
Obama Rides Unicorn Over Saturn

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Allah - won't you buy me a unicorn to ride
My friends all drive camels - please help me abide
Never worked in my lifetime, I'm superior and snide
So Allah - won't you buy me a unicorn to ride

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Another siting of the nefarious Unicorn King...


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If I could I'd put O on this unicorn, but I'm no artist.
unicorn of death.jpg

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Comrade Red Rooster,

Those are some serious rainbow contrails on that unicorn that Dear Leader is riding.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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I find all of this troubling. While I can accept that Unicorns exist, it strains credibility to suggest that planets have rings around them.

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Red Rooster wrote:Obama Rides Unicorn Over Saturn

Every time Dear Leader messes with the time-space continuum the right wing nutjobs come slithering out of their caves. This time with a vicious attack on the Motherland. Without glorious peoples education - would AmeriKans be experiencing their Sputnik Moment right now? NO.

One third of Russians say Sun revolves round Earth:

A shaken spokeswoman for state pollster VsTIOM admitted on Friday that a survey of 1,600 across Russia confirmed the worst: 32 per cent of citizens reckon the Sun revolves around the Earth.

29 per cent confidently stated that the first humans, presumably clad like Raquel Welch in animal skin bikinis, battled the dinosaurs for control of the solar system's centre.

KKKonservatives - The truth shall set you free...


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It is heresy to consider that Lord Obowma is not everywhere at once. There is no reason that he cannot ride a unicorn over Saturn. After all, wasn't it Voltaire who pointed out the heresy in The Obama's Prayer?

"Our Socialist Father, who art in Washington," is technically speaking heretical, for Lord Obowma is everywhere, in every atom in the universe, simultaneously.

The White House is not big enough to contain him.

But there's a problem. Lord O is everywhere, omnipotent. But Michelle has his huevos in a vise. How can one person do that?

I've got it. She's Grendel's mother.

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I know a thing or two about huevos rancheros, but huevos in a vice? What a mess.

One third of Russians say Sun revolves round Earth

See! Why is it so hard for knuckle dragging wing nuts to accept facts?

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Shovel 4 U wrote:
Red Rooster wrote:Obama Rides Unicorn Over Saturn

Every time Dear Leader messes with the time-space continuum the right wing nutjobs come slithering out of their caves. This time with a vicious attack on the Motherland. Without glorious peoples education - would AmeriKans be experiencing their Sputnik Moment right now? NO.

One third of Russians say Sun revolves round Earth:

A shaken spokeswoman for state pollster VsTIOM admitted on Friday that a survey of 1,600 across Russia confirmed the worst: 32 per cent of citizens reckon the Sun revolves around the Earth.

29 per cent confidently stated that the first humans, presumably clad like Raquel Welch in animal skin bikinis, battled the dinosaurs for control of the solar system's centre.

* * *

I must rise to defend our Comrades in the Motherland duped by Western Disinformation.

We need to ask, "Just how did 29% of our Motherland Comrades come to believe that 'humans ... clad like Raquel Welch in animal skin bikinis battled dinosaurs for control of [Planet Earth]'?"

Careful research reveals the source for this disinformation-- Palintology:


We must counter this disinformation more effectively.

--SpyMaster Anna Chapman

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I personally see nothing wrong with a geocentric universe; I practice believing ten impossible things before breakfast every single day.

That's how I believe that saving $100B over ten years will completely overcome an extra $1T of debt every year.

See how easy it is?

Now I'm off for a touch-up at Jiffy-Lobo.

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Father Prog, of course you demonstrate that nothing is truly impossible. We might just be living in the wrong universe for it to work. We must all strive and struggle to advance to the Glorious Alternate Reality of Next Tuesday, where all impossible Progressive dreams come true.

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7.62, I like your style.

There's only one problem. If progressive dreams are possible, wouldn't people be, pardon, happy? I thought that progressivism was meant to spread the misery equally; a true progressive is happy to be miserable as long as others are miserable too; as long as the rich are punished; as long as the successful are inhibited.

