
Obama to Create Five Year Plan for Iraq in 5 Years

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Dear Comrades,

The White Fortress has announced that it will be unveiling a new Five-Year Plan for dealing with matters in Iraq in five years.

Comrade Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama has announced that the next five years are needed to formulate a proper plan for the future of the region, taking into account the complexities of the Middle East and the needs of the Workers and Bedouins of Iraq.

According to Party officials, these types of plans generally require several month's worth of Presidential Golf, officially known as 'Goofball,' in order for Comrade Obama to clear his mind and restore his laser-like focus on the needs of the Proletariat. Goofball is hard work for our Glorious Leader, who will not rest until Socialism is fully implemented in the USSA.

Comrade John Kerry, Secretary of the Socialist State Department, has been dispatched to the Middle East to recruit advisors from the Muslim community. They will require several years of golf training before they will be able to meet with Comrade Obama in the new Situation Room, also known as the Fourth Hole at Bethesda Country Club.

Comrade Obama may delay the 2016 elections to give him enough time to complete his work, as well as perfect his Goofball backswing.

Comrade Obama will not rest until the Middle East has a new Five Year Plan! We await the glory of a half-decade struggle for a new 5-Year Plan!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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I can hardly wait, comrade. This should be as effective as his not resting until every American who wants a job has a job, though one must consider that the ISIS plan of reducing unemployment by reducing the work force is a little more ecomically viable. Of course, that plan would interfer with the booming EBT card industry and cause greater unemployment. There are always trade offs.

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Question, is 5 years before or after Next Tuesday?

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I think that depends on whether one is going forward or going backward, comrade.