People's Science is wonderful.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Which is more disturbing? The fact that Lance posed for this photo, or the fact that you have this photo?


Comrade, just because you cannot pose as a unicorn such as Lance due to your lack of extremities is no reason to disparage the fact that this fine photo was in my possession after it being passed to me by the DNC.