
Obama Unveils New Sign Language System at Mandela Funeral

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Dear Comrades,

While presiding over the funeral of Comrade President Nelson Mandela, Comrade Party Chairman Barack Barackovich Obama introduced a new form of Sign Language, which will be used to unite all the Peoples of the World into a single communication system equally significant to all.

The secret to learning the Progressive Sign Language System is in the realization that the viewer brings his own meaning to the gestures, and that each signer uses her own feelings to determine the meaning of her gestures. The truth of what is being sent and what is being received is entirely subjective, thus allowing for greater freedom from possible conflict and misunderstanding. What the other person is communicating or receiving is not as important as how one feels.

Party official say this will also help State Security forces track down those with non-conformist and reactionary tendencies, since their communications will be subject to proper interpretation by Party members rather than some strained attempt at ‘objectivity.'

After being screened by South African security forces and our own Party's Secret Socialist Security agents, Progressive Sign Language courageously translated through several hours of speeches from notable Socialist leaders from throughout the world. In a salute to the translator's efforts, Comrade Obama also demonstrated his own sign language skills by bowing to and shaking the hand of Comrade President Raul Castro of the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Cuba.

The new Progressive Sign Language System is revolutionary, because it a complete break with the tyranny of traditional signing systems and introduces new gestures organized in a completely new grammatical system, derived largely from the text of the Affordable Healthcare Act, which some are comparing to the ‘Rosetta Stone' in terms of helping the world move into this new way of expressing truth. This new system transcends language barriers and will help usher in a new era of international equality for all hearing impaired world citizens.

Workers and peasants of the USSA embrace the Progressive Sign Language System! Language is subjective, and our feelings are what is most important!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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He was probably a suicide bomber that killed the real signer and took his place. Thank goodness he was trying so hard to look like he knew what he was doing that he forgot to detonate the bomb!

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Much like CurrentTruth™, CurrentSigns™ are relative AS NEEDED and can change without warning.


Oh. Wait. Maybe not.

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I knew when I saw this event that it had great significance for the glorious world of Next Tuesday and I knew that my beloved party would tell me what that was. it is good to know that the world is in such good hands and we proles can just enjoy our beet vodka in perfect contentment. Where it not for the vodka I might be tempted to think (shudder) that the world is going to hell in a hand cart at warp speed.

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Image Study the picture above carefully. In it we see two very clueless men who have no business being where they are. They could have traded places on the stage and no one would have been able to tell the difference. Not because of their color. That would be racist. Because neither have a clue about sign language or being President of the United States. AND, according to the signers excuse for his actions, he has mental issues. That's another thing he and Barry have in common.

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My understanding, from my in-depth research, reveals that V.P. Biden understood everything this deaf interpreter was saying. So, like, where is the problem?

Biden never revealed what the interpreter actually said. However, in the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, the next leader of the free world, "What difference does it make?"Another bogus straw man "argument." Jeesh! Give me a break!

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Prog Off.png


Those who can hear were blind to the signing,
Only the deaf could see it.
Eager believers are deaf to HIS lies,
But those who will listen can see it.
Some in the present can't see what is coming,
Yet books from the past have foreseen it.
A dark, deep truth is still lurking here somewhere,
If only I could but perceive it.