So pay lip service to happiness, but please know that if people are happy, then they don't hate groaning under our yoke, and so we've done it wrong.

SOMEONE didn't gouge enough eyes.

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Red Rooster wrote:I know a thing or two about huevos rancheros, but huevos in a vice? What a mess.

One third of Russians say Sun revolves round Earth

See! Why is it so hard for knuckle dragging wing nuts to accept facts?

Doesn't seem that long ago that the People's Director told a rapt audience that in Soviet Russia, the schools taught 3 times more knowledge than in America.

(Sad how far the Motherland has slipped)

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:7.62, I like your style.

There's only one problem. If progressive dreams are possible, wouldn't people be, pardon, happy? I thought that progressivism was meant to spread the misery equally; a true progressive is happy to be miserable as long as others are miserable too; as long as the rich are punished; as long as the successful are inhibited.

So pay lip service to happiness, but please know that if people are happy, then they don't hate groaning under our yoke, and so we've done it wrong.

SOMEONE didn't gouge enough eyes.

I humbly beg to disagree and claim oppression for my opposing views.

Even if we achieve the impossible dreams in this reality by moving to a new reality, does it not stand that in that new reality there are even more impossible dreams that can only be achieved in another reality? While, yes I understand I am thinking and using logic and reason, I believe my Commissar Club Discount Card allows a certain amount of unpunished logic and reason during a particular time frame (which strangely enough I control).

So there is an impossible to achieve, never ending series of dreams that can only be had by chasing both the Glorious World and Glorious Alternate Reality of Next Tuesdays.

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You are both expressing the same goals via different means. Please do not forget the world of Next Tuesday is immanent world of Next Tuesday. It WILL happen as fast as we can make it happen.

Dear Leader is helping!

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Ya volt!

There he goes again, yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin...
Teachers Union protests against Budget Cuts. Take kids from class to protest with them.

Hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs, hearts and stop signs... what does it all mean?

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:Father Prog, of course you demonstrate that nothing is truly impossible. We might just be living in the wrong universe for it to work. We must all strive and struggle to advance to the Glorious Alternate Reality of Next Tuesday, where all impossible Progressive dreams come true.

Shhhhhhh - You speak of the CUBETRIX - The Glorious Alternate Reality of Next Tuesday Generator.

Copy of cubetrix.jpg

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Great thread. By the way anybody got a can opener I can borrow?


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7.62, your invocation of the Commissar Club Discount Card is ingenious but unfortunately misguided. I understand the idea of an alternate reality: Dear Nanski has been quite mad for some while, and as soon as I get as mad as I can to appreciate her fine wine of madness, she goes to another level.

It's not reason. It's not anti-reason. It's just, well, Nanski.

The problem with jumping from reality to reality is that it's recursive, and ever terminating recursion requires a halting condition. Call yourself all you want, but sometime you have to stop.

That's what's happening in Madison, WI right now. The alternate reality is being stopped. A terminating condition has been met. That's the problem with alternative realities.

So you can't just jump from one to the other.


By Lenin and Marx! What have I said? I'm a Made Prog and I know that there's no end to alternate realities, because reality shines out my ass.

Off to Jiffy-Lobo.

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The thought criminal Heinlein proposes that there are 10,314,424,798,490,535,546,171,949,056 alternative universes, clear proof that non progressives, while they recognize alternate universes seek to limit them and their uses. Much like that silly limiting document the so-called Constitution.

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My, the Commissar Father Prog is a dedicated Jiffy-Lobo recipient as of late. Could this just be kapitalist promotion of his most refined establishments?


Off To Jiffi-Lobo...

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RR, since I'm a made prog, I'm allowed to do well by doing good.

Since you're my favorite feathered comrade, I'll give you a 10% discount too.

If you bring in more comrades, I'll give you a fleet rate too.