
Oleg Atbashian Speaks to King Street Patriots in Houston, TX

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OFF KARAKTER: In the spirit of shameless capitalist self-promotion, here's yet another video from my book tour - this time in Houston, Texas. Hey, it has to be posted somewhere! It's a slightly edited version of the original live podcast. Catherine Engelbrecht was a great host, and so was the audience of about two hundred King Street Patriots - a Tea Party group that invited me to speak and paid my air fare. They are the ones behind the True the Vote campaign that has now spread to other cities and states.

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The Teabaggers must have nabbed him from his Georgetown appointment. He survived captivity in Hippie Hollow. I was so thorough in my investigating he was released before I could take revenge on his captors.

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45 minutes is a long time to sneak a YouTube at work, but well worth it! Great interview, and I hope lots of books were sold. Keep spreading the message!

<on> this guy sounds like a Reich-wing Teabagger nutcase. I have a quota of voter registration cards to produce, and beets to harvest afterward. No time for video during a Revolucion...

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Glorios photo comrade kook! Red square defeats the Wall Street Bull market and makes way for the Peoples BEAR!

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Tovarichi wrote:Glorios photo comrade kook! Red square defeats the Wall Street Bull market and makes way for the Peoples BEAR!

You're quite right.

Progressives need a Peoples Bear to prevent a Bull Market and to battle Mama Grizzly.